C#动态加载web service

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 房地产文案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/14 17:24


Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'XXXX' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element.




using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.Services;using System.Web.Services.Protocols;using System.Xml.Linq;  using System.IO;using System.Net;using System.CodeDom;using System.CodeDom.Compiler;using System.Web.Services.Description;using System.Xml.Serialization;using System.Web.Services.Discovery;using System.Xml.Schema;using System.Text;using System.Security.Cryptography;using System.Reflection;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Xml; namespace KangryUtils{    /// <summary>    /// WebServiceProxy 的摘要说明    /// </summary>    [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]    [ToolboxItem(false)]    // 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消对下行的注释。    // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService]    public class WebServiceProxy : System.Web.Services.WebService    {         #region 私有变量和属性定义        /// <summary>                        /// web服务地址                                /// </summary>                                   private string _wsdlUrl = string.Empty;        /// <summary>                        /// web服务名称                                /// </summary>                                   private string _wsdlName = string.Empty;        /// <summary>                        /// 代理类命名空间                                /// </summary>                                   private string _wsdlNamespace = "FrameWork.WebService.DynamicWebServiceCalling.{0}";        /// <summary>                        /// 代理类类型名称                                /// </summary>                                   private Type _typeName = null;        /// <summary>                        /// 程序集名称                                  /// </summary>                                   private string _assName = string.Empty;        /// <summary>                        /// 代理类所在程序集路径                                 /// </summary>                                   private string _assPath = string.Empty;        /// <summary>                        /// 代理类的实例                                 /// </summary>                                   private object _instance = null;        /// <summary>                        /// 代理类的实例                                 /// </summary>                                   private object Instance        {            get            {                if (_instance == null)                {                    _instance = Activator.CreateInstance(_typeName);                    return _instance;                }                else                    return _instance;            }        }        #endregion         #region 构造函数        public WebServiceProxy(string wsdlUrl)        {             this._wsdlUrl = wsdlUrl;            string wsdlName = WebServiceProxy.getWsclassName(wsdlUrl);            this._wsdlName = wsdlName;            this._assName = string.Format(_wsdlNamespace, wsdlName);            this._assPath = Path.GetTempPath() + this._assName + getMd5Sum(this._wsdlUrl) + ".dll";            this.CreateServiceAssembly();        }         public WebServiceProxy(string wsdlUrl, string wsdlName)        {            this._wsdlUrl = wsdlUrl;            this._wsdlName = wsdlName;            this._assName = string.Format(_wsdlNamespace, wsdlName);            this._assPath = Path.GetTempPath() + this._assName + getMd5Sum(this._wsdlUrl) + ".dll";            this.CreateServiceAssembly();        }        #endregion         #region 得到WSDL信息,生成本地代理类并编译为DLL,构造函数调用,类生成时加载        /// <summary>                                /// 得到WSDL信息,生成本地代理类并编译为DLL                                /// </summary>                                   private void CreateServiceAssembly()        {            if (this.checkCache())            {                this.initTypeName();                return;            }            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._wsdlUrl))            {                return;            }            try            {                //使用WebClient下载WSDL信息                                      WebClient web = new WebClient();                Stream stream = web.OpenRead(this._wsdlUrl);                ServiceDescription description = ServiceDescription.Read(stream);//创建和格式化WSDL文档                ServiceDescriptionImporter importer = new ServiceDescriptionImporter();//创建客户端代理代理类                importer.ProtocolName = "Soap";                importer.Style = ServiceDescriptionImportStyle.Client;    //生成客户端代理                                      importer.CodeGenerationOptions = CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateProperties | CodeGenerationOptions.GenerateNewAsync;                importer.AddServiceDescription(description, null, null);//添加WSDL文档                //使用CodeDom编译客户端代理类                                CodeNamespace nmspace = new CodeNamespace(_assName);    //为代理类添加命名空间                               CodeCompileUnit unit = new CodeCompileUnit();                unit.Namespaces.Add(nmspace);                this.checkForImports(this._wsdlUrl, importer);                ServiceDescriptionImportWarnings warning = importer.Import(nmspace, unit);                CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");                CompilerParameters parameter = new CompilerParameters();                parameter.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll");                parameter.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.XML.dll");                parameter.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Web.Services.dll");                parameter.