
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝手机话费充值平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:24




    public void login(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {        clearRunAsIdentitiesInternal();        Subject subject = securityManager.login(this, token);        PrincipalCollection principals;        String host = null;        if (subject instanceof DelegatingSubject) {            DelegatingSubject delegating = (DelegatingSubject) subject;            principals = delegating.principals;            host =;        } else {            principals = subject.getPrincipals();        }        if (principals == null || principals.isEmpty()) {            String msg = "Principals returned from securityManager.login( token ) returned a null or " +                    "empty value.  This value must be non null and populated with one or more elements.";            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);        }        this.principals = principals;        this.authenticated = true;        if (token instanceof HostAuthenticationToken) {            host = ((HostAuthenticationToken) token).getHost();        }        if (host != null) {   = host;        }        Session session = subject.getSession(false);        if (session != null) {            this.session = decorate(session);        } else {            this.session = null;        }    }


    private void clearRunAsIdentitiesInternal() {        try {            clearRunAsIdentities();        } catch (SessionException se) {            log.debug("Encountered session exception trying to clear 'runAs' identities during logout.  This " +                    "can generally safely be ignored.", se);        }    }


    private void clearRunAsIdentities() {        Session session = getSession(false);        if (session != null) {            session.removeAttribute(RUN_AS_PRINCIPALS_SESSION_KEY);        }    }




    public Subject login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {        AuthenticationInfo info;        try {            info = authenticate(token);        } catch (AuthenticationException ae) {            try {                onFailedLogin(token, ae, subject);            } catch (Exception e) {                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {          "onFailedLogin method threw an " +                            "exception.  Logging and propagating original AuthenticationException.", e);                }            }            throw ae;        }        Subject loggedIn = createSubject(token, info, subject);        onSuccessfulLogin(token, info, loggedIn);        return loggedIn;    }


    public AuthenticationInfo authenticate(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {        return this.authenticator.authenticate(token);    }


    public final AuthenticationInfo authenticate(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {        if (token == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Method argumet (authentication token) cannot be null.");        }        log.trace("Authentication attempt received for token [{}]", token);        AuthenticationInfo info;        try {            info = doAuthenticate(token);            if (info == null) {                String msg = "No account information found for authentication token [" + token + "] by this " +                        "Authenticator instance.  Please check that it is configured correctly.";                throw new AuthenticationException(msg);            }        } catch (Throwable t) {            AuthenticationException ae = null;            if (t instanceof AuthenticationException) {                ae = (AuthenticationException) t;            }            if (ae == null) {                String msg = "Authentication failed for token submission [" + token + "].  Possible unexpected " +                        "error? (Typical or expected login exceptions should extend from AuthenticationException).";                ae = new AuthenticationException(msg, t);            }            try {                notifyFailure(token, ae);            } catch (Throwable t2) {                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {                    String msg = "Unable to send notification for failed authentication attempt - listener error?.  " +                            "Please check your AuthenticationListener implementation(s).  Logging sending exception " +                            "and propagating original AuthenticationException instead...";                    log.warn(msg, t2);                }            }            throw ae;        }        log.debug("Authentication successful for token [{}].  Returned account [{}]", token, info);        notifySuccess(token, info);        return info;    }


    protected AuthenticationInfo doAuthenticate(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) throws AuthenticationException {        assertRealmsConfigured();        Collection<Realm> realms = getRealms();        if (realms.size() == 1) {            return doSingleRealmAuthentication(realms.iterator().next(), authenticationToken);        } else {            return doMultiRealmAuthentication(realms, authenticationToken);        }    }


    protected AuthenticationInfo doSingleRealmAuthentication(Realm realm, AuthenticationToken token) {        if (!realm.supports(token)) {            String msg = "Realm [" + realm + "] does not support authentication token [" +                    token + "].  Please ensure that the appropriate Realm implementation is " +                    "configured correctly or that the realm accepts AuthenticationTokens of this type.";            throw new UnsupportedTokenException(msg);        }        AuthenticationInfo info = realm.getAuthenticationInfo(token);        if (info == null) {            String msg = "Realm [" + realm + "] was unable to find account data for the " +                    "submitted AuthenticationToken [" + token + "].";            throw new UnknownAccountException(msg);        }        return info;    }



    protected void notifySuccess(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info) {        for (AuthenticationListener listener : this.listeners) {            listener.onSuccess(token, info);        }    }




    protected Subject createSubject(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject existing) {        SubjectContext context = createSubjectContext();        context.setAuthenticated(true);        context.setAuthenticationToken(token);        context.setAuthenticationInfo(info);        if (existing != null) {            context.setSubject(existing);        }        return createSubject(context);    }


