JSON asp(vbs)源文件

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝怎么查号截图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 17:55

'* GAB_LIBRARY Copyright (C) 2003 - This file is part of GAB_LIBRARY       
'* For license refer to the license.txt                                       


'' @CREATOR:        Michal Gabrukiewicz (gabru at grafix.at), Michael Rebec
'' @CONTRIBUTORS:    - Cliff Pruitt (opensource at crayoncowboy.com)
''                    - Sylvain Lafontaine
'' @CREATEDON:        2007-04-26 12:46
'' @CDESCRIPTION:    Comes up with functionality for JSON (http://json.org) to use within ASP.
''                     Correct escaping of characters, generating JSON Grammer out of ASP datatypes and structures
'' @REQUIRES:        -
'' @VERSION:        1.4

class JSON

'private members
private output, innerCall

'public members
public toResponse        ''[bool] should generated results be directly written to the response? default = false

'* constructor
public sub class_initialize()
        toResponse = false
end sub

'' @SDESCRIPTION:    STATIC! takes a given string and makes it JSON valid
'' @DESCRIPTION:    all characters which needs to be escaped are beeing replaced by their
''                    unicode representation according to the
''                    RFC4627#2.5 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt?number=4627
'' @PARAM:            val [string]: value which should be escaped
'' @RETURN:            [string] JSON valid string
'' asc 函数被替换成ascw函数以便支持中文
public function escape(val)
dim cDoubleQuote, cRevSolidus, cSolidus
        cDoubleQuote = &h22
        cRevSolidus = &h5C
        cSolidus = &h2F

dim i, currentDigit
for i = 1 to (len(val))
            currentDigit = mid(val, i, 1)
if ascw(currentDigit) > &h00 and ascw(currentDigit) < &h1F then
                currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
elseif ascw(currentDigit) >= &hC280 and ascw(currentDigit) <= &hC2BF then
                currentDigit = "\u00" + right(padLeft(hex(asc(currentDigit) - &hC200), 2, 0), 2)
elseif ascw(currentDigit) >= &hC380 and ascw(currentDigit) <= &hC3BF then
                currentDigit = "\u00" + right(padLeft(hex(ascw(currentDigit) - &hC2C0), 2, 0), 2)
select case ascw(currentDigit)
case cDoubleQuote: currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
case cRevSolidus: currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
case cSolidus: currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
end select
end if
            escape = escape & currentDigit
end function

'' @SDESCRIPTION:    generates a representation of a name value pair in JSON grammer
'' @DESCRIPTION:    the generation is done fully recursive so the value can be a complex datatype as well. e.g.
''                    toJSON("n", array(array(), 2, true), false) or toJSON("n", array(RS, dict, false), false), etc.
'' @PARAM:            name [string]: name of the value (accessible with javascript afterwards). leave empty to get just the value
'' @PARAM:            val [variant], [int], [float], [array], [object], [dictionary], [recordset]: value which needs
''                    to be generated. Conversation of the data types (ASP datatype -> Javascript datatype):
''                    NOTHING, NULL -> null, ARRAY -> array, BOOL -> bool, OBJECT -> name of the type,
''                    MULTIDIMENSIONAL ARRAY -> generates a 1 dimensional array (flat) with all values of the multidim array
''                    DICTIONARY -> valuepairs. each key is accessible as property afterwards
''                    RECORDSET -> array where each row of the recordset represents a field in the array.
''                    fields have properties named after the column names of the recordset (LOWERCASED!)
''                    e.g. generate(RS) can be used afterwards r[0].ID
''                    INT, FLOAT -> number
''                    OBJECT with reflect() method -> returned as object which can be used within JavaScript
'' @PARAM:            nested [bool]: is the value pair already nested within another? if yes then the {} are left out.
'' @RETURN:            [string] returns a JSON representation of the given name value pair
''                    (if toResponse is on then the return is written directly to the response and nothing is returned)
public function toJSON(name, val, nested)
if not nested and not isEmpty(name) then write("{")
if not isEmpty(name) then write("""" & escape(name) & """: ")
if not nested and not isEmpty(name) then write("}")
        toJSON = output

if innerCall = 0 then newGeneration()
end function

'* generate
private function generateValue(val)
if isNull(val) then
elseif isArray(val) then
elseif isObject(val) then
if val is nothing then
elseif typename(val) = "Dictionary" then
elseif typename(val) = "Recordset" then
end if
            varTyp = varType(val)
if varTyp = 11 then
if val then write("true") else write("false")
'int, long, byte
elseif varTyp = 2 or varTyp = 3 or varTyp = 17 or varTyp = 19 then
'single, double, currency
elseif varTyp = 4 or varTyp = 5 or varTyp = 6 or varTyp = 14 then
                write(replace(cDbl(val), ",", "."))
                write("""" & escape(val & "") & """")
end if
end if
        generateValue = output
end function

'* generateArray
private sub generateArray(val)
dim item, i
        i = 0
'the for each allows us to support also multi dimensional arrays
for each item in val
if i > 0 then write(",")
            i = i + 1
end sub

'* generateDictionary
private sub generateDictionary(val)
dim keys, i
        innerCall = innerCall + 1
        keys = val.keys
for i = 0 to uBound(keys)
if i > 0 then write(",")
            toJSON keys(i), val(keys(i)), true
        innerCall = innerCall - 1
end sub

'* generateRecordset
private sub generateRecordset(val)
dim i
while not val.eof
            innerCall = innerCall + 1
for i = 0 to val.fields.count - 1
if i > 0 then write(",")
                toJSON lCase(val.fields(i).name), val.fields(i).value, true
if not val.eof then write(",")
            innerCall = innerCall - 1
end sub

'* generateObject
private sub generateObject(val)
dim props
on error resume next
set props = val.reflect()
if err = 0 then
on error goto 0
            innerCall = innerCall + 1
            toJSON empty, props, true
            innerCall = innerCall - 1
on error goto 0
            write("""" & escape(typename(val)) & """")
end if
end sub

'* newGeneration
private sub newGeneration()
        output = empty
        innerCall = 0
end sub

'* JsonEscapeSquence
private function escapequence(digit)
        escapequence = "\u00" + right(padLeft(hex(asc(digit)), 2, 0), 2)
end function

'* padLeft
private function padLeft(value, totalLength, paddingChar)
        padLeft = right(clone(paddingChar, totalLength) & value, totalLength)
end function

'* clone
public function clone(byVal str, n)
dim i
for i = 1 to n : clone = clone & str : next
end function

'* write
private sub write(val)
if toResponse then
            output = output & val
end if
end sub

end class

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