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.Data.dll");                parameter.GenerateExecutable = false;                parameter.GenerateInMemory = false;                parameter.IncludeDebugInformation = false;                CompilerResults result = provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(parameter, unit);                provider.Dispose();                if (result.Errors.HasErrors)                {                    string errors = string.Format(@"编译错误:{0}错误!", result.Errors.Count);                    foreach (CompilerError error in result.Errors)                    {                        errors += error.ErrorText;                    }                    throw new Exception(errors);                }                this.copyTempAssembly(result.PathToAssembly);                this.initTypeName();            }            catch (Exception e)            {                throw new Exception(e.Message);            }        }        #endregion         #region 执行Web服务方法        /// <summary>                                /// 执行代理类指定方法,有返回值                                     /// </summary>                                       /// <param   name="methodName">方法名称</param>                                /// <param   name="param">参数</param>                                   /// <returns>object</returns>                                      public object ExecuteQuery(string methodName, object[] param)        {            object rtnObj = null;             try            {                if (this._typeName == null)                {                    //记录Web服务访问类名错误日志代码位置                    throw new TypeLoadException("Web服务访问类名【" + this._wsdlName + "】不正确,请检查!");                }                //调用方法                MethodInfo mi = this._typeName.GetMethod(methodName);                if (mi == null)                {                    //记录Web服务方法名错误日志代码位置                    throw new TypeLoadException("Web服务访问方法名【" + methodName + "】不正确,请检查!");                }                try                {                    if (param == null)                        rtnObj = mi.Invoke(Instance, null);                    else                    {                        rtnObj = mi.Invoke(Instance,  param );                    }                }                catch (TypeLoadException tle)                {                    //记录Web服务方法参数个数错误日志代码位置                    throw new TypeLoadException("Web服务访问方法【" + methodName + "】参数个数不正确,请检查!", new TypeLoadException(tle.StackTrace));                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw new Exception(ex.Message, new Exception(ex.StackTrace));            }            return rtnObj;        }         /// <summary>                                /// 执行代理类指定方法,无返回值                                     /// </summary>                                       /// <param   name="methodName">方法名称</param>                                /// <param   name="param">参数</param>                                   public void ExecuteNoQuery(string methodName, object[] param)        {            try            {                if (this._typeName == null)                {                    //记录Web服务访问类名错误日志代码位置                    throw new TypeLoadException("Web服务访问类名【" + this._wsdlName + "】不正确,请检查!");                }                //调用方法                MethodInfo mi = this._typeName.GetMethod(methodName);                if (mi == null)                {                    //记录Web服务方法名错误日志代码位置                    throw new TypeLoadException("Web服务访问方法名【" + methodName + "】不正确,请检查!");                }                try                {                    if (param == null)                        mi.Invoke(Instance, null);                    else                        mi.Invoke(Instance, param);                }                catch (TypeLoadException tle)                {                    //记录Web服务方法参数个数错误日志代码位置                    throw new TypeLoadException("Web服务访问方法【" + methodName + "】参数个数不正确,请检查!", new TypeLoadException(tle.StackTrace));                }            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                throw new Exception(ex.Message, new Exception(ex.StackTrace));            }        }        #endregion         #region 私有方法        /// <summary>                                    /// 得到代理类类型名称                                      /// </summary>                                       private void initTypeName()        {            Assembly serviceAsm = Assembly.LoadFrom(this._assPath);            Type[] types = serviceAsm.GetTypes();            string objTypeName = "";            foreach (Type t in types)            {                if (t.BaseType == typeof(SoapHttpClientProtocol))                {                    objTypeName = t.Name;                    break;                }            }            _typeName = serviceAsm.GetType(this._assName + "." + objTypeName);        }         /// <summary>                            /// 根据web   service文档架构向代理类添加ServiceDescription和XmlSchema                                  /// </summary>                                       /// <param   name="baseWSDLUrl">web服务地址</param>                                /// <param   name="importer">代理类</param>                                   private void checkForImports(string baseWsdlUrl, ServiceDescriptionImporter importer)        {            DiscoveryClientProtocol dcp = new DiscoveryClientProtocol();            dcp.DiscoverAny(baseWsdlUrl);            dcp.ResolveAll();            foreach (object osd in dcp.Documents.Values)            {                if (osd is ServiceDescription) importer.AddServiceDescription((ServiceDescription)osd, null, null); ;                if (osd is XmlSchema) importer.Schemas.Add((XmlSchema)osd);            }        }         /// <summary>                                /// 复制程序集到指定路径                                     /// </summary>                                       /// <param   name="pathToAssembly">程序集路径</param>                                   private void copyTempAssembly(string pathToAssembly)        {            File.Copy(pathToAssembly, this._assPath);        }         private string getMd5Sum(string str)        {            Encoder enc = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetEncoder();            byte[] unicodeText = new byte[str.Length * 2];            enc.GetBytes(str.ToCharArray(), 0, str.Length, unicodeText, 0, true);            MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();            byte[] result = md5.ComputeHash(unicodeText);            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)            {                sb.Append(result[i].ToString("X2"));            }            return sb.ToString();        }         /// <summary>                                /// 是否已经存在该程序集                                     /// </summary>                                       /// <returns>false:不存在该程序集,true:已经存在该程序集</returns>                                     private bool checkCache()        {            if (File.Exists(this._assPath))            {                return true;            }            return false;        }         //私有方法,默认取url入口的文件名为类名        private static string getWsclassName(string wsdlUrl)        {            string[] parts = wsdlUrl.Split('/');            string[] pps = parts[parts.Length - 1].Split('.');            return pps[0];        }        #endregion    }}

WebServiceProxy wsd = new WebServiceProxy("url链接", "方法名");string[] args = { "参数1", "参数2" };pageHtml = (string)wsd.ExecuteQuery("方法名", args);    //返回的是一个对象



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