Deep Learning及NLP(自然语言处理)杂谈--第一部分

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝价格走势app 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:38







One-hot vector

有一种最简单的表示方法,就是使用One-hot vector表示单词,即根据单词的数量|V|生成一个|V| * 1的向量,当某一位为一的时候其他位都为零,然后这个向量就代表一个单词。缺点也很明显:1.由于向量长度是根据单词个数来的,如果有新词出现,这个向量还得增加,麻烦!(Impossible to keep up to date) 2. 主观性太强(subjective) 3. 这么多单词,还得人工打labor并且adapt,想想就恐怖 4.这是最不能忍受的一点,很难计算单词之间的相似性

co-occurrence matrix

使用co-occurrence matrix表示单词,每一行的ID代表一个word,每一列代表一个word的ID。而它们确定的在矩阵中的位置是根据neighbor确定的。neighbor是什么呢?别急,下面会讲。CM(co-occurrence matrix)代表的是每一个word在一个特定的neighbor里其他单词出现的次数。CM当然也有很大的问题,第一个就是随着单词的增长,矩阵的大小也在增大;第二个是维度太高(和单词数目一致),需要的存储量很大;第三个是太Sparsity,不利于之后的Classification 处理。这可怎么办呢?没事,方法总比问题多。SVD闪亮登场!SVD是线性代数里的一种很牛掰的方法,能够用较低的维度读出一个矩阵中的大部分有用信息。


CM的改进措施: 在CM中有些单词对语意的理解是没有作用的,我们可以把这些单词hack掉。这些单词大多是function word(比如the, a, an, of)。还有一个就是之前我们定义矩阵中某一位置的值只是单纯的根据neighbor数数量,但是实际情况和这个肯定有所不同,肯定是距离某一word越近的单词其相关性(correlation)越强,于是应该定义一个Ramped windows(斜的窗)来建立CM,类似于用一个weight乘count,距离越远weight越小反之越大(weight是个bell shape函数)。


word2vec和之前的方法不同,之前建立CM是一次浇铸一次成型(- -),现在建立模型是慢慢的一个单词一个单词来。首先设定init parameter,然后根据这个parameter预测输入进来的word的context,然后如果context和ground truth类似就不变,如果不类似就penalize parameter(怎么有点像训练小狗,做的对给饭吃,做的不对抽两下 - -)


看第一个公式,核心理念就是为了让center word周围出现某种neighbor的概率最大,最好是1。

第二个公式就是为了求第一个公式最右边的概率所想出来的办法,word用两种方法表示,一种是input word vector,一种是output word vector。

好基友 Continuous Bag of Words Model (CBOW) and Skip-Gram Model

CBOW和Skip-gram非常类似,只不过CBOW的目的是为了从neighbor求出center word;而skip-gram是为了从center word求出neighbor words。

具体公式在课上的lecture note 1里的最后部分有。

Negative Sampling

CBOW和Skip-gram的计算的时候都要使用到softmax我们知道softmax的分母是根据所有可能的数据求结果然后求和,在本例中words的树目非常大,计算的cost当然也很大。于是使用negative sampling对上面的算法进行优化。

