VHDL 实现 汉明编码和译码

来源:互联网 发布:毒蛇 澳洲知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 04:28


     (7,4)汉明编码每组码元共有7位,4个信息位C6 C5 C4 C3   + 3个监督位C2 C1 C0




计算出S2 S1 S0 就能知道当出现1bit的误码时对应的哪一位是错误的,也就能纠正过来。

具体S2 S1 S0 是对应哪一位的错误可以自己假设一个错误的bit位带入计算,得到S2 S1 S0和误码位置的关系。



library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity HCode isport(data_in :in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);H_out   :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));end HCode;architecture bv of HCode isbeginprocess(data_in)begincase data_in iswhen "0000"=> H_out <="00000000";when "0001"=> H_out <="00011010";when "0010"=> H_out <="00101110";when "0011"=> H_out <="00110100";when "0100"=> H_out <="01000110";when "0101"=> H_out <="01011100";when "0110"=> H_out <="01101000";when "0111"=> H_out <="01110010";when "1000"=> H_out <="10001100";when "1001"=> H_out <="10010110";when "1010"=> H_out <="10100010";when "1011"=> H_out <="10111000";when "1100"=> H_out <="11001010";when "1101"=> H_out <="11010000";when "1110"=> H_out <="11100100";when "1111"=> H_out <="11111110";end case;end process;end bv;

解码:(本来S算出来应该是3bit,但是为了方便数码管显示我强行加了一个0 凑够4bit)

library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity Hdecode isport(                                           --a bit is wrongHcode :in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);  --input hamming codeDecode:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);  --output signalS     :out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)   --where is wrong );end entity;architecture BV of Hdecode issignal SS :std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";beginprocess(Hcode)beginSS(3) <='0';SS(2) <=Hcode(7) xor Hcode(5) xor Hcode(4) xor Hcode(3) ;SS(1) <=Hcode(7) xor Hcode(6) xor Hcode(5) xor Hcode(2) ;SS(0) <=Hcode(6) xor Hcode(5) xor Hcode(4) xor Hcode(1) ;--SS <= SS+'1';case SS iswhen "0000" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),Hcode(6),Hcode(5),Hcode(4));        S<="0000";when "0001" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),Hcode(6),Hcode(5),Hcode(4));        S<="0001";when "0010" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),Hcode(6),Hcode(5),Hcode(4));        S<="0010";when "0011" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),not Hcode(6),Hcode(5),Hcode(4));    S<="0110";       when "0100" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),Hcode(6),Hcode(5), Hcode(4));       S<="0011";when "0101" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),Hcode(6), Hcode(5),not Hcode(4));   S<="0100";when "0110" =>  Decode <= (not Hcode(7),Hcode(6),Hcode(5),Hcode(4));    S<="0111";when "0111" =>  Decode <= (Hcode(7),Hcode(6),not Hcode(5),Hcode(4));    S<="0101";when others =>  S<="1111";end case;--S <= SS;end process;end BV;

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