
来源:互联网 发布:中国知网cnki数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 07:07

背景:自定义输出mvn surefire结果, 默认的结果只有Failed 和 Error的失败信息,并且打印的结果格式多样,不方便结果统计和正则匹配失败用例。


  AccountUpdatePrivacyCommentTest.setUpBeforeClass:69 1  AccountUpdatePrivacyCommentTest.testAttentionByComment:136Expected: is "省略"     but: was "省略"  Run 1: XuelianCommentsHotTimelineWithFilterHotTimelineCommentBVTTest.setUp:79 NullPointer  Run 2: XuelianCommentsHotTimelineWithFilterHotTimelineCommentBVTTest.tearDown:110Expected: is "true"     but: was null     StatusShoppingTitleStatusTest.testFriendsTimelineRecom:245->createPage:319 This is error,should create page success!



public static <T> void assertThat(String reason, T actual, Matcher<? super T> matcher) {        if (!matcher.matches(actual)) {            Description description = new StringDescription();            description.appendText(reason)                       .appendText("\nExpected: ")                       .appendDescriptionOf(matcher)                       .appendText("\n     but: ");            matcher.describeMismatch(actual, description);            throw new AssertionError(description.toString());        }    }


为了便于mvn test迭代重试,故要统一输出格式,否则需正则匹配各种不样的格式,开销大且易漏掉失败用例,修改了maven surefire源码,统一输出结果并将成功和skipped的用例信息也打印出来,方便统计结果信息:

