
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝模式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:19

SQL structed query language

连接MYSQL服务器:mysql -uroot -proot

 mysql -uroot -p --default_character_set=gbk; (影响数据的输入和输出)
 show variables like 'character%';

   create database mydb1;
   create database mydb2 character set utf8;
   create database mydb3 character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
   show databases;
   show create database mydb2;
   alter database mydb1 character set utf8; 
   drop database mydb1;

   Person {
    int id;
    String name;
   create table person(
    id int,
    name varchar(20)
   bit 1位 但可以指定位数,如:bit<3>
   int 2字节 可以指定最大位数,如:int<4> 最大为4位的整数
   float 2个字节 可以指定最大的位数和最大的小数位数,如:float<5,2> 最大为一个5位的数,小数位最多2位
   double 4个字节 可以指定最大的位数和最大的小数位数,如:float<6,4> 最大为一个6位的数,小数位最多4位
   char 必须指定字符数,如char(5) 为不可变字符 即使存储的内容为'ab',也是用5个字符的空间存储这个数据
   varchar 必须指定字符数,如varchar(5) 为可变字符 如果存储的内容为'ab',占用2个字符的空间;如果为'abc',则占用3个字符的空间
   text: 大文本(大字符串)
   blob:二进制大数据 如图片,音频文件,视频文件
   date: 日期 如:'1921-01-02'
   datetime: 日期时间 如:'1921-01-02 12:23:43'
   timeStamp: 时间戳,自动赋值为当前日期时间
   create table employee(id int,name varchar(20),sex bit,birthday date,salary double,entry_date date,resume text);
   show tables;
   show create table employee;
   mysql表 名称区分大小写
   desc employee;
  drop table employee;
  增加一个字段:alter table worker add column height double;
  修改一个字段:alter table worker modify column height float;
  删除一个字段:alter table worker drop column height;
  更改表名:rename table employee to worker;
  修改表的字符集:alter table worker character set gbk;
 *C(create增加数据) Insert语句
   create table employee(
    id int,
    name varchar(20),
    sex bit,
    birthday date,
    salary double,
    entry_date date,
    resume text
   create table employee(id int, name varchar(20),sex bit,birthday date,salary double,entry_date date,resume text);

   insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(1,'张三',1,'1983-09-21',15000,'2012-06-24','一个大牛');
   insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(2,'李四',1,'1984-09-21',10000,'2012-07-24','一个中牛');
   insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,salary,entry_date,resume) values(3,'王五',0,'1985-09-21',7000,'2012-08-24','一个小牛');
   delete from employee where id=1

   create table employee( id int,name varchar(20),sex bit,birthday date,salary double,entry_date date,resume text);
 *U(update更新数据) Update语句
   update employee set salary=salary+500;
   update employee set salary=10000,resume='也是一个中牛' where name='王五';
 *D(drop删除数据) Delete语句
   delete from employee where name='王五';
   delete from employee; --可以有条件,但删除所有记录差了一点
   truncate employee;--无条件 效率高
 *R(Retrieve查找数据) Select语句 
   create table student(
   id int,
   name varchar(20),
   chinese int,
   english int,
   math int

   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(1,'何东',80,85,90);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(2,'权筝',90,95,95);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(3,'何南',80,96,96);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(4,'叶坦',81,97,85);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(5,'何西',85,84,90);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(6,'丁香',92,85,87);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(7,'何北',75,81,80);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(8,'唐娇',77,80,79);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(9,'任知了',95,85,85);
   insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(10,'王越',94,85,84);

   select * from student;
   select name,english from student;
   select english from student;
   select DISTINCT english from student;
   select DISTINCT english,name from student;

   select english+chinese+math from student;
   select english+chinese+math as 总分 from student;
   select name,english+chinese+math as 总分 from student;

   select name,english+10 from student;
   select english+chinese+math from student;
   select name,english+chinese+math as 总分 from student;
   select name,english+chinese+math 总分 from student;

   select * from student where name='何东';
   select * from student where english>90;
   select * from student where english+chinese+math>250;

