
来源:互联网 发布:知乎广告在哪里看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 17:40



1、int a ; //这里是注释 ;

2、int a ; /*这里


            是的*/    ;

3、int a ; /*这里是注释*/ ;


     printf("adfadsf/*sdfaf*/ \n"); 对其中的/**/之间的注释不做处理


5、对于换行符 \ 不做处理;




void removec(char* From,char* To){//printf("%s %s\n",From,To);int state;bool flag=true;char c;FILE *fp,*tp;if((fp=fopen(From,"r")) == NULL)    {        printf("The file can not be opened.\n");return;    } if((tp=fopen(To,"w")) == NULL)    {        printf("The file can not be opened.\n");return;    } //ÒƳý²Ù×÷    state = 0;    while ((c = fgetc(fp))!=EOF) {        if (state == 0 && c == '/')        // ex. [/]state = 1;        else if (state == 1 && c == '*')     // ex. [/*]            state = 2;        else if (state == 1 && c == '/')    // ex. [//]            state = 4;        else if (state == 1) {                // ex. [<secure/_stdio.h> or 5/3]            fputc('/',tp);            state = 0;        }        else if (state == 2 && c == '*')    // ex. [/*he*]            state = 3;        else if (state == 2)                // ex. [/*heh]            state = 2;        else if (state == 3 && c == '/')    // ex. [/*heh*/]            state = 0;        else if (state == 3)                // ex. [/*heh*e]            state = 2;        else if (state == 4 && c == '\\')    // ex. [//hehe\]            state = 9;        else if (state == 9 && c == '\\')    // ex. [//hehe\\\\\]            state = 9;        else if (state == 9)                // ex. [//hehe\<enter> or //hehe\a]            state = 4;        else if (state == 4 && c == '\n')   // ex. [//hehe<enter>]state = 0;else if (state == 0 && c == '\n' )    // ex. [//hehe<enter>]state = 0;        else if (state == 0 && c == '\'')    // ex. [']state = 5;        else if (state == 5 && c == '\\')     // ex. ['\]            state = 6;        else if (state == 6)                // ex. ['\n or '\' or '\t etc.]            state = 5;        else if (state == 5 && c == '\'')    // ex. ['\n' or '\'' or '\t' ect.]            state = 0;        else if (state == 0 && c == '\"')  // ex. ["]state = 7;        else if (state == 7 && c == '\\')     // ex. ["\]            state = 8;        else if (state == 8)                // ex. ["\n or "\" or "\t ect.]            state = 7;        else if (state == 7 && c == '\"')    // ex. ["\n" or "\"" or "\t" ect.]            state = 0;if ((state == 0 && c != '/') || state == 5 || state == 6 || state == 7 || state == 8){if(flag && '\n'==c)continue;else if('\n'==c) flag=true;else flag=false;fputc(c,tp);}     }fclose(fp);fclose(tp);printf("The Process is done!\n");}

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