There is a board with

来源:互联网 发布:老九门 网络销售价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 12:46

There is a board with 100 * 100 grids as shown below. The left-top gird is denoted as (1, 1) and the right-bottom grid is (100, 100).

We may apply three commands to the board:

  1. WHITE x, y, L // Paint a white square on the board,
    // the square is defined by left-top grid (x, y)
    // and right-bottom grid (x+L-1, y+L-1)

  2. BLACK x, y, L // Paint a black square on the board,
    // the square is defined by left-top grid (x, y)
    // and right-bottom grid (x+L-1, y+L-1)

  3. TEST x, y, L // Ask for the number of black grids
    // in the square (x, y)- (x+L-1, y+L-1)

In the beginning, all the grids on the board are white. We apply a series of commands to the board. Your task is to write a program to give the numbers of black grids within a required region when a TEST command is applied.
The first line of the input is an integer t (1 <= t <= 100), representing the number of commands. In each of the following lines, there is a command. Assume all the commands are legal which means that they won’t try to paint/test the grids outside the board.
For each TEST command, print a line with the number of black grids in the required region.
BLACK 1 1 2
BLACK 2 2 2
TEST 1 1 3
WHITE 2 1 1
TEST 1 1 3

#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>char arr[1050][1000],m;int brr[1050][40],ans[105]={0,0},num=0,map[1005][1005]={0,0};void Wasd(int a,int b,int c){    int x,y,i,j;    x=a+c-1;    y=b+c-1;    for(i=a;i<=x;i++)        for(j=b;j<=y;j++)            map[i][j]=0;}void Basd(int a,int b,int c){    int x,y,i,j;    x=a+c-1;    y=b+c-1;    for(i=a;i<=x;i++)        for(j=b;j<=y;j++)            map[i][j]=1;}void Tasd(int a,int b,int c){    int x,y,i,j;    x=a+c-1;    y=b+c-1;    for(i=a;i<=x;i++)        for(j=b;j<=y;j++)            if(map[i][j]==1)            {                ans[num]++;            }    num++;}int main(){    int n,k,l,i,j,size;    scanf("%d",&n);    scanf("%c",&m);    for(i=0;i<n;i++)    {        gets(arr[i]);        brr[i][0]=strlen(arr[i]);    }    for(i=0;i<n;i++)    {        k=1;        for(j=4;j<brr[i][0];j++)        {            if(arr[i][j]>='0'&&arr[i][j]<='9')            {                if(arr[i][j+1]>='0'&&arr[i][j+1]<='9')                {                    brr[i][k++]=(arr[i][j]-'0')*10+(arr[i][j+1]-'0');                    if(arr[i][j+2]>='0'&&arr[i][j+2]<='9')                    {                        brr[i][k-1]=100;                        j++;                    }                    j++;                }                else                {                    brr[i][k++]=arr[i][j]-'0';                }            }        }    }    for(l=0;l<n;l++)    {        if(arr[l][0]=='W')            Wasd(brr[l][1],brr[l][2],brr[l][3]);        if(arr[l][0]=='B')            Basd(brr[l][1],brr[l][2],brr[l][3]);        if(arr[l][0]=='T')            Tasd(brr[l][1],brr[l][2],brr[l][3]);    }    for(i=0;i<num;i++)        printf("%d\n",ans[i]);    return 0;}
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