Zigbee网关 Zstack增加串口功能1-修改底层驱动MT/MT_UART.c

来源:互联网 发布:查找数组最大值最小值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:55

ZigbeeGateWay工程协调器用了串口, 对于协调器,uart接到了P1口(USART1),P0口用作跟以太网芯片通讯。

P1_6 --> TXD

P1_7 --> RXD


而定义宏ZTOOL_P1的时候,系统的串口默认是跟PC机的Z-Tool 2.0.exe通信的,Z-Tool 2.0.exe默认目录C:\Texas Instruments\ZStack-CC2530-2.4.0-1.4.0\Tools\Z-Tool


/*************************************************************************************************** *                                          LOCAL FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************************************************//*************************************************************************************************** * @fn      MT_UartInit * * @brief   Initialize MT with UART support * * @param   None * * @return  None***************************************************************************************************/void MT_UartInit (){  halUARTCfg_t uartConfig;  /* Initialize APP ID */  App_TaskID = 0;  /* UART Configuration */  uartConfig.configured           = TRUE;  uartConfig.baudRate             = MT_UART_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE;  uartConfig.flowControl          = FALSE;//MT_UART_DEFAULT_OVERFLOW;  uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = MT_UART_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;  uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize        = MT_UART_DEFAULT_MAX_RX_BUFF;  uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize        = MT_UART_DEFAULT_MAX_TX_BUFF;  uartConfig.idleTimeout          = MT_UART_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT;  uartConfig.intEnable            = TRUE;#if defined (ZTOOL_P1) || defined (ZTOOL_P2)  //uartConfig.callBackFunc         = MT_UartProcessZToolData;  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = MT_UartProcessZAppData;#elif defined (ZAPP_P1) || defined (ZAPP_P2)  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = MT_UartProcessZAppData;#else  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = NULL;#endif  /* Start UART */#if defined (MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT)  HalUARTOpen (MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT, &uartConfig);#else  /* Silence IAR compiler warning */  (void)uartConfig;#endif  /* Initialize for ZApp *///#if defined (ZAPP_P1) || defined (ZAPP_P2)  /* Default max bytes that ZAPP can take */  MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen  = 20;  MT_UartZAppRxStatus   = MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_READY;//#endif}


但是改成MT_UartProcessZAppData后编译提示找不到MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen 和MT_UartZAppRxStatus  所以将顶上的全局变量

/*************************************************************************************************** *                                         GLOBAL VARIABLES ***************************************************************************************************//* Used to indentify the application ID for osal task */byte App_TaskID;/* ZTool protocal parameters */uint8 state;uint8  CMD_Token[2];uint8  LEN_Token;uint8  FSC_Token;mtOSALSerialData_t  *pMsg;uint8  tempDataLen;//#if defined (ZAPP_P1) || defined (ZAPP_P2)uint16  MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen;bool    MT_UartZAppRxStatus;//#endif

//#if defined (ZAPP_P1) || defined (ZAPP_P2)

//#if defined (ZAPP_P1) || defined (ZAPP_P2)  /* Default max bytes that ZAPP can take */  MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen  = 20;  MT_UartZAppRxStatus   = MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_READY;//#endif

//#if defined (ZAPP_P1) || defined (ZAPP_P2)/*************************************************************************************************** * @fn      MT_UartProcessZAppData * * @brief   | SOP | CMD  |   Data Length   | FSC  | *          |  1  |  2   |       1         |  1   | * *          Parses the data and determine either is SPI or just simply serial data *          then send the data to correct place (MT or APP) * * @param   port    - UART port *          event   - Event that causes the callback * * * @return  None ***************************************************************************************************/void MT_UartProcessZAppData ( uint8 port, uint8 event ){  osal_event_hdr_t  *msg_ptr;  uint16 length = 0;  uint16 rxBufLen  = Hal_UART_RxBufLen(MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT);  /*     If maxZAppBufferLength is 0 or larger than current length     the entire length of the current buffer is returned.  */  if ((MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen != 0) && (MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen <= rxBufLen))  {    length = MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen;  }  else  {    length = rxBufLen;  }  /* Verify events */  if (event == HAL_UART_TX_FULL)  {    // Do something when TX if full    return;  }  if (event & ( HAL_UART_RX_FULL | HAL_UART_RX_ABOUT_FULL | HAL_UART_RX_TIMEOUT))  {    if ( App_TaskID )    {      /*         If Application is ready to receive and there is something         in the Rx buffer then send it up      */      if ((MT_UartZAppRxStatus == MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_READY ) && (length != 0))      {        /* Disable App flow control until it processes the current data */    //     MT_UartAppFlowControl (MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_NOT_READY);        /* 2 more bytes are added, 1 for CMD type, other for length */        msg_ptr = (osal_event_hdr_t *)osal_msg_allocate( length + sizeof(osal_event_hdr_t) );        if ( msg_ptr )        {          msg_ptr->event = SPI_INCOMING_ZAPP_DATA;          msg_ptr->status = length;          /* Read the data of Rx buffer */          HalUARTRead( MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT, (uint8 *)(msg_ptr + 1), length );          /* Send the raw data to application...or where ever */          osal_msg_send( App_TaskID, (uint8 *)msg_ptr );        }      }    }  }}/*************************************************************************************************** * @fn      SPIMgr_ZAppBufferLengthRegister * * @brief * * @param   maxLen - Max Length that the application wants at a time * * @return  None * ***************************************************************************************************/void MT_UartZAppBufferLengthRegister ( uint16 maxLen ){  /* If the maxLen is larger than the RX buff, something is not right */  if (maxLen <= MT_UART_DEFAULT_MAX_RX_BUFF)    MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen = maxLen;  else    MT_UartMaxZAppBufLen = 1; /* default is 1 byte */}/*************************************************************************************************** * @fn      SPIMgr_AppFlowControl * * @brief * * @param   status - ready to send or not * * @return  None * ***************************************************************************************************/void MT_UartAppFlowControl ( bool status ){  /* Make sure only update if needed */  if (status != MT_UartZAppRxStatus )  {    MT_UartZAppRxStatus = status;  }  /* App is ready to read again, ProcessZAppData have to be triggered too */  if (status == MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_READY)  {    MT_UartProcessZAppData (MT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT, HAL_UART_RX_TIMEOUT );  }}//#endif //ZAPP



 MT_UartAppFlowControl ( MT_UART_ZAPP_RX_READY );




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