About Apps

来源:互联网 发布:mac最上面的不隐藏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:51

Apple’s App Store remained the second-largest app store with 1.4 million available for download in leading app stores as of May 2015.

So I’m an IOS developer, I will only tell you something about IOS app.

A successful app may involes many aspests. But there must be two main reasons why an app become so successful. One is user-experience, which we talk a lot. Another is main-function.

We disscuss main-function first. When start to build an app, we must clearly know about what we can provide for users. For example, when we talk about WeChat, the first impression for us is WeChat is a social media tool. We use it for chating. Another example is AliPay, We call it “支付宝” in Chinese. 95 percent people use it for payment. Both two Apps have a clear main-function and they achieve a big success in China, even in the world. You may thought these two apps have very complicated process, it costs too much time and humanresouces, so it can make a difference. Ok, I’ll give you another app’s name ‘AnyFont’. You may have not heard about that, it is only a tool for user to download some fonts and install it on your iphone. Only one developer coded it. It also achieved a big successful and it has a very clear main-function too. What I want to tell you is that a successful app must have a clear main-function.

User-experience, we talk too much about it. But in my own view, there are three main aspects we can conclude. To start with, as a developer, we won’t alown our apps crash. We can’t cross that lines,it is a basic test level too. Users swipe, tap, pinch or some make some gesture, it must have a smoothly response. We called it fluent. Then, we use tons of beautiful pictures, which includes app-icon, some detail display menus, buttons and so on. Animation is a improtant elments too, we properly use a lot animations to make our apps become dynamic. Finally, you should read HIG(Human Interface Guidelines) to design your app. You best have a strategy at very very first beginning, when you start your apps.

Hopes, it can help you.

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