10003---Trail ~ New Extension

来源:互联网 发布:最优化主要内容包括 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/06 10:55

--Extension templates

yempty-->Skeleton for an extension with a core and web module

ycockpit-->Sample cockpit application

ycommercewebservices-->Provides a working example how a REST API can be exposed dependent on the hybris commercefacades

ybackoffice-->Template to generate a backoffice extension to start developing widgets

yaddon-->Base template for writing Accelerator AddOns.

  The hybris Accelerator is also dependent on extension templates. But for this you will need a different code generator calledmodulegen.

--New Extension: cuppytrail

Open the Ant view in Eclipse and invoke the platform's task extgen. This will ask you to

  1. Select yempty for the extension template
  2. Enter the name cuppytrail for the extension.
  3. Enter the package prefix de.hybris.platform.cuppytrail

Open the hybris administration console http://localhost:9001/platform/extensions in a web browser and log in as admin nimda. You will get an overview on the available extensions and, if the extension comes with a core extension module, an hmc extension module, a webmodule depicted by the webroot and a core + extension module. As you can see,cuppytrail contains a core module and a web module.



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