一个完整的语法分析、词法分析例子——Universal Pasrser

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝有意思的小玩意 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:49

需求:用户用formal notation指定语法、词法,然后可以匹配相应的文本。用法类似正则表达式,只需给出formal notation,不需要为每一种格式的文本单独写匹配器。

formal notation主要是3个部分:

1)BNF 列表 table:给出上下文无关文法的产生式规则,以及所有的符号(终端和非终端)

2)起始符号 start

3)终端符号Regular Expression Table:用RE给出每个终端符号的匹配规则

其中BNF目前只接受left factor过的,去左递归的上下文无关文法。



<SPACE> --> S*

<E> --> <SPACE> <E> <SPACE> + <SPACE>  <E> <SPACE>

2)作为terminal symbol的一部分

对每个terminal symbol的regular expression做处理,两头加上匹配空白的规则 re = "\\s+" + re + "\\s+"

3)如果不是用正则表达式匹配终端符号,而是自己写term(TOKEN type)函数


文法匹配就是 top down的 recursive descend 算法,


2)如果是非终结符号,尝试每个production, 直到某个production成功。(left factor 保证只有一个production是可行的),注意epsilon production放到最后。


1)支持没有进行left factor的文法。现在是一个production失败了才回溯尝试下一个production。一般的情况是,一个符号V即使走某条production成功匹配了,但有可能导致V后面的符号无法匹配成功,这时候也要回溯,尝试V的别的production。


package excercise;import java.util.*;import java.util.regex.*;class CFG {private Map<String, List<String[]>> BNF;private Map<String, String> termRegex;private String start, text;private int i = 0;public CFG(Map<String, List<String[]>> productions, String start, Map<String, String> termRegex) {this.BNF = productions;this.termRegex = termRegex;this.start = start;}public boolean recognize(String text) {this.text = text;return match(start) && i == text.length();}private boolean match(String V) {if (V.isEmpty()) return true; //epsilonList<String[]> production = BNF.get(V);if (production == null) { //no production for this symbol, should be terminal symbolString re = termRegex.get(V); //get the regex for this terminal symbolif (re == null) throw new RuntimeException("invalid CFG.");re = "\\s*" + re + "\\s*";Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(re);Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);if (matcher.find(i) && matcher.start() == i) {i = matcher.end();return true;}return false;}//try each production. if one matches, succeed, or recover the pointer and try next.int save = i;for (String[] p : production) {boolean flag = true;i = save;for (String T : p) {if (!match(T)) {flag = false;break; }}if (flag) {System.out.println(V + "->" + String.join(" ", p));return true;}}return false;}public static void main(String[] args) {//1) E -> TE'//2) E'-> +TE' | -TE' | e//3) T -> FT'//3) T'-> *FT' | /FT' | e//4) F -> int | (E)//specify the BNF table, should be left factored, left recursion removedMap<String, List<String[]>> BNF = new HashMap<String, List<String[]>>();List<String[]> pE = new ArrayList<String[]>();pE.add(new String[]{"T", "EA"});BNF.put("E", pE);List<String[]> pEA = new ArrayList<String[]>();pEA.add(new String[]{"+", "T", "EA"});pEA.add(new String[]{"-", "T", "EA"});pEA.add(new String[]{""});BNF.put("EA", pEA);List<String[]> pT = new ArrayList<String[]>();pT.add(new String[]{"F", "TA"});BNF.put("T", pT);List<String[]> pTA = new ArrayList<String[]>();pTA.add(new String[]{"*", "F", "TA"});pTA.add(new String[]{"/", "F", "TA"});pTA.add(new String[]{""});BNF.put("TA", pTA);List<String[]> pF = new ArrayList<String[]>();pF.add(new String[]{"INT"});pF.add(new String[]{"(", "E", ")"});BNF.put("F", pF);//specify terminal symbol regular expression tableMap<String, String> termRegex = new HashMap<String, String>();termRegex.put("+", "\\+");termRegex.put("-", "\\-");termRegex.put("*", "\\*");termRegex.put("/", "/");termRegex.put("(", "\\(");termRegex.put(")", "\\)");termRegex.put("INT", "[0-9]");CFG cfg = new CFG(BNF, "E", termRegex);boolean b = cfg.recognize("(1 + 1)*2");System.out.println(b);}}

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