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BGP routing policies in ISP networksIEEE Network Magazine 2005
1 ways to configure local policy
There are three classes of “knobs” that can be used to control
import and export policies:
1) Preference(decision process)
2) Filter(eliminate certain route)
3) Tag(community)
2 BGP policy common practice and design pattern
1) Business relationship
(1)inbound: assign local-preference to influence the BGP decision process.
Often an ISP will achieve this by
assigning a non-overlapping range of LocalPref values to each
type of peering relationship; for example LocalPref values in
the range 90-99 might be used for customers, 80-89 for peers,
70-79 for providers, and 60-69 for backup links. LocalPref can
then be varied within each range to do traffic engineering without
violating the constraints associated with the business relationship.
(2)outbound: Controlling route export
2) Traffic engineering
(1)outbound traffic control(by changing local-preference and IGP costs)
   Outbound traffic的控制其实就是inbound策略的控制,我觉得在单个自治系统的角度也是可以做到的,比如你从不同的边界路由器的路由表中发现到达相同的prefix的local-preferce不同,可能就是做了负载均衡;不同的metric来发现不同的hot-potato区域,不同的AS-Path长度啦等等。
(2) Inbound traffic control (by AS prepending and MED):
       Inbound traffic的控制其实就是outbound的策略,即如何到达自己自治系统的前缀。主要包括对于相邻自治系统在多连接(multiple link)下所使用的MED值,以及远端AS控制的自治系统号添加两种方式。但是这些我觉得从其邻居自治系统那里来采集数据进行分析可能会更加直接些。
(3)Remote control (by changing community attributes):
Remote control
provides more flexibility than MED because it allows control
of inputs to earlier steps of the decision process like Local-
Pref, as shown in the example above.Moreover,MED can only
change the relative preference of routes, while remote control
can be configured to filter routes, or perform AS prepending.
However, ISP’s neighbors must
agree in advance to accept community attributes from the other
peer.Also, the highly expressive nature of community attributes
introduces potential for misconfiguration.
Limiting routing table size (by filtering and using the community attribute):
Limit the number of routing changes (by suppressing routes that flap)
Discarding invalid routes (by import filtering)
Protect integrity of routing policies (by rewriting attributes)
Securing the network infrastructure (by export filtering)
Blocking denial-of-service attacks (by filtering and damping)
Practical Verification Techniques for Wide-Area Routing》 sigcomm CCR 2004
1 verify five aspect of correcteness:
validity (the existence of a route implies
the existence of a corresponding path), visibility (the existence of
a path implies the existence of a corresponding route), safety (the
existence of a stable, unique path assignment), determinism (best
route selection is independent of message ordering and the presence
of sub-optimal routes), and information-flow control (the protocol
conforms to a specified information flow policy; that is, it does not
“leak” information).
2 verification methodology:
Static analysis
parses configuration statements to detect errors that are evident
from the configuration commands themselves. A sandbox can determine
whether (and under what circumstances) a seemingly correct

configuration can produce incorrect behavior