package;/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.StartupReportConfiguration;import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder.StatisticsReporter;import;import;import;import;import;import org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.TreeMap;/** * Provides reporting modules on the plugin side. * <p/> * Keeps a centralized count of test run results. * * @author Kristian Rosenvold *  *         modify by hugang stdout success and skipped */public class DefaultReporterFactory implements ReporterFactory {    private RunStatistics globalStats = new RunStatistics();    private final StartupReportConfiguration reportConfiguration;    private final StatisticsReporter statisticsReporter;    private final List<TestSetRunListener> listeners = Collections            .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<TestSetRunListener>());    // from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for    // flaky tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> flakyTests;    // from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for    // failed tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> failedTests;    // from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all the runs for    // error tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> errorTests;    // added by hugang, from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all    // the runs for success tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> successTests;    // added by hugang, from "<testclass>.<testmethod>" -> statistics about all    // the runs for skipped tests    private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> skippedTests;    public DefaultReporterFactory(StartupReportConfiguration reportConfiguration) {        this.reportConfiguration = reportConfiguration;        this.statisticsReporter = reportConfiguration                .instantiateStatisticsReporter();    }    public RunListener createReporter() {        return createTestSetRunListener();    }    public void mergeFromOtherFactories(            Collection<DefaultReporterFactory> factories) {        for (DefaultReporterFactory factory : factories) {            for (TestSetRunListener listener : factory.listeners) {                listeners.add(listener);            }        }    }    public RunListener createTestSetRunListener() {        TestSetRunListener testSetRunListener = new TestSetRunListener(                reportConfiguration.instantiateConsoleReporter(),                reportConfiguration.instantiateFileReporter(),                reportConfiguration.instantiateStatelessXmlReporter(),                reportConfiguration.instantiateConsoleOutputFileReporter(),                statisticsReporter, reportConfiguration.isTrimStackTrace(),                ConsoleReporter.PLAIN.equals(reportConfiguration                        .getReportFormat()),                reportConfiguration.isBriefOrPlainFormat());        listeners.add(testSetRunListener);        return testSetRunListener;    }    public void addListener(TestSetRunListener listener) {        listeners.add(listener);    }    public RunResult close() {        mergeTestHistoryResult();        runCompleted();        for (TestSetRunListener listener : listeners) {            listener.close();        }        return globalStats.getRunResult();    }    private DefaultDirectConsoleReporter createConsoleLogger() {        return new DefaultDirectConsoleReporter(                reportConfiguration.getOriginalSystemOut());    }    // 测试开始    public void runStarting() {        final DefaultDirectConsoleReporter consoleReporter = createConsoleLogger();"");        consoleReporter                .info("-------------------------------------------------------");" T E S T S");        consoleReporter                .info("-------------------------------------------------------");    }    // 测试结束    private void runCompleted() {        final DefaultDirectConsoleReporter logger = createConsoleLogger();        if (reportConfiguration.isPrintSummary()) {  "");  "Results :");  "");        }        // 输出不同类型用例信息        boolean printedFailures = printTestFailures(logger,                TestResultType.failure);        printedFailures |= printTestFailures(logger, TestResultType.error);        printedFailures |= printTestFailures(logger, TestResultType.flake);        // added by hugang, 添加success and skipped用例详细        boolean printedSuccessSkipped = printTestSuccessSkipped(logger,                TestResultType.success);        printedSuccessSkipped |= printTestSuccessSkipped(logger,                TestResultType.skipped);        if (printedFailures) {  "");        }        if (printedSuccessSkipped) {  "");        }        // 输出failed 和 error的用例集, 作为下次重跑物料        // private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> failedTests;        // private Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> errorTests;        // failedTests.toString() );        // "" );        // errorTests.toString() );        // globalStats.getSummary() 打印数量;"");    }    public RunStatistics getGlobalRunStatistics() {        mergeTestHistoryResult();        return globalStats;    }    public static DefaultReporterFactory defaultNoXml() {        return new DefaultReporterFactory(                StartupReportConfiguration.defaultNoXml());    }    /**     * Get the result of a test based on all its runs. If it has success and     * failures/errors, then it is a flake; if it only has errors or failures,     * then count its result based on its first run     *     * @param reportEntryList     *            the list of test run report type for a given test     * @param rerunFailingTestsCount     *            configured rerun count for failing tests     * @return the type of test result     */    // Use default visibility for testing    static TestResultType getTestResultType(            List<ReportEntryType> reportEntryList, int rerunFailingTestsCount) {        if (reportEntryList == null || reportEntryList.isEmpty()) {            return TestResultType.unknown;        }        boolean seenSuccess = false, seenFailure = false, seenError = false;        for (ReportEntryType resultType : reportEntryList) {            if (resultType == ReportEntryType.SUCCESS) {                seenSuccess = true;            } else if (resultType == ReportEntryType.FAILURE) {                seenFailure = true;            } else if (resultType == ReportEntryType.ERROR) {                seenError = true;            }        }        if (seenFailure || seenError) {            if (seenSuccess && rerunFailingTestsCount > 0) {                return TestResultType.flake;            } else {                if (seenError) {                    return TestResultType.error;                } else {                    return TestResultType.failure;                }            }        } else if (seenSuccess) {            return TestResultType.success;        } else {            return TestResultType.skipped;        }    }    /**     * Merge all the TestMethodStats in each TestRunListeners and put results     * into flakyTests, failedTests and errorTests, indexed by test class and     * method name. Update globalStatistics based on the result of the merge.     */    void mergeTestHistoryResult() {        globalStats = new RunStatistics();        flakyTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        failedTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        errorTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        // added by hugang, 存success 和 skpped 用例信息        successTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        skippedTests = new TreeMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        // key:测试方法, value:结果        Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> mergedTestHistoryResult = new HashMap<String, List<TestMethodStats>>();        // Merge all the stats for tests from listeners        for (TestSetRunListener listener : listeners) {            // 遍历每个listener            List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = listener                    .getTestMethodStats();            // 遍历每个测试方法结果            for (TestMethodStats methodStats : testMethodStats) {                List<TestMethodStats> currentMethodStats = mergedTestHistoryResult                        .get(methodStats.getTestClassMethodName());                // 查看mergedTestHistoryResult中是否已存在methodStats.getTestClassMethodName(),第一次添加                if (currentMethodStats == null) {                    currentMethodStats = new ArrayList<TestMethodStats>();                    currentMethodStats.add(methodStats);                    // 添加到map中,key:方法, value:方法结果                    mergedTestHistoryResult.put(                            methodStats.getTestClassMethodName(),                            currentMethodStats);                } else {                    // 方法多个结果                    currentMethodStats.add(methodStats);                }            }        }        // Update globalStatistics by iterating through mergedTestHistoryResult        int completedCount = 0, skipped = 0;        // 遍历所有的类,判断每一个类中的方法执行结果,放到对应的map中;        // TestMethodStats每个测试方法信息        for (Map.Entry<String, List<TestMethodStats>> entry : mergedTestHistoryResult                .entrySet()) {            List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = entry.getValue();            String testClassMethodName = entry.getKey();            completedCount++;            // 将每个测试方法的执行结果添加到resultTypeList中            List<ReportEntryType> resultTypeList = new ArrayList<ReportEntryType>();            for (TestMethodStats methodStats : testMethodStats) {                resultTypeList.add(methodStats.getResultType());            }            TestResultType resultType = getTestResultType(resultTypeList,                    reportConfiguration.getRerunFailingTestsCount());            // 根据一个类的不同方法执行结果,放到对应的map中            switch (resultType) {            case success:                // If there are multiple successful runs of the same test, count                // all of them                int successCount = 0;                for (ReportEntryType type : resultTypeList) {                    if (type == ReportEntryType.SUCCESS) {                        successCount++;                    }                }                completedCount += successCount - 1;                // added by hugang, 把success 用例信息,put 到map中                successTests.put(testClassMethodName, testMethodStats);                break;            case skipped:                // added by hugang, 把skipped 用例信息,put 到map中                skippedTests.put(testClassMethodName, testMethodStats);                skipped++;                break;            case flake:                flakyTests.put(testClassMethodName, testMethodStats);                break;            case failure:                failedTests.put(testClassMethodName, testMethodStats);                break;            case error:                errorTests.put(testClassMethodName, testMethodStats);                break;            default:                throw new IllegalStateException("Get unknown test result type");            }        }        globalStats.set(completedCount, errorTests.size(), failedTests.size(),                skipped, flakyTests.size());    }    /**     * Print failed tests and flaked tests. A test is considered as a failed     * test if it failed/got an error with all the runs. If a test passes in     * ever of the reruns, it will be count as a flaked test     *     * @param logger     *            the logger used to log information     * @param type     *            the type of results to be printed, could be error, failure or     *            flake     * @return {@code true} if printed some lines     */    private String statckInfo = "CustomResult Failed StackTrace";    // Use default visibility for testing    boolean printTestFailures(DefaultDirectConsoleReporter logger,            TestResultType type) {        boolean printed = false;        final Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> testStats;        switch (type) {        case failure:            testStats = failedTests;            break;        case error:            testStats = errorTests;            break;        case flake:            testStats = flakyTests;            break;        default:            return printed;        }        if (!testStats.isEmpty()) {            // 被注释,添加到每行用例信息前,便于正则匹配            // type.getLogPrefix() );            printed = true;        }        // 遍历Map:testStats, value: List<TestMethodStats>        // 元素TestMethodStats:Maintains per-thread test result state for a single        // test method.        