
来源:互联网 发布:域名跳转服务 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 11:38


00058 // Used to wakeup the reactor.00059 00060 template <class ACE_TOKEN_TYPE> void00061 ACE_Reactor_Token_T<ACE_TOKEN_TYPE>::sleep_hook (void)00062 {00063   ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Reactor_Token_T::sleep_hook");00064   if (this->reactor_->notify () == -1)00065     ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,00066                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("%p\n"),00067                 ACE_LIB_TEXT ("sleep_hook failed")));00068 }00069 


01385 template <class ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN> int01386 ACE_Select_Reactor_T<ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN>::handle_events01387   (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time)01388 {01389   ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Select_Reactor_T::handle_events");01390 01391 #if defined (ACE_MT_SAFE) && (ACE_MT_SAFE != 0)01392 01393   // Stash the current time -- the destructor of this object will01394   // automatically compute how much time elapsed since this method was01395   // called.01396   ACE_Countdown_Time countdown (max_wait_time);01397 01398   ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN, ace_mon, this->token_, -1);。。。。。。。


00143 ACE_TP_Reactor::handle_events (ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time)00144 {00145   ACE_TRACE ("ACE_TP_Reactor::handle_events");00146 00147   // Stash the current time -- the destructor of this object will00148   // automatically compute how much time elapsed since this method was00149   // called.00150   ACE_Countdown_Time countdown (max_wait_time);00151 00152   //00153   // The order of these events is very subtle, modify with care.00154   //00155 00156   // Instantiate the token guard which will try grabbing the token for00157   // this thread.00158   ACE_TP_Token_Guard guard (this->token_);00159 00160   int const result = guard.acquire_read_token (max_wait_time);00161 

ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN, ace_mon, this->token_, -1);

00681   /// Synchronization token for the MT_SAFE ACE_Select_Reactor.00682   ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN token_;


   ACE_Guard< ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN> ace_mon(this->token_); \   if (ace_mon.locked () != 0) { ;; } \    else { return -1; }

好吧,那么现在是不是有另外一个问题,如果按这么说似乎每次ACE_GUARD_RETURN 都会notify,导致select被解除阻塞,那这无效事件是不是就太多了。实际肯定不是这样的,关键肯定是在ACE_Token的shared_acquire函数中是否有去调含有notify的sleep_hook,其代码如下:

00183 int00184 ACE_Token::shared_acquire (void (*sleep_hook_func)(void *),00185                            void *arg,00186                            ACE_Time_Value *timeout,00187                            ACE_Token_Op_Type op_type)00188 {00189   ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Token::shared_acquire");00190   ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1);00191 00192 #if defined (DEBUGGING)00193   this->dump ();00194 #endif /* DEBUGGING */00195 00196   ACE_thread_t thr_id = ACE_Thread::self ();00197 00198   // Nobody holds the token.00199   if (!this->in_use_)00200     {00201       // Its mine!00202       this->in_use_ = op_type;00203       this->owner_ = thr_id;00204       return 0;00205     }00206 00207   //00208   // Someone already holds the token.00209   //00210 00211   // Check if it is us.00212   if (ACE_OS::thr_equal (thr_id, this->owner_))00213     {00214       ++this->nesting_level_;00215       return 0;00216     }00217 00218   // Do a quick check for "polling" behavior.00219   if (timeout != 0 && timeout->sec () == 0 && timeout->usec () == 0)00220     {00221       errno = ETIME;00222       return -1;00223     }00224 00225   //00226   // We've got to sleep until we get the token.00227   //00228 00229   // Which queue we should end up in...00230   ACE_Token_Queue *queue = (op_type == ACE_Token::READ_TOKEN00231                             ? &this->readers_00232                             : &this->writers_);00233 00234   // Allocate queue entry on stack.  This works since we don't exit00235   // this method's activation record until we've got the token.00236   ACE_Token::ACE_Token_Queue_Entry my_entry (this->lock_,00237                                              thr_id,00238                                              this->attributes_);00239   queue->insert_entry (my_entry, this->queueing_strategy_);00240   ++this->waiters_;00241 00242   // Execute appropriate <sleep_hook> callback.  (@@ should these00243   // methods return a success/failure status, and if so, what should00244   // we do with it?)00245   int ret = 0;00246   if (sleep_hook_func)00247     {00248       (*sleep_hook_func) (arg);00249       ++ret;00250     }00251   else00252     {00253       // Execute virtual method.00254       this->sleep_hook ();00255       ++ret;00256     }。。。。。。。。


