
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝清仓的报名流程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:13


CMemoryState provides a convenient way to detect memory leaks in your program. A “memory leak” occurs when memory for an object is allocated on the heap but not deallocated when it is no longer required. Such memory leaks can eventually lead to out-of-memory errors. There are several ways to allocate and deallocate memory in your program:

  • Using the malloc/free family of functions from the run-time library.
  • Using the Windows API memory management functions, LocalAlloc/LocalFree andGlobalAlloc/GlobalFree.
  • Using the C++ new and delete operators.

The CMemoryState diagnostics only help detect memory leaks caused when memory allocated using thenew operator is not deallocated usingdelete. The other two groups of memory-management functions are for non-C++ programs, and mixing them withnew anddelete in the same program is not recommended. An additional macro,DEBUG_NEW, is provided to replace thenew operator when you need file and line-number tracking of memory allocations.DEBUG_NEW is used whenever you would normally use thenew operator.

As with other diagnostics, the CMemoryState diagnostics are only available in debug versions of your program. A debug version must have the_DEBUG constant defined.

If you suspect your program has a memory leak, you can use the Checkpoint, Difference, and DumpStatistics functions to discover the difference between the memory state (objects allocated) at two different points in program execution. This information can be useful in determining whether a function is cleaning up all the objects it allocates.



#ifdef _DEBUG   //一定要在debug模式下搞啊

       CMemoryState m_StPt, m_EndPt, m_Diff;

#endif //_DEBU



       if (! AfxOleInit())

          return FALSE;

#ifdef _DEBUG //一定要在debug模式下搞啊


#endif //_DEBUG



int CTestApp::ExitInstance()


#ifdef _DEBUG//一定要在debug 模式下搞啊


      if (m_Diff.Difference(m_StPt, m_EndPt))


             TRACE("\n-------- Detected memory leaks. DUMP(DumpStatistics) Start --------\n");


             TRACE("-------- Detected memory leaks. DUMP(DumpStatistics) End --------\n");

             TRACE("\n-------- Detected memory leaks. DUMP(DumpAllObjectsSince) Start --------\n");


             TRACE("-------- Detected memory leaks. DUMP(DumpAllObjectsSince) End --------\n\n");




             TRACE("\n-------- No detected memory leaks. OK !! --------\n\n");


#endif //_DEBUG

      return CWinApp::ExitInstance();




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