    protected SubjectContext createSubjectContext() {        return new DefaultWebSubjectContext();    }




    public PrincipalCollection getRememberedPrincipals(SubjectContext subjectContext) {        PrincipalCollection principals = null;        try {            byte[] bytes = getRememberedSerializedIdentity(subjectContext);            if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0) {                principals = convertBytesToPrincipals(bytes, subjectContext);            }        } catch (RuntimeException re) {            principals = onRememberedPrincipalFailure(re, subjectContext);        }        return principals;    }
    protected byte[] getRememberedSerializedIdentity(SubjectContext subjectContext) {        if (!WebUtils.isHttp(subjectContext)) {            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                String msg = "SubjectContext argument is not an HTTP-aware instance.  This is required to obtain a " +                        "servlet request and response in order to retrieve the rememberMe cookie. Returning " +                        "immediately and ignoring rememberMe operation.";                log.debug(msg);            }            return null;        }        WebSubjectContext wsc = (WebSubjectContext) subjectContext;        if (isIdentityRemoved(wsc)) {            return null;        }        HttpServletRequest request = WebUtils.getHttpRequest(wsc);        HttpServletResponse response = WebUtils.getHttpResponse(wsc);        String base64 = getCookie().readValue(request, response);        if (Cookie.DELETED_COOKIE_VALUE.equals(base64)) return null;        if (base64 != null) {            base64 = ensurePadding(base64);            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {                log.trace("Acquired Base64 encoded identity [" + base64 + "]");            }            byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(base64);            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {                log.trace("Base64 decoded byte array length: " + (decoded != null ? decoded.length : 0) + " bytes.");            }            return decoded;        } else {            return null;        }    }




    public Subject createSubject(SubjectContext context) {        if (!(context instanceof WebSubjectContext)) {            return super.createSubject(context);        }        WebSubjectContext wsc = (WebSubjectContext) context;        SecurityManager securityManager = wsc.resolveSecurityManager();        Session session = wsc.resolveSession();        boolean sessionEnabled = wsc.isSessionCreationEnabled();        PrincipalCollection principals = wsc.resolvePrincipals();        boolean authenticated = wsc.resolveAuthenticated();        String host = wsc.resolveHost();        ServletRequest request = wsc.resolveServletRequest();        ServletResponse response = wsc.resolveServletResponse();        return new WebDelegatingSubject(principals, authenticated, host, session, sessionEnabled,                request, response, securityManager);    }


    public boolean resolveAuthenticated() {        Boolean authc = getTypedValue(AUTHENTICATED, Boolean.class);        if (authc == null) {            AuthenticationInfo info = getAuthenticationInfo();            authc = info != null;        }        if (!authc) {            Session session = resolveSession();            if (session != null) {                Boolean sessionAuthc = (Boolean) session.getAttribute(AUTHENTICATED_SESSION_KEY);                authc = sessionAuthc != null && sessionAuthc;            }        }        return authc;    }


    public String resolveHost() {        String host = super.resolveHost();        if (host == null) {            ServletRequest request = resolveServletRequest();            if (request != null) {                host = request.getRemoteHost();            }        }        return host;    }


    public ServletRequest resolveServletRequest() {        ServletRequest request = getServletRequest();        if (request == null) {            Subject existing = getSubject();            if (existing instanceof WebSubject) {                request = ((WebSubject) existing).getServletRequest();            }        }        return request;    }


    public WebDelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated,                                String host, Session session, boolean sessionEnabled,                                ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,                                SecurityManager securityManager) {        super(principals, authenticated, host, session, sessionEnabled, securityManager);        this.servletRequest = request;        this.servletResponse = response;    }




    protected void mergeAuthenticationState(Subject subject) {        Session session = subject.getSession(false);        if (session == null) {            if (subject.isAuthenticated()) {                session = subject.getSession();                session.setAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.AUTHENTICATED_SESSION_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);            }        } else {            Boolean existingAuthc = (Boolean) session.getAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.AUTHENTICATED_SESSION_KEY);            if (subject.isAuthenticated()) {                if (existingAuthc == null || !existingAuthc) {                    session.setAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.AUTHENTICATED_SESSION_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);                }            } else {                if (existingAuthc != null) {                    session.removeAttribute(DefaultSubjectContext.AUTHENTICATED_SESSION_KEY);                }            }        }    }