ACE_TP_Reactor没有像 Select_Reactor 一样使用一般的 ACE_GUARD_RETURN 宏,后者间接定义的是 ACE_Guard 模板对象,在构造器中默认会调用 LOCK 的 acquire 方法;而 ACE_TP_Token_Guard 则不会在构造器中调用任何锁的方法,而是对象构造后,使用 grab_token/acquire_token 来显示获取锁,析构器中调用 release 则是一致的。
这里有两个明显区别,一是调用 acqure_read,ACE_Token 有两个等待队列,读队列与写队列,写队列拥有更高的优先级,其它接口一般是调用 acqure 在写队列上等待,也就是说,如果两个线程,一个想运行事件循环,一个想修改 TP_Reactor 状态,那么后者将先被调度;二是提供锁的 sleep_hook 参数,这样一来,当取得锁失败 (被其它线程占有),它将调用这个传入的参数,而不是锁自己的同名回调函数,而传入的这个函数 no_op_sleep_hook 顾名思义是一个空方法,也就是说,它覆盖了默认向 Reactor 发送通知的实现,当多个线程同时运行事件循环时,保持当前线程处在 select 调用中。否则就如同之前对 Select_Reactor 的分析一样,多个线程会交替通知,导致 Reactor 无法正常工作。
- 一、多线程的各线程调run_event_loop不会因为发Notify,而导致其他线程上的select被频繁无效打断,引起功能不正常。
- 二、无论是否使用ACE_GUARD_RETURN,不同线程仍是互斥的,而同线程仍然是可重入的。
如果此时客户端连接服务器并发送数据,线程 M 从 select 中唤醒,处理 IO 事件,在处理前,先将此句柄从 Reactor 中挂起 (suspend),接着释放 Token,然后开始分派事件,最后从 Reactor 中恢复该句柄。在 Select_Reactor 中挂起句柄就是从侦听的句柄集合中移到备用集合,恢复操作正好相反,这样的处理主要是考虑到当线程 M 还未分派此句柄上的事件时,线程 N 进入 select 发现该句柄仍处在激活状态,并尝试对它继续分派,造成多次重复分派。开始分派事件前,线程 M 的侦测工作就正式结束了,所以它释放锁,这会唤醒在锁上等待的线程 N,线程 N 获取锁后,进入 select 接着再侦测事件,由此完成了一次线程交接班。线程 M 分派完事件后,又会回到事件循环开始,等待进入锁,如果整个线程池只有 M 一个线程,那就只有等它分派完事件后,才可以再次进行事件检测了,这就退化到了和 Select_Reactor 一致的情形。使用 TP_Reactor 后,分派事件的线程确实不在被限制为主线程了。
总之, 站在 Select_Reactor 的肩膀上,TP_Reactor 只做了少量修改,就实现了上述线程模型,具体罗列如下:
1. 固定打开 Reactor Notify 机制;
2. 固定压制分派通知事件的 renew 调用 (通过 supress_notify_renew 接口);
3. 侦测到事件后,一个线程只分派一个事件就返回到事件循环开始处;
4. 在分派事件前,先释放 Token;
5. 对于 IO 事件,分派前先 suspend 之;分派后,再 resume 之;
6. 事件循环中使用 ACE_TP_Token_Guard 取代一般的 ACE_GUARD 宏来获取 Token。

01271 template <class ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN> int01272 ACE_Select_Reactor_T<ACE_SELECT_REACTOR_TOKEN>::dispatch01273   (int active_handle_count,01274    ACE_Select_Reactor_Handle_Set &dispatch_set)


01340       // Next dispatch the notification handlers (if there are any to01341       // dispatch).  These are required to handle multi-threads that01342       // are trying to update the <Reactor>.01343 01344       else if (this->dispatch_notification_handlers01345                (dispatch_set,01346                 active_handle_count,01347                 other_handlers_dispatched) == -1)01348         // State has changed or a serious failure has occured, so exit01349         // loop.01350         break;


01051 int01052 ACE_Select_Reactor_Notify::handle_input (ACE_HANDLE handle)01053 {01054   ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Select_Reactor_Notify::handle_input");01055   // Precondition: this->select_reactor_.token_.current_owner () ==01056   // ACE_Thread::self ();01057 01058   int number_dispatched = 0;01059   int result = 0;01060   ACE_Notification_Buffer buffer;01061 01062   while ((result = this->read_notify_pipe (handle, buffer)) > 0)01063     {01064       // Dispatch the buffer01065       // NOTE: We count only if we made any dispatches ie. upcalls.01066       if (this->dispatch_notify (buffer) > 0)01067         ++number_dispatched;01068 01069       // Bail out if we've reached the <notify_threshold_>.  Note that01070       // by default <notify_threshold_> is -1, so we'll loop until all01071       // the notifications in the pipe have been dispatched.01072       if (number_dispatched == this->max_notify_iterations_)01073         break;01074     }01075 01076   // Reassign number_dispatched to -1 if things have gone seriously01077   // wrong.01078   if (result < 0)01079     number_dispatched = -1;01080 01081   // Enqueue ourselves into the list of waiting threads.  When we01082   // reacquire the token we'll be off and running again with ownership01083   // of the token.  The postcondition of this call is that01084   // <select_reactor_.token_.current_owner> == <ACE_Thread::self>.01085   this->select_reactor_->renew ();01086   return number_dispatched;01087 }



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