
来源:互联网 发布:计划表软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:48



1 下载与安装

官方下载地址是这里,我下载的是Freeglut 3.0.0[Released: 7 March 2015]。
GLEW(OpenGL Extension Wrangler)可以简化获取函数地址的过程,并且包含了可以跨平台使用的其他一些OpenGL编程方法。官方下载地址是这里,我下载的是源代码glew-1.13.0.zip。
(4)Visual Studio
最后当然是Visual Studio 2015。Community版本已经是完全免费,虽然以前破解也很容易,但正式免费还是让人少了不少负罪感,哈哈。现在的Visual Studio不仅集成了Xamarin可以使用C#语言编写Android和iOS应用,更重要的是可以使用C++来编写,在安装的时候就可以勾选,之后就直接使用,无需配置Android NDK之类的。可以说,现在的Microsoft变化很大,印度人还是有两下子的。

2 编译FreeGLUT


  1. Download CMake (http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html).
    Get one of the releases from the binary distribution section.
  2. Run the CMake installer, install wherever you like.
  3. Launch CMake via Start > Program Files > CMake 2.8 > CMake (GUI)
    (note that the shortcut put by the installer on your desktop does NOT point to the CMake GUI program!)
  4. In the “Where is the source code” box, type or browse to the root directory of your freeglut source (so that’s /freeglut, not
  5. In the “Where to build the binaries” box, type or browse to any
    folder you like - this will be where the Visual Studio solution will be generated. This folder does not have to exist yet.
  6. Hit the Configure button near the bottom of the window.
  7. Pick your target compiler, make sure that its installed on your
    system of course!
  8. Answer Ok when asked if you want to create the build directory.
  9. Wait for the configure process to finish.
  10. The screen will now have some configuration options on it, for
    instance specifying whether you want to build static and/or shared libraries (see below for a complete list). When you’ve selected your options, click the Configure button again.
  11. The Generate button at the bottom will now be enabled. Click Generate.
  12. The build files will now be generated in the location you picked.
    You can now navigate to the build directory you specified in step 5.
    Open the freeglut.sln file that was generated in your build directory, and compile as usual.


3 搬运头文件和库文件

不当翻译工,却免不了当搬运工。为了避免每次建立工程的时候都需要配置FreeGLUT相关文件,需要人肉将相关文件放到相关位置上。我的操作系统是64位的Windows 10,具体如下:
(1)将头文件“freeglut.h”,“freeglut_ext.h”,“freeglut_std.h”和“glut.h”搬至MSVC的包含目录,我的是“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\include\GL”。
(2)将库文件“freeglut.lib”或“freeglut_static.lib”搬至MSVC的库目录,我的是“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Lib”。

4 编译GLEW

(1)将glew下载包解压缩后,依次打开build→vc12,用Visual Studio 2015打开sln文件,将对所涉及的项目进行自动升级。
(2)根据red book示例代码的需要,对glew_static工程进行编译。由于该工程默认的生成库文件名称为glews.lib,需在编译之前在配置属性→常规→目标文件名中,将其改为glew_static。


为了测试是否安装成功,可建立一个简单的Win32 console工程测试。代码如下:

#include <GL/glut.h>void myDisplay(void){    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);    glRectf(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);    glFlush();}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    glutInit(&argc, argv);;    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_SINGLE);    glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);    glutInitWindowSize(400, 400);    glutCreateWindow("First GLUT Sample");    glutDisplayFunc(&myDisplay);    glutMainLoop();    return 0;}

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