P_n(w)是negative sampling distrubution。目的是让正确的word的值大,其他随机的word和center word组合的值小。








  1 # Implement your skip-gram and CBOW models here  2   3 # Interface to the dataset for negative sampling  4 dataset = type('dummy', (), {})()  5 def dummySampleTokenIdx():  6     return random.randint(0, 4)  7 def getRandomContext(C):  8     tokens = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]  9     return tokens[random.randint(0,4)], [tokens[random.randint(0,4)] for i in xrange(2*C)] 10 dataset.sampleTokenIdx = dummySampleTokenIdx 11 dataset.getRandomContext = getRandomContext 12  13 def softmaxCostAndGradient(predicted, target, outputVectors): 14     """ Softmax cost function for word2vec models """ 15     ################################################################### 16     # Implement the cost and gradients for one predicted word vector  # 17     # and one target word vector as a building block for word2vec     # 18     # models, assuming the softmax prediction function and cross      # 19     # entropy loss.                                                   # 20     # Inputs:                                                         # 21     #   - predicted: numpy ndarray, predicted word vector (\hat{r} in # 22     #           the written component)                                # 23     #   - target: integer, the index of the target word               # 24     #   - outputVectors: "output" vectors for all tokens              # 25     # Outputs:                                                        # 26     #   - cost: cross entropy cost for the softmax word prediction    # 27     #   - gradPred: the gradient with respect to the predicted word   # 28     #           vector                                                # 29     #   - grad: the gradient with respect to all the other word       #  30     #           vectors                                               # 31     # We will not provide starter code for this function, but feel    # 32     # free to reference the code you previously wrote for this        # 33     # assignment!                                                     # 34     ################################################################### 35      36     ### YOUR CODE HERE 37     target_exp = np.exp(, (1, predicted.shape[0])),  38                         np.reshape(outputVectors[target], (outputVectors[target].shape[0], 1)))) 39     all_exp = np.exp(, np.reshape(predicted, (predicted.shape[0], 1)))) 40     all_sum_exp = np.sum(all_exp) 41     prob = target_exp / all_sum_exp 42     cost = -np.log(prob) 43     gradTarget = -predicted + prob * predicted 44      45     other_exp = np.vstack([all_exp[0:target], all_exp[target + 1:len(all_exp)]]).flatten() 46     other_sigmoid = other_exp / all_sum_exp 47     grad =, (other_sigmoid.shape[0], 1)),  48                   np.reshape(predicted, (1, predicted.shape[0]))) 49     grad = np.vstack([grad[0:target, :], gradTarget, grad[target:grad.shape[0], :]]) 50      51     repmat_exp = np.tile(all_exp, (1, outputVectors.shape[1])) 52     gradPred = -outputVectors[target] + np.sum(outputVectors * repmat_exp, 0) / all_sum_exp 53     ### END YOUR CODE 54      55     return cost, gradPred, grad 56  57 def negSamplingCostAndGradient(predicted, target, outputVectors, K=10): 58     """ Negative sampling cost function for word2vec models """ 59     ################################################################### 60     # Implement the cost and gradients for one predicted word vector  # 61     # and one target word vector as a building block for word2vec     # 62     # models, using the negative sampling technique. K is the sample  # 63     # size. You might want to use dataset.sampleTokenIdx() to sample  # 64     # a random word index.                                            # 65     # Input/Output Specifications: same as softmaxCostAndGradient     # 66     # We will not provide starter code for this function, but feel    # 67     # free to reference the code you previously wrote for this        # 68     # assignment!                                                     # 69     ################################################################### 70      71     ### YOUR CODE HERE 72     neg_indexes = [dataset.sampleTokenIdx() for k in range(K)] 73  74     r_W =, outputVectors.T) 75     sigmoid_all = sigmoid(r_W) 76  77     cost = -np.log(sigmoid_all[target]) - np.sum(np.log(1 - sigmoid_all[neg_indexes])) 78      79     gradPred = -outputVectors[target, :] * (1 - sigmoid_all[target]) 80     gradPred +=[neg_indexes], outputVectors[neg_indexes, :]) 81  82     grad = np.zeros(np.shape(outputVectors)) 83     grad[target, :] = -predicted * (1 - sigmoid_all[target]) 84  85     for neg_index in neg_indexes: 86         grad[neg_index,:] += predicted * sigmoid_all[neg_index] 87     ### END YOUR CODE 88      89     return cost, gradPred, grad 90  91 def skipgram(currentWord, C, contextWords, tokens, inputVectors, outputVectors, word2vecCostAndGradient = softmaxCostAndGradient): 92     """ Skip-gram model in word2vec """ 93     ################################################################### 94     # Implement the skip-gram model in this function.                 #          95     # Inputs:                                                         # 96     #   - currrentWord: a string of the current center word           # 97     #   - C: integer, context size                                    # 98     #   - contextWords: list of no more than 2*C strings, the context # 99     #             words                                               #100     #   - tokens: a dictionary that maps words to their indices in    #101     #             the word vector list                                #102     #   - inputVectors: "input" word vectors for all tokens           #103     #   - outputVectors: "output" word vectors for all tokens         #104     #   - word2vecCostAndGradient: the cost and gradient function for #105     #             a prediction vector given the target word vectors,  #106     #             could be one of the two cost functions you          #107     #             implemented above                                   #108     # Outputs:                                                        #109     #   - cost: the cost function value for the skip-gram model       #110     #   - grad: the gradient with respect to the word vectors         #111     # We will not provide starter code for this function, but feel    #112     # free to reference the code you previously wrote for this        #113     # assignment!                                                     #114     ###################################################################115     116     ### YOUR CODE HERE117     # inputVectors VxD118     # outputVectors VxD119 120     # cost float121     # gradIn VxD122     # gradOut VxD123     cost = 0124     predicted = inputVectors[tokens[currentWord]]125     gradIn = np.zeros(inputVectors.shape)126     gradOut = np.zeros(outputVectors.shape)127     for contextWord in contextWords:128         target = tokens[contextWord]129         contextCost, contextGradPred, contextGrad = word2vecCostAndGradient(predicted, target, outputVectors)130         cost += contextCost131         gradIn[tokens[currentWord],:] += contextGradPred132         gradOut += contextGrad133     ### END YOUR CODE134     135     return cost, gradIn, gradOut136 137 def cbow(currentWord, C, contextWords, tokens, inputVectors, outputVectors, word2vecCostAndGradient = softmaxCostAndGradient):138     """ CBOW model in word2vec """139     ###################################################################140     # Implement the continuous bag-of-words model in this function.   #         141     # Input/Output specifications: same as the skip-gram model        #142     # We will not provide starter code for this function, but feel    #143     # free to reference the code you previously wrote for this        #144     # assignment!                                                     #145     ###################################################################146     147     ### YOUR CODE HERE148     in_rows = inputVectors.shape[0]149     in_cols = inputVectors.shape[1]150     151     all_context_indx = np.zeros(2 * C)152     for c in range(2 * C + 1):153         if c == C:154             target = tokens[currentWord]155         elif c < C:156             all_context_indx[c] = tokens[contextWords[c]]157         else:158             all_context_indx[c - 1] = tokens[contextWords[c - 1]]159         160     gradIn = np.zeros((in_rows, in_cols))   161     all_context_indx_list = list(np.array(all_context_indx, int))162     h = np.mean(inputVectors[all_context_indx_list], 0)163 164     cost, gradInTem, gradOut = word2vecCostAndGradient(h, target, outputVectors)165     for context_indx in all_context_indx:166         gradIn[context_indx] += gradInTem167     gradIn = gradIn / 2 / C168     ### END YOUR CODE169     170     return cost, gradIn, gradOut

