
来源:互联网 发布:java图形界面教程视频 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 03:02
问题缘起:参阅 Erlang Question 邮件列表上的讨论(。以下回复于该邮件列表。由于用的英文还是比较粗浅,我就不费神去翻译了。

I think flat module namespaces is a defect of erlang design.

For example, I write a foo.erl, And it works well. But maybe in a late erlang version (eg. R13B)  also write such  module named  foo.erl. Then,  you can see  my application goes wrong.

How to avoid things like this? Let's see the following ways:

1. Adjust module searching paths, and let user path (which contains my foo.erl) take precedence over erlang stdlib/otp path. But, this way can't always work well. If some other stdlib/otp modules use system foo.erl (not my foo.erl), Things goes wrong.

2. Write erlang modules always named with a prefix (a fake namespace. For example, projectname_foo.erl or organization_projectname_foo.erl). This way really can solve the problem. But, It seems ugly.

Is there a way let's user still can call foo:func (not call foo.erl provied by stdlib/otp, but my projectname_foo.erl)? I have a suggestion:

Can erlang provide a 'module name alias'? That is, I can rename a module's name temporarily in a module? For example:

-alias(foo, organization_projectname_foo). %% alias

some_func_call_foo() ->
    foo:func().  %% same as: organization_projectname_foo:func()

Currently I can do this by using the 'define' keyword. For example:

-define(Foo, organization_projectname_foo). %% alias

some_func_call_foo() ->

It works well, but a bit ugly.