
来源:互联网 发布:美剧 蝎子网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 06:32

Which of the following is not an advantage of block media recovery (BMR)?

A. Reduced MTTR.( mean time to recover)
B. Datafiles remain offline while corrupt blocks are repaired.

C. Datafiles remain online while corrupt blocks are repaired.
D. A and C
Answer: B

下列哪项不是块介质恢复( BMR)的优势?


选项A是不正确的,因为降低恢复平均时间是块介质恢复的一个优势,选项C是不正确的,因为数据文件保持联机是块介质恢复的一个优势,因为A和C的优点, D也是不正确的,选项B是正确的选择,因为它不是块介质恢复的优势。Option A is incorrect because reduced MTTR is an advantage of BMR. Option C is incorrect because thedatafiles remaining online is an advantage of BMR. Since A and C are advantages, D is also incorrect.Option B is the correct choice because it is not an advantage of BMR. 

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