FreeRTOS 8.2.1在MSP430 上的低功耗实现

来源:互联网 发布:java如何不输出字符串 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 00:52


(本文原创,转载请注明出处RickLeaf CSDN




void vApplicationIdleHook( void ){/* Called on each iteration of the idle task.  In this case the idle taskjust enters a low power mode. */__bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE );}

__bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE );


__bic_SR_register_on_exit( SCG1 + SCG0 + OSCOFF + CPUOFF );

中断返回以后CPU才会退出LPM3模式,从__bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE );之后的指令开始往后执行。


#define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ    ( 25000000UL )#define configLFXT_CLOCK_HZ   ( 32768L )#define configTICK_RATE_HZ    ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 )


#pragma vector=configTICK_VECTOR__interrupt __raw void vTickISREntry( void ){extern void vPortTickISR( void );__bic_SR_register_on_exit( SCG1 + SCG0 + OSCOFF + CPUOFF );vPortTickISR();}


二、FreeRTOS Tickless低功耗模式在MSP430上的应用



功能总是以耗费资源为代价的,就像如果我们想得到FreeRTOS的runtime states,我们必须要有一个额外的timer,我们为了实现tickless也必须有个额外的timer。大家可以先去看看FreeRTOS的官方文档。


这时候我们配置要一个和FreeRTOS的ticker同样频率的timer, 并且希望这个tickless定制器在超时T时刻以后,唤醒并且让系统退出低功耗模式LPM3。然后我们停止系统ticker,系统就有T这么长的时间在LPM3中,等到tickless定时器唤醒并且退出LPM3以后,我们在重新启动ticker并且要把时间T的流逝告诉FreeRTOS,老大我们沉睡了1万年现在要到阿凡达了。



#define configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD0#define configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE                 1
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">#ifdef __ICC430__    extern void vApplicationSleep( uint32_t xExpectedIdleTime );#endif /* __ICCARM__ */#define portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP( xIdleTime ) vApplicationSleep( xIdleTime )

我们用timer0 a0作为系统的tickless时钟,用timer0 b0作为系统的ticker,因为EXP-MSP5438的板子timer0 a1是lcd的backlight pwm信号。下面是我的tickless,希望对大家有用,欢迎交流:

/* FreeRTOS includes. */#include "FreeRTOS.h"#include "task.h"/* Hardware includes. */#include "msp430.h"volatile unsigned long ulTicklessCount = 0;volatile unsigned long ulExpectedIdleTime = 0;volatile unsigned char TickLessEnable = 0;/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/void vConfigureTimerForTickless( void ){const unsigned short usACLK_Frequency_Hz = 32768;/* Ensure the timer is stopped. */TA0CTL = 0;/* Run the timer from the ACLK. */TA0CTL = TASSEL_1;/* Clear everything to start with. */TA0CTL |= TACLR;/* Set the compare match value according to the tick rate we want. */TA0CCR0 = usACLK_Frequency_Hz / configTICK_RATE_HZ;/* Enable the interrupts. */TA0CCTL0 = CCIE;/* Start up clean. */TA0CTL |= TACLR;/* Up mode. */TA0CTL |= MC_1;}/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/unsigned long ulGetExternalTime(void){   return ulTicklessCount;}/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/void vSetWakeTimeInterrupt(unsigned long xExpectedIdleTime){    ulExpectedIdleTime = xExpectedIdleTime;    ulTicklessCount = 0;    TickLessEnable = 1;}#pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR__interrupt void prvTIMER0_A0_ISR( void ){ulTicklessCount++;    if((ulTicklessCount >= ulExpectedIdleTime) && TickLessEnable )    {        __bic_SR_register_on_exit( SCG1 + SCG0 + OSCOFF + CPUOFF );        TickLessEnable = 0;    }}void vApplicationSleep( TickType_t xExpectedIdleTime ){    unsigned long ulLowPowerTimeAfterSleep;    eSleepModeStatus eSleepStatus;    /* Read the current time from a time source that will remain operational    while the microcontroller is in a low power state. */    //ulLowPowerTimeBeforeSleep = ulGetExternalTime();        /* Stop the timer that is generating the tick interrupt. */    TB0CTL &= ~MC_1;        /* Enter a critical section that will not effect interrupts bringing the MCU    out of sleep mode. */    __disable_interrupt();        /* Ensure it is still ok to enter the sleep mode. */    eSleepStatus = eTaskConfirmSleepModeStatus();    if( eSleepStatus == eAbortSleep )    {        /* A task has been moved out of the Blocked state since this macro was        executed, or a context siwth is being held pending.  Do not enter a        sleep state.  Restart the tick and exit the critical section. */        TB0CTL |= MC_1;        __enable_interrupt();    }    else    {        if( eSleepStatus == eNoTasksWaitingTimeout )        {            /* It is not necessary to configure an interrupt to bring the            microcontroller out of its low power state at a fixed time in the            future. */            __bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE );        }        else        {            /* Configure an interrupt to bring the microcontroller out of its low            power state at the time the kernel next needs to execute.  The            interrupt must be generated from a source that remains operational            when the microcontroller is in a low power state. */            vSetWakeTimeInterrupt(xExpectedIdleTime);            /* Enter the low power state. */            __bis_SR_register( LPM3_bits + GIE );                        /* Determine how long the microcontroller was actually in a low power            state for, which will be less than xExpectedIdleTime if the            microcontroller was brought out of low power mode by an interrupt            other than that configured by the vSetWakeTimeInterrupt() call.            Note that the scheduler is suspended before            portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() is called, and resumed when            portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() returns.  Therefore no other tasks will            execute until this function completes. */            ulLowPowerTimeAfterSleep = ulGetExternalTime();                        /* Correct the kernels tick count to account for the time the            microcontroller spent in its low power state. */            vTaskStepTick( ulLowPowerTimeAfterSleep );        }        __enable_interrupt();        TB0CTL |= MC_1;    }}


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