Firebase 特性翻译

来源:互联网 发布:php培训机构达内教育 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 02:27
Firebase can power your app's backend, including data storage, user authentication, static hosting, and more. We provide these services so you can focus on creating extraordinary user experiences.

firebase 可以给您提供应用的后台支持,包括数据存储、用户验证、静态资源托管等,我们提供这些服务给您,这样您就可以更专注的提升更优质的用户体验

Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Realtime Database
Data in your Firebase database is stored as JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client. When you build cross-platform apps with our Android, iOS, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients share one Firebase database and automatically receive updates with the newest data.

数据在你的firebase数据库中是以json格式存储的,并且能够被实时同步到每一个连接着的客户端。当你使用我们的安卓、IOS和JavaScript SDK创建一个多端应用,所有的客户端都会同步到你数据库上的最新更改
Automatically scales with your app

When your app is a breakout hit, you don't have to worry about scaling your server code or provisioning extra capacity — Firebase handles that automatically for you. Our servers manage millions of concurrent connections and billions of operations per month.
First-class security features
All of your data is transferred over a secure SSL connection with a 2048-bit certificate. Database access and validation is controlled at a granular level using our flexible security rules language. All of your data security logic is centralized in one place making it easy to update and verify.
你所有的数据都是通过2048比特密钥的ssl安全链接,数据库操作和验证是通过使用我们弹性security rules language(安全规则语言)的粒度上进行的。所有的数据安全逻辑都是集中在一个地方进行的,这样保证了它容易更新和验证
Works offline
Your Firebase app will remain responsive regardless of network latency or Internet connectivity. All writes to a Firebase database will trigger local events immediately, before any data has been written to the server. Once connectivity is re-established, the client will receive any changes it missed, synchronizing it with the current server state.
Firebase Authentication
Firebase Authentication
With Firebase, you can easily authenticate users from our Android, iOS, andJavaScript SDKs in just a few lines of code. We have built-in functionality for authenticating users with email & password, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Google, and anonymous auth. Apps that use Firebase's built-in auth services can handle user login entirely with client-side code, saving you time and the headache of operating your own backend. You can also integrate authentication with your existing backend servers using our custom auth tokens.

当你使用firebase的时候,你可以很轻松的通过我们的安卓、ios、JavaScript SDK来验证用户,只要几行代码就可以了。我们提供了一个内置的用户验证功能,它可以通过邮箱+密码、Facebook、Twitter、GitHub、Google或者是匿名登录。应用可以使用纯客户端代码实现整个登录流程,省去了你自己管理后端的麻烦事。当然你也可以通过custom authtokens(定制验证)接入自己已有的后端
Firebase Hosting
Firebase Hosting
Deploy your web app in seconds with our production-grade static asset hosting. All of your content is delivered over SSL from our global CDN.
Deploy in seconds
Deploy using the Firebase command line tools and roll back to previous versions with one click. Every app gets its own domain, and paid apps can deploy to a custom domain.

SSL by default

Every app is served over a secure connection, and we take care of provisioning the SSL cert for you.
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