
来源:互联网 发布:mac 重装 u盘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:31

我想去掉每个算法步骤前面的数字序号,1,2,3,因为我已经写了step。我们只需要引用a lgorithmic这个包就可以了,代码如下:

\usepackage{algorithmic}\begin{algorithm}[htb]\caption{SDE}\label{alg2}\begin{algorithmic}\STATE Step 1. Compute the covariance matrix $C$ of the current population, then apply Eigen decomposition to $C$ as follows:\begin{equation}\label{eve}C=EDE^T\end{equation}where $E$ is the eigenvector matrix of the population, $E^T$ is the corresponding transposed matrix. $D$ is a diagonal matrix composed of eigenvalues.\STATE Step 2. Compute the the projection of the population with eigenvector matrix $E$.\begin{equation}\label{proj}P=X_G\cdot{E} \end{equation}\STATE Step 3. Operate the mutation in Eigen coordinate sysytem.\begin{equation}\label{mut}P'=P_{r_1}+F\cdot(P_{r_2}-P_{r_3})\end{equation}where $P_{r_1}$, $P_{r_2}$ and $P_{r_3}$ are sampled randomly from the projection $P$, $P'$ is the projection of mutation vector.\STATE Step 4. Transform $P'$ to original coordinate system to obtain next generation of population $X_{G+1}$.\begin{equation}\label{org}  X_{G+1}=P'\cdot{E^T}\end{equation}\end{algorithmic}\end{algorithm}


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