
来源:互联网 发布:oracle数据库建表语句 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:41


% input: im1, im2, im3, im4, im5% output: background image FF = im1;for i=1:3    A = cat(3,im1(:,:,i),im2(:,:,i),im3(:,:,i),im4(:,:,i),im5(:,:,i));    F(:,:,i) = median(A,3);endfigure,imshow(F)


       计算中值的过程:举个例子,对5个数[20 30 32 23 90]计算中值,首选需要对其排序,用冒泡排序算法得到的结果应该是[20 23 30 32 90],然后取中间一个数,即30。

       计算中值图像( F )的时候,就是要对n幅图像( A1, A2, ..., An )上每个像素位置分别求中值,大概就是:

F = median_background( A1, A2, A3, ..., An )
s.t., F(x,y) = median( [ A1(x,y), A2(x,y), ..., An(x,y) ] )


F_new = median_background( A2, A3, A4, ..., A(n+1) )



// 文件 yuMedianBackground.h
#ifndef YU_MEDIAN_BACKGROUND_H#define YU_MEDIAN_BACKGROUND_H#include "cv.h"using namespace cv;// **********************************// calculating a median image of a set of images.// require the image set to be CV_8UC1 type.// by : Yu Xianguo, Oct.29.2014// **********************************class yuMedianBackground{public:yuMedianBackground(){};Mat  calc( const Mat *frames, int num_frames );Mat  calcOn( const Mat &frame );Mat compounded;Mat indexes;Mat background;};#endif

// 文件 yuMedianBackground.cpp
#include "yuMedianBackground.h"using namespace std;Mat  yuMedianBackground::calc( const Mat *frames, int num_frames ){assert( num_frames>0 && num_frames<32 && frames->type()==CV_8UC1 ); cv::merge( frames, num_frames, compounded );int rows = frames[0].rows, cols = frames[0].cols;indexes.create( rows, cols, CV_8UC(num_frames) );std::vector<uchar> v(num_frames);uchar num = num_frames, num1 = num_frames - 1;for( uchar i=0; i<num; i++ ) v[i]=i; indexes.setTo(v);uchar *pt1 = compounded.data, *pt2 = indexes.data;int gap1 = compounded.step-cols*num_frames;int gap2 = indexes.step-cols*num_frames;uchar tmp, *pt3;for( int y=0; y++<rows; pt1+=gap1, pt2+=gap2 ){for( int x=0; x++<cols; pt1+=num, pt2+=num ){for( uchar i=0; i<num1; i++ ){pt3 = pt2;for( uchar j=0, nd=num1-i; j<nd; j++ ){uchar &a = *(pt3++); // pt2[j]if( pt1[*pt3]<pt1[a] ){tmp = a; a = *pt3; *pt3 = tmp;}//uchar &a = pt2[j], &b = pt2[j+1];//if( pt1[b]<pt1[a] ){//tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; // exchange a & b//}}}}}// extractbackground.create( rows, cols, CV_8UC1 );int mid = (int)( (num_frames-1)/2.f+.5f );pt1 = compounded.data, pt2 = indexes.data+mid,pt3 = background.data;int gap3 = background.step-cols;for( int y=0; y++<rows; pt1+=gap1, pt2+=gap2, pt3+=gap3 )for( int x=0; x++<cols; pt1+=num, pt2+=num )*(pt3++) = pt1[*pt2];return background;}Mat  yuMedianBackground::calcOn( const Mat &frame ){// --------- need calc() to be called beforehandassert( frame.size()==background.size() && frame.type()==CV_8UC1 );// --------- define variablesint rows = frame.rows, cols = frame.cols, num_frames = compounded.channels();uchar *pt1 = compounded.data, *pt2 = indexes.data, *pt3 = frame.data;int gap1 = compounded.step-cols*num_frames, gap2 = indexes.step-cols*num_frames, gap3 = frame.step-cols;uchar i, num = num_frames, num1 = num_frames-1, tmp;// --------- update "compounded" with "frame"// code 1.//y = 0; while(y++<rows){//x = 0; while(x++<cols){//i = 1; while(i++<num){//*pt1 = *(pt1+1); // overwrite frame[0]//pt1++;//}//*(pt1++) = *(pt3++);//}//pt1 += gap1, pt3 += gap3;//}//pt1 = compounded.data, pt3 = frame.data; // recover// code 2. alternative to code(1), but much faster thanMat from[] = { compounded, frame };Mat to[] = { compounded };int *from_to = new int [2*num_frames];int *pt4 = from_to;for( i=0; i<num; i++ ){*(pt4++) = i+1;*(pt4++) = i;}cv::mixChannels( from, 2, to, 1, from_to, num_frames );delete [] from_to;// --------- update "indexes"for( int y=0; y++<rows; pt1+=gap1, pt2+=gap2, pt3+=gap3 ){for( int x=0; x++<cols; pt1+=num, pt2+=num ){uchar *pt4 = pt2, *pt5;i = 0; while(i++<num){if( *pt4 )(*(pt4++))--;else*(pt5=pt4++) = num1;}tmp = *(pt3++);// backwardfor( pt4=pt5; pt4!=pt2; ){uchar &a = *(pt4-1); // corresponding index to position (i-1)if( tmp<pt1[a] ){ // corresponding gray value to index (a)*(pt4--)= a; a = num1; // exchange index in positions (i-1) & (i)}elsebreak;}if( pt4!=pt5 )continue;// forwardpt4 = pt5;for( pt5=pt2+num1; pt4!=pt5; ){uchar &a = *(pt4+1);if( pt1[a]<tmp ){*(pt4++) = a; a = num1;}elsebreak;}}}// --------- extractint mid = (int)( (num_frames-1)/2.f+.5f );pt1 = compounded.data, pt2 = indexes.data+mid;pt3 = background.data, gap3 = background.step-cols;for( int y=0; y++<rows; pt1+=gap1, pt2+=gap2, pt3+=gap3 )for( int x=0; x++<cols; pt1+=num, pt2+=num )*(pt3++) = pt1[*pt2];return background;}




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