for (Map.Entry<String, List<TestMethodStats>> entry : testStats                .entrySet()) {            printed = true;            List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = entry.getValue();            if (testMethodStats.size() == 1) {                // 被注释                // No rerun, follow the original output format                // "  " + testMethodStats.get( 0                // ).getStackTraceWriter().smartTrimmedStackTrace() );                // added by hugang , 每行用例信息前,便于正则匹配                // 打印失败信息                // 将错误追踪栈中换行符去掉(hamcrest匹配器错误信息输出多行),只输出一行,便于正则匹配                String strFailStrace = testMethodStats.get(0)                        .getStackTraceWriter().smartTrimmedStackTrace();       + "@"                        + strFailStrace.replaceAll("\n", ""));                // 只打印失败的类方法,供解析出用例信息                // getTestClassMethodName()返回格式:                //                // 或       + "@"                        + testMethodStats.get(0).getTestClassMethodName());            } else {                // 一个方法有多个结果,比如@BeforeClass,@Before中失败; @BeforeClass失败,输出类似:                //                //                // statckInfo + "@" + entry.getKey() );                // 将多个结果整合到一行                // 存1个测试方法中多个运行结果信息                List<String> mutFailInfo = new ArrayList<String>();                for (int i = 0; i < testMethodStats.size(); i++) {                    StackTraceWriter failureStackTrace = testMethodStats.get(i)                            .getStackTraceWriter();                    if (failureStackTrace == null) {                        mutFailInfo.add("  Run " + (i + 1) + ": PASS");                    } else {                        mutFailInfo.add("  Run "                                + (i + 1)                                + ": "                                + failureStackTrace.smartTrimmedStackTrace()                                        .replaceAll("\n", ""));                    }                }                String runInfo = "";                for (int j = 0; j < mutFailInfo.size(); j++) {                    runInfo += mutFailInfo.get(j);                }                String allFailInfo = statckInfo + "@" + entry.getKey()                        + runInfo;                // 打印多个失败集, 统一放到一行,便于匹配      ;                // 打印失败的类方法, 供解析出用例信息       + "@"                        + testMethodStats.get(0).getTestClassMethodName());      "");            }        }        return printed;    }    // 打印成功和skipped用例    boolean printTestSuccessSkipped(DefaultDirectConsoleReporter logger,            TestResultType type) {        boolean printed = false;        final Map<String, List<TestMethodStats>> testStats;        switch (type) {        // added by hugang;支持success and skipped        case success:            testStats = successTests;            break;        case skipped:            testStats = skippedTests;            break;        default:            return printed;        }        if (!testStats.isEmpty()) {            // 被注释,添加到每行用例信息前,便于正则匹配            // type.getLogPrefix() );            printed = true;        }        for (Map.Entry<String, List<TestMethodStats>> entry : testStats                .entrySet()) {            printed = true;            List<TestMethodStats> testMethodStats = entry.getValue();            if (testMethodStats.size() == 1) {                // 被注释                // No rerun, follow the original output format                // "  " + testMethodStats.get( 0                // ).getStackTraceWriter().smartTrimmedStackTrace() );                // added by hugang , 每行用例信息前,便于正则匹配       + "@"                        + testMethodStats.get(0).getTestClassMethodName());            } else {      ;                for (int i = 0; i < testMethodStats.size(); i++) {           + "@"                            + testMethodStats.get(i).getTestClassMethodName());                }      "");            }        }        return printed;    }    // Describe the result of a given test    static enum TestResultType {        error("CustomResult Error"), failure("CustomResult Fail"), flake(                "CustomResult Flaked"), success("CustomResult Success"), skipped(                "CustomResult Skipped"), unknown("CustomResult Unknown");        private final String logPrefix;        private TestResultType(String logPrefix) {            this.logPrefix = logPrefix;        }        public String getLogPrefix() {            return logPrefix;        }    }}
当你执行mvn test -D=TestClass时,终端结果输出格式统一输出如下(并且每条用例信息都为1行,方便正则匹配):
CustomResult Failed StackTrace@错误栈信息CustomResult Fail@失败信息CustomResult Error@失败信息CustomResult Skipped@skipped信息CustomResult Success@成功信息

默认surefire Result:

maven-surefire-customresult Result:

选择分支 Branch: extensions-2.19



1.本地使用,进入项目根目录,执行mvn clean -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DuniqueVersion=false -Denforcer.skip=true install 本地安装, 在测试项目pom.xml中引用如下:

<plugins>            <plugin>                <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>                <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>                <version>2.19.1</version>                <configuration>                    <forkMode>pertest</forkMode>                    <argLine>-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m</argLine>                    <printSummary>true</printSummary>                    <testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore>                </configuration>                <dependencies>                    <dependency>                        <groupId>org.apache.maven.surefire</groupId>                        <artifactId>surefire-junit47</artifactId>                        <version>2.19</version>                    </dependency>                </dependencies>            </plugin>        </plugins>

2.公司内部使用,进入项目根目录,执行mvn clean -Dcheckstyle.skip=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -DuniqueVersion=false -Denforcer.skip=true deploy

<distributionManagement>        <repository>            <id>weiboqa</id>            <name>weiboqacontent</name>            <url>http://ip:port/nexus/content/repositories/weiboqa</url>        </repository> </distributionManagement>


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