
来源:互联网 发布:英雄联盟网络连接失败 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 17:41
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import thread  def run_thread(n):          for i in range(n):              print i    thread.start_new_thread(run_thread,(4,)) #参数一定是元组,两个参数可以写成(a,b)




Unhandled exception in thread started by sys.excepthook is missinglost sys.stderr




>>> import thread>>> def run(n):for i in range(n):print i>>> thread.start_new_thread(run,(4,))985201>>> 23



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Created on 2012-8-8@author: jeromewei '''   from threading import Threadimport timeclass race(Thread):    def __init__(self,threadname,interval):        Thread.__init__(self,name=threadname)        self.interval = interval        self.isrunning = True                def run(self):       #重写threading.Thread中的run()        while self.isrunning:            print 'thread %s is running,time:%s\n' %(self.getName(),time.ctime()) #获得线程的名称和当前时间            time.sleep(self.interval)    def stop(self):        self.isrunning = Falsedef test():    thread1 = race('A',1)    thread2 = race('B',2)    thread1.start()    thread2.start()    time.sleep(5)    thread1.stop()    thread2.stop()    if __name__ =='__main__':    test()

3. 在threading.Thread中指定目标函数作为线程处理函数

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from threading import Thread  def run_thread(n):          for i in range(n):              print i    t1 = Thread(target=run_thread,args=(5,))#指定目标函数,传入参数,这里参数也是元组t1.start()  #启动线程


二. threading.Thread中常用函数说明


       函数名                                               功能run()如果采用方法2创建线程就需要重写该方法getName()获得线程的名称(方法2中有示例)setName()设置线程的名称start()启动线程join(timeout) 在join()位置等待另一线程结束后再继续运行join()后的操作,timeout是可选项,表示最大等待时间setDaemon(bool) True:当父线程结束时,子线程立即结束;False:父线程等待子线程结束后才结束。默认为FalseisDaemon()判断子线程是否和父线程一起结束,即setDaemon()设置的值isAlive() 判断线程是否在运行




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import threading  import time     #导入time模块  class Mythread(threading.Thread):      def __init__(self,threadname):          threading.Thread.__init__(self,name = threadname)      def run(self):          time.sleep(2)         for i in range(5):            print '%s is running····'%self.getName()     t2 = Mythread('B')  t2.start()#t2.join()     for i in range(5):    print 'the program is running···'




the program is running···the program is running···the program is running···B is running····B is running····B is running····



B is running····B is running····B is running····the program is running···the program is running···the program is running···



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import threadingimport time class myThread(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self, threadname):        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=threadname)            def run(self):        time.sleep(5)        print '%s is running·······done'%self.getName()    t=myThread('son thread')#t.setDaemon(True)t.start()if t.isDaemon():    print "the father thread and the son thread are done"else:    print "the father thread is waiting the son thread····"

这段代码的运行流程是:主线程打印完最后一句话后,等待son thread 运行完,然后程序才结束,所以输出结果为:


the father thread is waitting the son thread····son thread is running·······done


如果启用t.setDaemon(True),这段代码的运行流程是:当主线程打印完最后一句话后,不管son thread是否运行完,程序立即结束,所以输出结果为:


the father thread and the son thread are done

三. 小结

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