对于word vector的评估方法

Intrinsic evaluation 是对VSM的一个简单迅速的评估。这种评估方法不放到整个系统中评估,而仅仅是评估一个subtask进行评估。评估过程很快,可以很好的理解这个系统。但是不知道放到实际的系统中是否也表现的很好。Intrinsic evaluation的第一种评估是Syntactic评估,这种评估方法问题比较少;第二种是semantic评估,存在一词多义的 问题,还有corpus的数据比较旧的问题,这两个问题都会影响评估结果。Glove word vector是至今Intrinsic evaluation才是结果最好的model,Asymmetric context只评估左边window的单词效果不好。More training time and more data对评估结果很有帮助。

Extrinsic evaluation就是把VSM放到实际的任务中进行评估,花费时间较长,如果效果不好的话也不清楚是VSM的问题还是其他模块的问题或者是interaction的问题。有一个简单的办法确认是不是VSM的问题,把这个subsystem用其他的subsystem替换如果精度提高那就换上!


如果一个单词有很多个意思怎么办?如果你简单的就当作一个mean vector来处理那就会相当于把两个不同意思的向量进行向量相加,这显然是不准确的。解决方法在Notes讲得很详细,这里摘抄如下:
1. Gather fixed size context windows of all occurrences of the word(for instance, 5 before and 5 after)
2. Each context is represented by a weighted average of the context words’ vectors (using idf-weighting)
3. Apply spherical k-means to cluster these context representations.
4. Finally, each word occurrence is re-labeled to its associated cluster and is used to train the word representation for that cluster.





Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures这一篇论文真的非常棒,讲述了对于Deep architectures实用方面的各个参数调整的方法和建议。

首先讲了各种non-linear function


然后是gradient check的方法,parameter initialization的方法,调整learning rate的方法,prevent overfitting的方法

Homework notes






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