  查询英语分数在 85-95之间的同学。
   select * from student where english>=85 and english<=95;
   select * from student where english between 85 and 95;
   select * from student where math=84 or math=90 or math=91;
   select * from student where math in(84,90,91);
   select * from student where name like '何%';
   select * from student where math>85 and chinese>90;

   select * from student order by math;
   select * from student order by math+chinese+english desc;
   select * from student where name like '何%' order by math+chinese+english desc;
   select name, math+chinese+english from student where name like '何%' order by math+chinese+english desc;

   select count(*) from student;
   select count(*) from student where math>90;
   select count(*) from student where math+chinese+english>250;

   select sum(math) from student;
   select sum(math), sum(chinese), sum(english) from student;
   select sum(math+chinese+english)from student;
   select sum(math)+sum(chinese)+sum(english) from student;

   select avg(math) from student;
   select avg(math+chinese+english)from student;
   select avg(math)+avg(chinese)+avg(english) from student;

   select max(math+chinese+english),min(math+chinese+english) from student;
    给表添加一个字段:alter table student add column class_id int;
     update student set class_id=1 where id<=5;
     update student set class_id=2 where id>5;
   select sum(math+chinese+english),max(math+chinese+english) from student group by class_id;

   select class_id from student group by class_id having sum(math+chinese+english)>1300;
   select class_id from student where sum(math+chinese+english)>1300 group by class_id ;
  note:where和group区别: 在wehre子句中不能使用分组函数

  mysql> select year (now()), month(now()), day(now()) , date(now());
  | year (now()) | month(now()) | day(now()) | date(now()) |
  |         2014 |            9 |          7 | 2014-09-07  |
  select date_add(now(), INTERVAL 2 year) from dual;//增加两年
  select charset('name')  employee;
  select date_add(now(), INTERVAL -1 day) 昨天, now() 今天, date_add(now(), INTERVAL +1 day) 明天;

 select concat( charset('name'), 'aaaa') 自定义 from dual;

 *定义主键约束 primary key:不允许为空,不允许重复
 *定义主键自动增长 auto_increment
 *定义唯一约束 unique
 *定义非空约束 not null
 *定义外键约束 constraint ordersid_FK foreign key(ordersid) references orders(id)
 *删除主键:alter table tablename drop primary key ;

 create table myclass
  id INT(11) primary key auto_increment,
  name varchar(20) unique
 create table student(
  id INT(11) primary key auto_increment,
  name varchar(20) unique,
  passwd varchar(15) not null,
  classid INT(11),  #注意这个地方不要少逗号
  constraint stu_classid_FK  foreign key(classid) references myclass(id)


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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 5个月宝宝3天没拉大便怎么办 4个月宝宝3天没拉大便怎么办 20个月的宝宝大便干燥怎么办 20个月宝宝大便间隔三天怎么办 两个多月的宝宝四天没大便怎么办 两个多月的宝宝几天没大便怎么办 2个月3天没大便怎么办 两个月大的宝宝发烧40度怎么办 两个月大的宝宝感冒了怎么办 四个月宝宝拉水样大便要怎么办 六个月的宝宝咳嗽有痰怎么办 未满月的宝宝大便脓状怎么办 五个月的宝宝总是吃手怎么办 小孩子学数字怎么也学不会怎么办 小孩学数字老是学不会该怎么办 只买了大人票忘买儿童的了怎么办 铝合金滑动门没轨道安纱门怎么办 移门衣柜门与柜体有冶缝隙怎么办 推拉门关门时撞门框声音大怎么办 两岁宝宝夏天不盖被子怎么办 家里有好多会爬的小黑虫怎么办 刚贴的壁纸怎么发霉了怎么办 晚上睡觉一熄灯有许多小虫子怎么办 一岁宝宝夏天爱哭不爱吃饭怎么办 合肥房子卖了户口没地方迁怎么办 忌作灶的日子新房装橱柜了怎么办 刮水泥浆的墙面刮不住腻子怎么办 小学二年级孩子偷钱 老师怎么办 发现自己读初中的儿子偷钱怎么办? 做错事了得不到亲人的原谅怎么办? 窗口 窗套与墙缝隙大怎么办 中班小孩还不会认1到10怎么办 母猫奶头被小猫咬伤了怎么办 口红不小心弄到衣服上怎么办 脖子后背疼的睡不着觉应该怎么办 君子兰用高锰酸钾泡浓度高了怎么办 五个月宝宝认人不要奶奶睡怎么办 幼儿小班安全卡鱼刺了怎么办教案 学籍在一年级学生在二年级怎么办 一岁多宝宝挑食不爱吃饭菜怎么办饭 换了新手机微信好友显示不全怎么办