
来源:互联网 发布:绿茶软件园php源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:28

This information about HOWTO setup DVB PCI Card for internet (tested with b2c2 chipset) using Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger and Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake.


  • Processor Clock 800 Mhz
  • HDD
  • Memory 256Mb
  • Ethernet Card
  • DVB PCI Card (i used b2c2 from technisat

Fresh New Server

We need fresh server from ubuntu, so we have to install ubuntu in server mode. For detail instructions howto install in server mode see

if you don't like to be root, choose sudo or fakeroot !

i like to be root

$ sudo passwd$ su

put Ubuntu Install CD back into CDROM drive

as root

apt-get install build-essential

DVB Packages

get the packages from

tar -zxvf linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1.tar.gz

make it simple

mv linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.1 linuxtv

i have made my own patch for better display.

patch and compile them all.

cd linuxtvpatch -p0 <linuxtv-dvb-apps-dvbnet.patchmake

if no error report copy all off them to /usr/local/bin

cp util/dvbnet/dvbnet /usr/local/bincp util/dvbtraffic/dvbtraffic /usr/local/bincp util/scan/scan /usr/local/bincp util/szap/szap /usr/local/bincp util/szap/femon /usr/local/bincp util/dvbdate/dvbdate /usr/local/bin


before we do some testing, we need this informations from satellite internet provider (DVB-S) :

  • Satellite band freq (c-band, ku-band)
  • Polarization
  • Frequency
  • Symbol rate
  • FEC
  • PID

my configurations is

  • Satellite Band freq = C-BAND
  • Frequency = 3680 Mhz
  • Polarization = Horizontal
  • Symbolrate = 26666 ksym/s
  • FEC = 3/4
  • PID = 4004

mkdir /root/.szapcd /root/.szap

Testing : dvbnet

what we need here is PID (from dvb internet provider). for example our pid is 4004 (decimal)

dvbnet -p 4004

now you can see your new adapter dvb0_0

ifconfig dvb0_0

if you didn't see correct MAC address

ifconfig dvb0_0 hw ether "$YOUR_MAC_ADDRESS" 

Testing : scan

we are ready to scan the transponder now i assume that satellite dish is on the right pointing

cd /root/.szapecho S 3680000 H 26666000 3/4 > sat.confscan -l c-band sat.conf

this will ok if no error message.

Testing : szap

this session will create our channels configuration (this is my configuration).

cd /root/.szapecho myprovidername:3680:h:0:26666:0:0:7 > channels.conf

we will tune it now !!

szap -l c-band -n 1 

if you see "FE_HAS_LOCK" ... dvb card is tuned fine !

CTRL+C to stop it !

make it run as daemon

start-stop-daemon --start -q -b -x /usr/loca/bin/szap -- -l c-band -n 1  

from now, you can only check it by using femon


Testing : dvbtraffic

testing data capability


you can also monitor internet packet at dvb0_0

tcpdump -i dvb0_0

you can also using iptraf

rc.d "init_dvb"

we will make it start automatic every times our pc is re-boot.

we need this script init_dvb or get it from

and put it on /etc/init.d

#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++## Nama file : init_dvb # Path      : /etc/init.d/# Applikasi : intenet dvb # Linux     : Debian# Homepage  : Author    : A. Ahdin# email     : note :# Create & Copy this to  /etc/init.d/ # execute  "update-rc.d init_dvb defaults"# #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++DEV_NAME=dvb0_0IP_ADDR= put your DVB PID here (from your ISP)PID=4004# Leave it blank MAC_ADDRESS if want to use default mac address# or modify it if you didn't see correct mac address  # MAC_ADDR=00:01:02:03:04:05MAC_ADDR= . /lib/lsb/init-functionschk=`$DVBNET -l | grep dvb0_0`hk=`ps ax | grep szap | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`load_szap () {   sleep 1   start-stop-daemon --start -q -b -x $SZAP -- -l c-band -n 1 -c /root/.szap/channels.conf}load_pid () {  $DVBNET -p $PID   RET=$?  sleep 1  if [ "$RET" -gt 0 ] ; then         log_end_msg $RET        echo   "   Error: Unable to create dvb0_0 ...!"        exit 1;  fi}unload_dvb () {        ifconfig dvb0_0 down        sleep 1        $DVBNET -d 0         sleep 1}case "$1" instart)         if [ -n "$chk" ] ; then                log_begin_msg "Re-starting dvb..."                unload_dvb                load_pid        fi        if [ -z "$chk" ] ; then                 log_begin_msg "Starting dvb..."                load_pid        fi        if [ -z "$MAC_ADDR" ]; then                ifconfig $DEV_NAME $IP_ADDR netmask $NETMASK broadcast $BROADCAST up        else                ifconfig $DEV_NAME $IP_ADDR netmask $NETMASK broadcast $BROADCAST hw ether $MAC_ADDR up        fi        if [ -n "$hk" ] ; then                kill "$hk"                load_szap        fi        if [ -z "$hk" ] ; then                load_szap        fi                log_end_msg $?;;stop) log_begin_msg "Stopping dvb..."   sleep 1        if [ -n "$chk" ] ; then                ifconfig dvb0_0 down                unload_dvb                sleep 1        else                 log_end_msg 1                echo  "   Error: no such interface dvb0_0 ...!"                exit 1        fi        if [ -n "$hk" ] ; then                kill "$hk"        fi                log_end_msg $?        ;;*)  log_success_msg "****************************** *"    log_success_msg "                               *"    log_success_msg "  Usage: init_dvb start|stop   *"    log_success_msg "                               *"    log_success_msg "****************************** *"  exit 1;;esac

make it stay on rc.d then reboot

update-rc.d init_dvb defaultsreboot

  • linux dvb application

  • patch & script

  • my dvb pci card

  • Installation tutorial

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