第17章 输入输出和文件

来源:互联网 发布:网络电视如何看央视 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:46

这个缓冲机制规定,只有收到回车键,才会将所有输入的数据一次过提交到输入处理函数(就是 cin 或者 scanf 了)
而这个输入过程,在按下回车键之前,是不受到 cin 和 scanf 控制的…..

#include<iostream>using namespace std;const int Limit=255;int main(){    char input[Limit];    cout<<"Enter a string for getline():\n";    cin.getline(input,Limit,'#');    cout<<"Here is your input:\n";    cout<<input<<"\nDone with phase 1\n";    char ch;    cin.get(ch);    cout<<"The next input char is "<<ch<<endl;    if(ch!='\n')        cin.ignore(Limit,'\n');    cout<<"Enter a string for get():\n";    cin.get(input,Limit,'#');    cout<<"Here is your input:\n";    cout<<input<<"\nDone with phase 2\n";    cin.get(ch);    cout<<"The next input char is "<<ch<<endl;    return 0;}

三部曲:1.定义对象fin,fout 2.对象和文件关联3.进行fin和fout。

#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){    char *filename;    //string filename;    double num;    cout<<"Enter the filename:\n";    //cin>>filename;    cin.getline(filename,50); //用getline()不能传string类型的 要char*    ofstream fout;    fout.open(filename);    fout<<"For your eyes only!\n";    cout<<"Enter your secret number:";    cin>>num;    fout<<"your secret num is:"<<num<<endl;    fout.close();    ifstream fin;    fin.open(filename);    cout<<"The content of "<<filename<<" is:\n";    char ch;    while(fin.get(ch))        cout<<ch;    cout<<"Done\n";    fin.close();    return 0;}


#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<cstdlib>using namespace std;int main(int argc,char *argv[])//参数个数 和 命令行参数{    if(argc==1)    {        cerr<<"Usage:"<<argv[0]<<" filename[s]\n";        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);    }    long count;    long total=0;    char ch;    ifstream fin;    for(int file=1;file<argc;file++)//依次处理命令行中的文件     {        fin.open(argv[file]);        if(!fin.is_open())        {            cerr<<"Could not open "<<argv[file]<<endl;            fin.clear();            continue;        }        count=0;        while(fin.get(ch))            count++;        cout<<count<<" characters in "<<argv[file]<<endl;        total+=count;        fin.clear();        fin.close();    }    cout<<total<<" characters in all files\n";    return 0;}


#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<cstdlib>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){    char *filename="guest";    char ch;    string name;    ifstream fin;    fin.open(filename);    if(!fin.is_open())    {        cout<<"File can not be opened!\n";    }    else    {        cout<<"The content of "<<filename<<" is:\n";        while(fin.get(ch))            cout<<ch;        fin.clear();        fin.close();    }    ofstream fout;    fout.open(filename,ios::out|ios::app);//想要追加文件内容打开时以此模式打开就可以了    if(!fout.is_open())    {        cout<<"File can not be opened!\n";    }    else    {        cout<<"Enter the name of guest:";        while(getline(cin,name)&&name.size()>0)           fout<<name<<endl;        fout.clear();        fout.close();    }    //ifstream fin;  不需要再定义对象    fin.open(filename);    if(!fin.is_open())    {        cout<<"File can not be opened!\n";    }    else    {        cout<<"The content of "<<filename<<" is:\n";        while(fin.get(ch))            cout<<ch;        fin.clear();        fin.close();    }    return 0;}
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