线程间操作无效: 从不是创建控件的线程访问它的三种方法

来源:互联网 发布:mac os x能玩剑网三吗? 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 01:38





delegate void SetTextCallBack(string text);        private void SetText(string text)        {            if (this.txt_a.InvokeRequired)            {                SetTextCallBack stcb = new SetTextCallBack(SetText);                this.Invoke(stcb , new object[] { text});            }            else            {                this.txt_a.Text = text;            }        }         private void LoadData()        {            SetText("测试");        }          //窗体加载时,用线程加载数据        private void Frm_ImportManager_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)        {            ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(LoadData);            Thread thread = new Thread(ts);            thread.Name = "LoadData";            thread.Start();        }

3、使用 BackgroundWorker控件

在应用程序中实现多线程的首选方式是使用 BackgroundWorker 组件。BackgroundWorker 组件使用事件驱动模型实现多线程。辅助线程运行 DoWork 事件处理程序,创建控件的线程运行 ProgressChanged 和 RunWorkerCompleted 事件处理程序。注意不要从 DoWork 事件处理程序调用您的任何控件。

下面的代码示例不异步执行任何工作,因此没有 DoWork 事件处理程序的实现。TextBox 控件的 Text 属性在 RunWorkerCompleted 事件处理程序中直接设置。

// This event handler starts the form's         // BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.        //        // The Text property of the TextBox control is set        // when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted        // event.        private void setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click(            object sender,             EventArgs e)        {            this.backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync();        }                // This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox        // control. It is called on the thread that created the         // TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.        //        // BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous        // operations.        private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(            object sender,             RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)        {            this.textBox1.Text =                 "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker.";        }


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