
来源:互联网 发布:中世纪2优化9圣物 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 17:40

select aid aid值,aname 姓名
from agents
where city = 'New York'

select distinct pid 
     from orders 
         order by pid

select pid
from (select pid , count(aid) ca
from orders
group by pid
) a
where a.ca >= 2
order by pid

select count(*) 
           select distinct city 
                from customers 

select distinct cid from orders 
       where pid in(
             select distinct pid from orders where aid = 'a06'
       )order by cid 

select distinct cid from orders
where aid in(
select aid 代理商编号
from agents
where city = 'Duluth' or city = 'Dallas'
)order by cid

select ag.aid 代理商编号,ag.aname 姓名,ag.city 城市,ag.PERCENTS 佣金百分比,
ord.ORDNO 订单号,ord.CID 客户编号,ord.PID 商品编号,ord.QTY 数量,ord.DOLLARS 总金额
from agents ag inner join orders ord
on ag.aid = ord.aid
where ag.city = 'Duluth' or ag.city = 'Dallas'

select cname 姓名,discnt 折扣
from customers
where cid in (
select distinct ord.CID 客户编号
from agents ag inner join orders ord
on ag.aid = ord.aid
where ag.city = 'Duluth' or ag.city = 'Dallas'

select cname 姓名
from customers
where cid in(
select distinct cid from orders
where pid = 'p05'

10 分别查询有和没有购买过产品的顾客名称
select distinct cname 姓名
from customers
where cid in (
select distinct cid from orders

11 得到从代理商a03处订购了产品p07的顾客的名称 
select * from customers
where cid =(
select cid from orders
where aid = 'a03' and pid = 'p07'

12 检索由住在Duluth的顾客和住在New York 的代理商组成的所有订货记录的ordno值()
select ordno from orders
where cid in (select cid from customers
where city = 'Duluth') and
aid in (select aid from agents
where city = 'New York')
order by ordno

13 找出佣金百分率最小的代理商的名称
select aname 姓名
from agents
where percents = (
select min(PERCENTS) 佣金百分率
from agents

14 检索通过代理商a05订货的所有顾客的名字
select cname 姓名
from customers
where cid in (
select distinct cid
from orders
where aid = 'a05'

15 求出住在New York 或Duluth 并订购了价格超过一美元的所有产品的代理商的aid值
select aid from orders
where aid in (
select distinct aid from orders
where aid in (
select aid from agents where city = 'New York' or
city = 'Duluth'
) and DOLLARS/ QTY >= 1

16 找出具有以下性质的顾客的cid 值:如果顾客c006订购了某种产品,那要检索的顾客也订购了该产品
select distinct cid from orders
where pid in (
select distinct pid
from orders
where cid = 'c006'
) order by cid

17 检索对同一产品至少订购了两次的所有顾客的名字
select cname from customers where cid in
(select cid from orders group by cid,pid having count(pid)>=2)

18 求出既订购了产品p01又订购了产品p07的顾客的cid值 
select distinct cid from orders x
where pid='p01' and
exists (select * from orders where cid=x.cid and pid='p07')

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