
来源:互联网 发布:平面装修设计软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 02:11
关于java字符串相关的字符集和编码方式不再解释,可以参见该篇文章[Java与字符编码问题详谈](http://hxraid.iteye.com/blog/559607),今天要说的是在java字符串转字节数组时的方式: String.getBytes()和Charset.encode(string)的区别;问题:     String str = "我";    byte[] ba1 = str.getBytes("UTF-16");    printBytes(ba1);// 编码:0xfe 0xff 0x62 0x11; 前两个为BOM    -------------华丽的分割线--------------------------------    Charset cs = CharSet.forName("UTF-16");     byte[] ba2 = cs.encode(str).array();    printBytes(ba2);//编码:0xfe 0xff 0x62 0x11 0x00; 最后多个0x00困扰我的问题来了,为什么会多了一个字节呢?   先来看看源码:一。String.getBytes()方法:    public byte[] getBytes(String charsetName)            throws UnsupportedEncodingException {            if (charsetName == null) throw new NullPointerException();           return StringCoding.encode(charsetName, value, 0, value.length);    }在这里是直接调用StringCoding类的encode()方法。    static byte[] encode(String charsetName, char[] ca, int off, int len)        throws UnsupportedEncodingException    {        StringEncoder se = deref(encoder);        String csn = (charsetName == null) ? "ISO-8859-1" : charsetName;        if ((se == null) || !(csn.equals(se.requestedCharsetName())                              || csn.equals(se.charsetName()))) {            se = null;            try {                Charset cs = lookupCharset(csn);                if (cs != null)                    se = new StringEncoder(cs, csn);            } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException x) {}            if (se == null)                throw new UnsupportedEncodingException (csn);            set(encoder, se);        }        return se.encode(ca, off, len);    }StringCoding类先获取当前项目平台的编码, 如果和要求的指定编码方式不同,则通过制定编码方式获取字符集CharSet,进而生成StringEncode类(StringCoding的私有成员类), 而我们来看StringEncode类: private static class StringEncoder {    private Charset cs;    private CharsetEncoder ce;    private final String requestedCharsetName;    private final boolean isTrusted;    ...........     byte[] encode(char[] ca, int off, int len) {        int en = scale(len, ce.maxBytesPerChar());        byte[] ba = new byte[en];        if (len == 0)            return ba;        if (ce instanceof ArrayEncoder) {            int blen = ((ArrayEncoder)ce).encode(ca, off, len, ba);            return safeTrim(ba, blen, cs, isTrusted);        } else {            ce.reset();            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba);            CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca, off, len);            try {                CoderResult cr = ce.encode(cb, bb, true);                if (!cr.isUnderflow())                    cr.throwException();                cr = ce.flush(bb);                if (!cr.isUnderflow())                    cr.throwException();            } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {                // Substitution is always enabled,                // so this shouldn't happen                throw new Error(x);            }            return safeTrim(ba, bb.position(), cs, isTrusted);        }可以看到StringEncode类的编码事实上也是调用了CharEncoder类来编码; 但注意的是StringCoding类的encode()方法中最后的这个safeTrim(ba, bb.position(), cs, isTrusted);这里会将ByteBuffer类中的值放到byte[]中,而这里的参数bb.position是将ByteBuffer中的有效的值放入了。 详情可参见[java.nio.ByteBuffer用法小结](http://blog.csdn.net/zhoujiaxq/article/details/22822289);

二. CharSet.encode(string)

    public final ByteBuffer encode(CharBuffer cb) {        try {                return ThreadLocalCoders.encoderFor(this)                .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)                .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)                .encode(cb);        } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {            throw new Error(x);         // Can't happen        }    }

看这里如何编码, 如下:

    public final ByteBuffer encode(CharBuffer in)        throws CharacterCodingException    {    int n = (int)(in.remaining() * averageBytesPerChar());    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(n);    if ((n == 0) && (in.remaining() == 0))        return out;    reset();    for (;;) {        CoderResult cr = in.hasRemaining() ?            encode(in, out, true) : CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;        if (cr.isUnderflow())            cr = flush(out);        if (cr.isUnderflow())            break;        if (cr.isOverflow()) {            n = 2*n + 1;    // Ensure progress; n might be 0!            ByteBuffer o = ByteBuffer.allocate(n);            out.flip();            o.put(out);            out = o;            continue;        }        cr.throwException();    }    out.flip();    return out;}

CoderResult encode(CharBuffer in, ByteBuffer out,boolean endOfInput); 这里区别在于:
1>在调用方法前的参数上, 同一字符串调用时,参数ByteBuffer的会不同。 这取决于对传入的ByteBuffer的capacity属性的不同赋值,StringCoding的encode方法为:

int len = string.length;byte[] encode(char[] ca, int off, int len) {    int en = scale(len, ce.maxBytesPerChar());     ...................


CharBuffer in = CharBuffer.wrap(string);int n = (int)(in.remaining() * averageBytesPerChar());//注:string.length() = CharBuffer.wrap(string).remaining();ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(n);..............for (;;) {    CoderResult cr = in.hasRemaining() ?encode(in, out, true) : CoderResult.UNDERFLOW;                    if (cr.isUnderflow())        cr = flush(out);    if (cr.isUnderflow())        break;    if (cr.isOverflow()) {           n = 2*n + 1;    // Ensure progress; n might be 0!        //这里为了确保程序正常,当初始的ByteBuffer容量不足时,newCapacity = 2*oldCapacity+1;        ByteBuffer o = ByteBuffer.allocate(n);        out.flip();        o.put(out);        out = o;        continue;    }        cr.throwException();    } .....................   


    byte[] encode(char[] ca, int off, int len) {        int en = scale(len, ce.maxBytesPerChar());         if (len == 0)            ...................         if (ce instanceof ArrayEncoder) {            ...................        } else {            ce.reset();            ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba);            CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca, off, len);            try {                CoderResult cr = ce.encode(cb, bb, true);                ...................             } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {                ...................              }           return safeTrim(ba, bb.position(), cs, isTrusted);


    Charset cs = CharSet.forName("UTF-16");     ByteBuffer bb = cs.encode(str);    byte[] ba = bb.array();    printBytes(ba2);//编码:0xfe 0xff 0x62 0x11 0x00; 最后多个0x00

而ByteBuffer.array()方法是将ByteBuffer容器的每个元素都转变为数组中的值,这其中编码时,ByteBuffer容器没有被填满->容器中的某些值为0(因为ByteBuffer.allocate(n)初始化时会默认赋值);所有在字符编码时会,调用CharSet.encode()方法后, 对返回的结果ByteBuffer直接调用.array()方法会造成编码后的字节数组多出一个字节。

String str = "我们";CharSet cs = CharSet.forName("UTF-16");//或'UTF-8'/'GBK'/'ASCII'等ByteBuffer bb = cs.encode(str);byte[] ba = new byte[bb.limit()];for(int i = 0;;i++){    if(bb.hasRemaining())        ba[i] = bb.get();    else{        break;    }   }printBytes(ba);  //结果0xFE  0xff  0x62  0x11  0x4E  0xEC 
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