C语言 用顺序表实现电话本的功能

来源:互联网 发布:黑客盗号软件2016 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:14


  • 顺序表实现电话本的功能(C语言)
  • 电话本具有如下4个功能:


#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <windows.h>using namespace std;const int N = 1000+10;int n;struct Node{    char name[100];    char number[20];  };typedef struct {    struct Node* mylist;    int len;    int listsize;}sqlist;void Init(sqlist &s1);void Creat(sqlist &s1);void Delet(sqlist &s1);void Add(sqlist &s1);void Print(sqlist &s1);void color(const unsigned short  color1);int main(){    sqlist s1;    Init(s1);    color(10);    printf("\n\n\n\n        --------------- WSM's phonetxt-------------------\n\n");    printf("             |You could chose these ops:            |\n");    printf("             |   1.Creat the phonetxt               |\n");    printf("             |   2.Delet the member in the phonetxt |\n");    printf("             |   3.Add the member in the phonetxt   |\n");    printf("             |   4.Print the phonetxt               |\n");    color(14);    printf("\n\n\n\n     Now,you can enter an optiton:");    int op;    while(scanf("%d",&op)!=EOF)    {        if(op==1) Creat(s1);        else if(op==2) Delet(s1);        else if(op==3) Add(s1);        else if(op==4) Print(s1);        else         {            color(4);            printf("     You input is invalid,reinput please:)\n");            color(14);        }        printf("\n     Now,you can enter an optiton:");    }    return 0;}void Init(sqlist &s1){    s1.mylist = (Node *)malloc(100*sizeof(Node));    s1.len = 0;    s1.listsize = 100;    return;}void Creat(sqlist &s1){    s1.len = 0;    cout<<"     how many numbers do you want to built:";    scanf("%d",&n);    cout<<"     please input their informations:"<<endl;    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)    {         printf("       input the %d person name:",i);         scanf(" %s",s1.mylist[i-1].name);         printf("       input the %d person phonenumber:",i);         scanf(" %s",s1.mylist[i-1].number);         s1.len++;    }    color(9);    cout<<"     well done,the phonetxt has been created!!!"<<endl;    color(14);    return;}void Delet(sqlist &s1){    cout<<"     please enter the number you want to delet:";    heredelet:    int x;    scanf("%d",&x);    if( x<1 || x>s1.len)     {        color(4);        cout<<"     sorry,your input is invalid,please input again:";        color(14);    goto heredelet;    }    struct Node *p,*q;    p = &(s1.mylist[x-1]);    q = s1.mylist + s1.len -1;    for(++p;p<=q;++p) *(p-1) = *p;    --s1.len;    color(9);    cout<<"     well done,the member has been deleted!!!"<<endl;    color(14);    return;}void Add(sqlist &s1){    cout<<"     please enter the number you want to add:";    hereadd:    int x;    scanf("%d",&x);    if( x<1 || x>s1.len+1)     {        color(4);        cout<<"     sorry,your input is invalid,please input again:";        color(14);        goto hereadd;    }    struct Node cur;    printf("       input the person name:");    scanf(" %s",cur.name);    printf("       input the person phonenumber:");    scanf(" %s",cur.number);    struct Node *p,*q;    q = &(s1.mylist[x-1]);    for(p=&(s1.mylist[s1.len-1]);p>=q;--p) *(p+1) = *p;    *q = cur;    ++s1.len;    color(9);    cout<<"     well done,the member has been added!!!"<<endl;    color(14);    return;}void Print(sqlist &s1){    color(8);    printf("        Name------phonenumber\n");    struct Node *q = s1.mylist;    for(q;q<s1.mylist+s1.len;q++)    {        printf("           %s       %s\n",q->name,q->number);    }    color(14);    color(9);    cout<<"     well done,the phonetxt is above!!!"<<endl;    color(14);    return;}void color(const unsigned short color1){            if(color1>=0&&color1<=15)    SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), color1);    else    SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 7);    return;}
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