
来源:互联网 发布:php手机网站源码下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:03




  1. 它们是什么,他们的实现原理,即what

  2. 为什么要这么去实现它,即why

  3. 我们怎么去用他们,即how





    1. MutexAutoMutex)代码分析





       * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open SourceProject


       * Licensed under the Apache License, Version2.0 (the "License");

       * you may not use this file except incompliance with the License.

       * You may obtain a copy of the License at




       * Unless required by applicable law or agreedto in writing, software

       * distributed under the License is distributedon an "AS IS" BASIS,

       * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANYKIND, either express or implied.

       * See the License for the specific languagegoverning permissions and

       * limitations under the License.













      # include<pthread.h>






      namespaceandroid { //android的命名空间,使用的时候用“using namespace android;

                         //C++里的“using namespace std;”一样。



      class Condition;



       * Simple mutex class. The implementation is system-dependent.


       * The mutex must be unlocked by the threadthat locked it. They are not

       * recursive, i.e. the same thread can't lockit multiple times.


      class Mutex {


         enum {

             PRIVATE = 0,

             SHARED = 1





                     Mutex();   //构造函数

                     Mutex(const char* name);  //构造函数

                     Mutex(int type, const char*name = NULL);  //构造函数,type就是上面的那两种类型

                     ~Mutex();  //析构


         // lock or unlock the mutex

         status_t   lock(); //获取锁。如果获取就返回,否则挂起等待

         void       unlock();  //释放锁


         // lock if possible; returns 0 on success,error otherwise

         status_t   tryLock();




         // Manages the mutex automatically. It'llbe locked when Autolock is

         // constructed and released when Autolockgoes out of scope.


      //可以看出,在构造函数中 mLock.lock()加锁,在析构函数中 mLock.unlock() 解锁。

         //所以,对一个需要加锁的函数来说,我们只需要在函数开始处,声明这样 (Mutex::Autolock autolock(mLock);),一个变量,它就会加锁,


      ////android系统里几乎到处都是这种使用,或者AutoMutex _l(mLock)这种使用

      //这两种使用是一样的效果的,因为下面有这样一行代码typedefMutex::Autolock AutoMutex;



      //大家都知道C++的构造函数析构函数是成对出现的,用了构造函数中 mLock.lock()加锁,

      //在析构函数中 mLock.unlock()解锁这种设计之后,就不会出现忘了unlock的情况了

         class Autolock {


             inline Autolock(Mutex& mutex) :mLock(mutex) { mLock.lock(); } 



             inline Autolock(Mutex* mutex) :mLock(*mutex) { mLock.lock(); }

             inline ~Autolock() { mLock.unlock(); }


             Mutex& mLock;




         friend class Condition; //友元类Condition


         // A mutex cannot be copied

                     Mutex(const Mutex&);

         Mutex&      operator = (const Mutex&);



         pthread_mutex_t mMutex;


         void   _init();

         void*  mState;






      #if defined(HAVE_PTHREADS)


      inlineMutex::Mutex() {

         pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL);


      inlineMutex::Mutex(__attribute__((unused)) const char* name) {

         pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL);


      inlineMutex::Mutex(int type, __attribute__((unused)) const char* name) {

         if (type == SHARED) {

             pthread_mutexattr_t attr;





         } else {

             pthread_mutex_init(&mMutex, NULL);



      inlineMutex::~Mutex() {



      inlinestatus_t Mutex::lock() {

         return -pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex);


      inline voidMutex::unlock() {



      inlinestatus_t Mutex::tryLock() {

         return -pthread_mutex_trylock(&mMutex);



      #endif //HAVE_PTHREADS





       * Automatic mutex. Declare one of these at the top of afunction.

       * When the function returns, it will go out ofscope, and release the

       * mutex.



      typedefMutex::Autolock AutoMutex;



      }; //namespace android

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


      #endif //_LIBS_UTILS_MUTEX_H


       1.2 Condition代码分析






       * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open SourceProject


       * Licensed under the Apache License, Version2.0 (the "License");

       * you may not use this file except incompliance with the License.

       * You may obtain a copy of the License at




       * Unless required by applicable law or agreedto in writing, software

       * distributed under the License is distributedon an "AS IS" BASIS,

       * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANYKIND, either express or implied.

       * See the License for the specific languagegoverning permissions and

       * limitations under the License.










      #if defined(HAVE_PTHREADS)

      # include<pthread.h>








      namespace android {




       * Condition variable class. The implementation is system-dependent.


       * Condition variables are paired up withmutexes. Lock the mutex,

       * call wait(), then either re-wait() if thingsaren't quite what you want,

       * or unlock the mutex and continue. All threads calling wait() must

       * use the same mutex for a given Condition.


      class Condition {


         enum {

             PRIVATE = 0,

             SHARED = 1





         enum WakeUpType {

             WAKE_UP_ONE = 0,

             WAKE_UP_ALL = 1



         Condition(); ////构造函数

         Condition(int type);//构造函数,type就是上面的那两种类型


         // Wait on the condition variable.  Lock the mutex before calling.


         status_t wait(Mutex& mutex);

         // same with relative timeout


         status_t waitRelative(Mutex& mutex,nsecs_t reltime);

         // Signal the condition variable, allowingexactly one thread to continue.


         void signal();

