来源:互联网 发布:异次元杀阵1解析 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 20:11




#include <functional>#include <iostream>namespace {using cb1_t = std::function<void()>;using cb2_t = std::function<void(int)>;void foo1(){    std::cout << "foo1 is called\n";}void foo2(int i){    std::cout << "foo2 is called with: " << i << "\n";}struct S {    void foo3()    {        std::cout << "foo3 is called.\n";    }};}int main(){    // Bind a free function.    cb1_t f1 = std::bind(&foo1);    // Invoke the function foo1.    f1();    // Bind a free function with an int argument.    // Note that the argument can be specified with bind directly.    cb1_t f2 = std::bind(&foo2, 5);    // Invoke the function foo2.    f2();    // Bind a function with a placeholder.    cb2_t f3 = std::bind(&foo2, std::placeholders::_1);    // Invoke the function with an argument.    f3(42);    // Bind a member function.    S s;    cb1_t   f4 = std::bind(&S::foo3, &s);    // Invoke the method foo3.    f4();    // Bind a lambda.    cb1_t f5 = std::bind([] { std::cout << "lambda is called\n"; });    f5();    return 0;}

使用回调是非常好的,但是更多的情况下,我们往往需要存储一些回调函数,并稍后使用。例如,注册一个客户端到某个事件上。(也许注册和事件是C Sharp的词汇)

缺点就是,我们不能再vector中存储不同的类型 。

#include <vector>#include <functional>#include <iostream>namespace {using cb1_t = std::function<void()>;using callbacks_t = std::vector<cb1_t>;callbacks_t callbacks;void foo1(){    std::cout << "foo1 is called\n";}void foo2(int i){    std::cout << "foo2 is called with: " << i << "\n";}} // end anonymous namespaceint main(){    // Bind a free function.    cb1_t f1 = std::bind(&foo1);    callbacks.push_back(f1);    // Bind a free function with an int argument.    // Here the argument is statically known.    cb1_t f2 = std::bind(&foo2, 5);    callbacks.push_back(f2);    // Bind a free function with an int argument.    // Here the argument is bound and can be changed at runtime.    int n = 15;    cb1_t f3 = std::bind(&foo2, std::cref(n));    callbacks.push_back(f3);    // Invoke the functions    for(auto& fun : callbacks) {        fun();    }    return 0;}


Note that we always produce an std::function, even though in some cases we could invoke the target directly. Whether this is required depends on the use case. If all the function does is invoking the target, then directly doing it is more efficient. The reason is that std::function does have some overhead, because it is a polymorphic class.

#include <functional>#include <iostream>namespace {using cb1_t = std::function<void()>;using cb2_t = std::function<void(int)>;// Wrapper function with std::function without arguments.template<typename R>void call(std::function<R(void)> f){    f();}// Wrapper function with std::function with arguments.template<typename R, typename ...A>void call(std::function<R(A...)> f, A... args){    f(args...);}// Wrapper function for generic callable object without arguments.// Delegates to the std::function call.template<typename R>void call(R f(void)){    call(std::function<R(void)>(f));}// Wrapper function for generic callable object with arguments.// Delegates to the std::function call.template<typename R, typename ...A>void call(R f(A...), A... args){    call(std::function<R(A...)>(f), args...);}// Wrapper for a function pointer (e.g. a lambda without capture) without// arguments.using fp = void (*)(void);void call(fp f){    call(std::function<void()>(f));}void foo1(){    std::cout << "foo1 is called\n";}void foo2(int i){    std::cout << "foo2 is called with: " << i << "\n";}} // end anonymous namespaceint main(){    // Call function 1.    call(&foo1);    // Alternative to call function 1.    cb1_t f1 = std::bind(&foo1);    call(f1);    // Call function 2.    call(&foo2, 5);    // Alternative to call function 2.    cb2_t f2 = std::bind(&foo2, std::placeholders::_1);    call(f2, 5);    // Here is an example with a lambda. It calls the function that takes a    // function pointer.    call([] { std::cout << "lambda called\n"; });    return 0;}
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