Unity Network 使用小结

来源:互联网 发布:sql存储过程输出参数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 16:11



using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class MyNetwork : MonoBehaviour{    public int connections = 10;    public int listenPort = 8899;    public bool useNat = false;    public string ip = "";    public GameObject playerPrefab;void OnGUI()    {    if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)    {        if (GUILayout.Button("创建服务器"))        {            //进行创建服务器的操作            NetworkConnectionError error = Network.InitializeServer(connections, listenPort, useNat);            print(error);        }        if (GUILayout.Button("链接服务器"))        {            NetworkConnectionError error = Network.Connect(ip, listenPort);                print(error);        }    }        else if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Server)        {            GUILayout.Label("服务器创建完成");        }        else if(Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Client)        {            GUILayout.Label("客户端已经接入");        }}    //注意,这两个方法都是在服务器上调用的    private void OnServerInitlized()    {        print("Server 完成初始化");        //Network.player;//访问到当前的player,客户端        int group = int.Parse(Network.player + "");//直接访问Network.player会得到当前客户端的索引是唯一的        Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab,new Vector3(0,10,0),Quaternion.identity,group );    }    private void OnPlayerConnected(NetworkPlayer player)    {        print("一个客户端连接过来,Index,number:" +player);    }    private void OnConnectedToServer()    {        print("我成功连接到服务器了");        int group = int.Parse(Network.player + "");//直接访问Network.player会得到当前客户端的索引是唯一的        Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(0, 10, 0), Quaternion.identity, group);    }    //network view 组件用来在局域网之内去同步一个游戏物体的组件属性    //network view 会把创建出来的客户端作为主人,就是主客户端,其他的客户端都是会以主客户端为准}


class in UnityEngine


The network class is at the heart of the network implementation and provides the core functions.

This class configures the network interface and all the network parameters. You use it to set up a server or connect to one and have a row of helper functions to help you with those tasks. For more information on what is exposed in the editor see the Network Manger component reference.

NetworkConnectionError error = Network.InitializeServer(connections, listenPort, useNat);


Network.InitializeServer(connections, listenPort, useNat)<span style="color: rgb(27, 34, 41); line-height: 1em; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Description</span>

Initialize the server.

connections  the number of allowed incomingis connections (note that this is generally not the same as the number of players). listenPortis the port number we want to listen to. useNat sets the NAT punchthrough functionality. If you want this server to be able to accept connections using NAT punchthrough, using the facilitator, set this to true.


NetworkConnectionError error<span style="color: rgb(27, 34, 41); line-height: 1em; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> Description</span>

Possible status messages returned by Network.Connect and in OnFailedToConnect in case the error was not immediate.

Also used by the MasterServer in OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer.

OnServerInitlized,<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">OnConnectedToServer 是Unity提供的服务器创建成功,客户端连接到服务器的执行</span>


private void OnServerInitialized(){        //服务端        //GameController.Instantiate(soldierPrefab, pos1.position, Quaternion.identity);        NetworkPlayer player = Network.player;        int group = int.Parse(player + "");        GameObject go = Network.Instantiate(soldierPrefab, pos1.position, Quaternion.identity, group) as GameObject;        go.GetComponent<Player>().SetOwnerPlayer(Network.player);// 这个代码值设置了当前创建者的战士的ownerPlayer属性,在其他客户端这个属性是为null的        //RPC:远程过程调用        go.networkView.RPC("SetOwnerPlayer",RPCMode.AllBuffered,Network.player);//完成一个远程调用,会执行所有连接的客户端上的setownerplayer方法        Screen.showCursor = false;}
go.GetComponent<Player>().SetOwnerPlayer(Network.player);// 这个代码值设置了当前创建者的战士的ownerPlayer属性,在其他客户端这个属性是为null的

关于RPC要解释下,“SetOwnerPlyer” 方法名,类似SeneMessage方法,RPCMode.AllBuffered通知所有对象和缓存。

    public void SetOwnerPlayer(NetworkPlayer player)
        this.ownpalyer = player;
        if (Network.player != player)

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