         // Signal the condition variable, allowingone or all threads to continue.

         void signal(WakeUpType type) {

             if (type == WAKE_UP_ONE) {


             } else {




         // Signal the condition variable, allowingall threads to continue.


         void broadcast();




         pthread_cond_t mCond;


         void*  mState;








      inlineCondition::Condition() {

         pthread_cond_init(&mCond, NULL);


      inlineCondition::Condition(int type) {

         if(type == SHARED) {

             pthread_condattr_t attr;





         } else {

             pthread_cond_init(&mCond, NULL);



      inlineCondition::~Condition() {



      inline status_tCondition::wait(Mutex& mutex) {

         return -pthread_cond_wait(&mCond,&mutex.mMutex);


      inline status_tCondition::waitRelative(Mutex& mutex, nsecs_t reltime) {


         struct timespec ts;

         ts.tv_sec = reltime/1000000000;

         ts.tv_nsec = reltime%1000000000;

         return-pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(&mCond, &mutex.mMutex, &ts);


         struct timespec ts;


         clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);

      #else //HAVE_POSIX_CLOCKS

         // we don't support the clocks here.

         struct timeval t;

         gettimeofday(&t, NULL);

         ts.tv_sec = t.tv_sec;

         ts.tv_nsec= t.tv_usec*1000;

      #endif //HAVE_POSIX_CLOCKS

         ts.tv_sec += reltime/1000000000;

         ts.tv_nsec+= reltime%1000000000;

         if (ts.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) {

             ts.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;

             ts.tv_sec  += 1;


         return -pthread_cond_timedwait(&mCond,&mutex.mMutex, &ts);





      //signal()broadcast()的实现是凭借调用了Raw APIpthread_cond_signal(&mCond)pthread_cond_broadcast(&mCond)



      inline voidCondition::signal() {


          * POSIX says pthread_cond_signal wakes up"one or more" waiting threads.

          *However bionic follows the glibc guarantee which wakes up "exactlyone"

          * waiting thread.


          * man 3 pthread_cond_signal

          *  pthread_cond_signal restarts one of the threads that are waiting on

          *  the condition variable cond. If no threads are waiting on cond,

          *  nothing happens. If several threads are waiting on cond, exactly one

          *  is restarted, but it is not specified which.




      inline voidCondition::broadcast() {




      #endif //HAVE_PTHREADS



      }; // namespaceandroid



      #endif // _LIBS_UTILS_CONDITON_H




       android系统中,死锁是非常严重的,基本都是会引起系统死机,crash,重启的,并且死锁在android系统开发中,也是会经常碰见的。所以我们要尽量避免死锁,android就给我们封装了AutoMutex它充分利用了c++的构造与析构机制,在构造函数中 mLock.lock() 加锁,在析构函数中 mLock.unlock() 解锁。

      对一个需要加锁的函数来说,我们只需要在函数开始处,AutoMutex _l(mLock)就完成了加锁,等函数退出时,这样一个临时变量就会析构,就会解锁。




    1. Autolock/AutoMutex的使用



    2. Condition的使用


      status_t Thread::requestExitAndWait()


          Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

          if (mThread == getThreadId()) {


              "Thread (this=%p): don't callwaitForExit() from this "

              "Thread object's thread. It's aguaranteed deadlock!",



              return WOULD_BLOCK;



          mExitPending = true;


          while (mRunning == true) {



          // This next line is probably not neededany more, but is being left for

          // historical reference. Note that eachinterested party will clear flag.

          mExitPending = false;


          return mStatus;

      int Thread::_threadLoop(void* user)


          Thread* const self =static_cast<Thread*>(user);



          wp<Thread> weak(strong);



      #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS

          // this is very useful for debugging withgdb

          self->mTid = gettid();



          bool first = true;


          do {

              bool result;

              if (first) {

                  first = false;

                  self->mStatus =self->readyToRun();

                  result = (self->mStatus ==NO_ERROR);


                  if (result &&!self->exitPending()) {

                      // Binder threads (and maybeothers) rely on threadLoop

                      // running at least once aftera successful ::readyToRun()

                      // (unless, of course, thethread has already been asked to exit

                      // at that point).

                      // This is because threads areessentially used like this:

                      //   (new ThreadSubclass())->run();

                      // The caller therefore doesnot retain a strong reference to

                      // the thread and the thread wouldsimply disappear after the

                      // successful ::readyToRun()call instead of entering the

                      // threadLoop at least once.

                      result = self->threadLoop();


              } else {

                  result = self->threadLoop();



              // establish a scope for mLock


              Mutex::Autolock _l(self->mLock);

              if (result == false ||self->mExitPending) {

                  self->mExitPending = true;

                  self->mRunning = false;

                  // clear thread ID so thatrequestExitAndWait() does not exit if

                  // called by a new thread using thesame thread ID as this one.

                  self->mThread = thread_id_t(-1);

                  // note that interested observersblocked in requestExitAndWait are

                  // awoken by broadcast, but blockedon mLock until break exits scope

                 self->mThreadExitedCondition.broadcast(); //这里broadcast





              // Release our strong reference, to leta chance to the thread

              // to die a peaceful death.


              // And immediately, re-acquire a strongreference for the next loop

              strong = weak.promote();

          } while(strong != 0);


          return 0;






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