    public Session getSession(boolean create) {        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {            log.trace("attempting to get session; create = " + create +                    "; session is null = " + (this.session == null) +                    "; session has id = " + (this.session != null && session.getId() != null));        }        if (this.session == null && create) {            if (!isSessionCreationEnabled()) {                String msg = "Session creation has been disabled for the current subject.  This exception indicates " +                        "that there is either a programming error (using a session when it should never be " +                        "used) or that Shiro's configuration needs to be adjusted to allow Sessions to be created " +                        "for the current Subject.  See the " + DisabledSessionException.class.getName() + " JavaDoc " +                        "for more.";                throw new DisabledSessionException(msg);            }            log.trace("Starting session for host {}", getHost());            SessionContext sessionContext = createSessionContext();            Session session = this.securityManager.start(sessionContext);            this.session = decorate(session);        }        return this.session;    }


    protected SessionContext createSessionContext() {        WebSessionContext wsc = new DefaultWebSessionContext();        String host = getHost();        if (StringUtils.hasText(host)) {            wsc.setHost(host);        }        wsc.setServletRequest(this.servletRequest);        wsc.setServletResponse(this.servletResponse);        return wsc;    }


    public Session start(SessionContext context) throws AuthorizationException {        return this.sessionManager.start(context);    }


    public Session start(SessionContext context) throws AuthorizationException {        return createSession(context);    }
    protected Session createSession(SessionContext sessionContext) throws AuthorizationException {        if (!WebUtils.isHttp(sessionContext)) {            String msg = "SessionContext must be an HTTP compatible implementation.";            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);        }        HttpServletRequest request = WebUtils.getHttpRequest(sessionContext);        HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();        String host = getHost(sessionContext);        return createSession(httpSession, host);    }
    protected Session createSession(HttpSession httpSession, String host) {        return new HttpServletSession(httpSession, host);    }




    protected void onSuccessfulLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject subject) {        rememberMeSuccessfulLogin(token, info, subject);    }
    protected void rememberMeSuccessfulLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject subject) {        RememberMeManager rmm = getRememberMeManager();        if (rmm != null) {            try {                rmm.onSuccessfulLogin(subject, token, info);            } catch (Exception e) {                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {                    String msg = "Delegate RememberMeManager instance of type [" + rmm.getClass().getName() +                            "] threw an exception during onSuccessfulLogin.  RememberMe services will not be " +                            "performed for account [" + info + "].";                    log.warn(msg, e);                }            }        } else {            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {                log.trace("This " + getClass().getName() + " instance does not have a " +                        "[" + RememberMeManager.class.getName() + "] instance configured.  RememberMe services " +                        "will not be performed for account [" + info + "].");            }        }    }


    public void onSuccessfulLogin(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info) {        forgetIdentity(subject);        if (isRememberMe(token)) {            rememberIdentity(subject, token, info);        } else {            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {                log.debug("AuthenticationToken did not indicate RememberMe is requested.  " +                        "RememberMe functionality will not be executed for corresponding account.");            }        }    }




    public boolean isAuthenticated() {        return authenticated;    }


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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 存钱的收据掉了怎么办 行政拘留法制没有批的怎么办 别人起诉我我该怎么办 去钟落潭看守所送衣服要怎么办 长城宽带账号密码忘了怎么办 预约考试密码忘了怎么办 健康证预约号忘记怎么办啊 人在看守所七个月还没结果怎么办 起诉书和判决书丢了怎么办 进了看守所信用卡逾期怎么办 公安局审讯室监控影相被删除怎么办 关进看守所以前的工作怎么办 上海初中借读生学籍怎么办 外地货北京三环怎么办 谁买了小产权怎么办 狗在小区丢了怎么办 太原回迁房多余的房子怎么办 回迁房被开发商抵押怎么办 回迁房源多开发商扣房怎么办 蝈蝈叫晚上怕吵怎么办 蝈蝈总不停的叫怎么办 按揭房没拿房产证夫妻离婚怎么办 按揭房子房产证还没有到离婚怎么办 结婚7年离婚孩子怎么办 合伙经营KTV股东意见不合怎么办 合伙生意转让意见不合怎么办 租完房子后悔了怎么办 通过中介买房产生纠纷怎么办 天津公租房资格证到期怎么办 买大房子后悔了怎么办 公款私存了该怎么办 外地人怎么办身份证在北京东城区 申请公租房有车怎么办 租了公租房辞职怎么办 申请公租房收入明细没有怎么办 杭州公租房满3年怎么办 小学寄读不转学籍手续怎么办 炸东西的油糊了怎么办 赠送面积为违建怎么办 执法不管违建我怎么办 司法考试毕业院校写错了怎么办