
来源:互联网 发布:安卓源码编译教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 11:07

public URL getURL(String resourceLoaderName, String location) throws ComponentException {        ResourceLoaderInfo resourceLoaderInfo = resourceLoaderInfos.get(resourceLoaderName);        if (resourceLoaderInfo == null) {            throw new ComponentException("Could not find resource-loader named: " + resourceLoaderName);        }        if ("component".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type) || "file".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {//如果是<resource-loader name="main" type="component" />            String fullLocation = getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);            URL fileUrl = UtilURL.fromFilename(fullLocation);            if (fileUrl == null) {                throw new ComponentException("File Resource not found: " + fullLocation);            }            return fileUrl;        } else if ("classpath".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {            String fullLocation = getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);            URL url = UtilURL.fromResource(fullLocation);            if (url == null) {                throw new ComponentException("Classpath Resource not found: " + fullLocation);            }            return url;        } else if ("url".equals(resourceLoaderInfo.type)) {            String fullLocation = getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);            URL url = null;            try {                url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(location);            } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) {                throw new ComponentException("Error with malformed URL while trying to load URL resource at location [" + fullLocation + "]", e);            }            if (url == null) {                throw new ComponentException("URL Resource not found: " + fullLocation);            }            return url;        } else {            throw new ComponentException("The resource-loader type is not recognized: " + resourceLoaderInfo.type);        }    }

就是用getFullLocation(resourceLoaderName, location);方法

if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resourceLoaderInfo.prependEnv)) {            String propValue = System.getProperty(resourceLoaderInfo.prependEnv);            if (propValue == null) {                String errMsg = "The Java environment (-Dxxx=yyy) variable with name " + resourceLoaderInfo.prependEnv + " is not set, cannot load resource.";                Debug.logError(errMsg, module);                throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);            }            buf.append(propValue);        }//判断是否要添加prefix        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resourceLoaderInfo.prefix)) {            buf.append(resourceLoaderInfo.prefix);        }

<resource-loader name="main" type="component" prepend-env="" prefix=""/> 
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