Cloud Design Pattern - Priority Queue Pattern(优先级队列模式)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝刷心悦会员封号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:05


上一篇我们讨论了云计算设计模式之管道和过滤器模式 了解了如何使用消息队列来协调多任务系统的执行。这一篇,我们继续深入讨论消息队列的使用,即消息队列中的消息是带有优先级别的,优先级别高的先处理,优先级别低的后处理。













8)最好动态决定由多少个消息消费者池.具体参考Autoscaling Guidance.


* The system must handle multiple tasks that might have different priorities.

* Different users or tenants should be served with different priority.


Azure 的消息队列通过排序自动实现了消息优先级服务,这意味着消息的优先级是由Azure自动决定的,使用者无法设置消息的优先级.为了解决这个问题,Azure提供了消息队列的主题(Topic)及订阅(subscriptions)服务,该服务能够实现消息过滤,支持消息优先级的实现.

在Azure Cloud Service中,调用这些消息队列都是通过Work Role来实现,下面的代码演示了基本的调用.

public class PriorityWorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint{  private QueueManager queueManager;  ...  public override void Run()  {    // Start listening for messages on the subscription.    var subscriptionName = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("SubscriptionName");    this.queueManager.ReceiveMessages(subscriptionName, this.ProcessMessage);    ...;  }  ...  protected virtual async Task ProcessMessage(BrokeredMessage message)  {    // Simulating processing.    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));  }}
高优先级消息的处理Work Role和低优先级消息的处理Work Role都实现ProcessMessage方法,下面代码演示了高优先级Role中的实现.

protected override async Task ProcessMessage(BrokeredMessage message){  // Simulate message processing for High priority messages.  await base.ProcessMessage(message);  Trace.TraceInformation("High priority message processed by " +    RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id + " MessageId: " + message.MessageId);}

// Send a low priority batch. var lowMessages = new List<BrokeredMessage>();for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){  var message = new BrokeredMessage() { MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() };  message.Properties["Priority"] = Priority.Low;  lowMessages.Add(message);}this.queueManager.SendBatchAsync(lowMessages).Wait();...// Send a high priority batch.var highMessages = new List<BrokeredMessage>();for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){  var message = new BrokeredMessage() { MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() };  message.Properties["Priority"] = Priority.High;  highMessages.Add(message);}this.queueManager.SendBatchAsync(highMessages).Wait();

The following patterns and guidance may also be relevant when implementing this pattern:

  • Asynchronous Messaging Primer. A consumer service processing a request may need to send a reply to the instance of the application that posted the request. The Asynchronous Messaging Primer provides more information on the strategies that can be used to implement request/response messaging.
  • Competing Consumers Pattern. To increase the throughput of the queues, it’s possible to have multiple consumers that listen on the same queue, and process the tasks in parallel. These consumers will compete for messages, but only one should be able to process each message. The Competing Consumers pattern provides more information on the benefits and tradeoffs of implementing this approach.
  • Throttling Pattern. You can implement throttling by using queues. Priority messaging can be used to ensure that requests from critical applications, or applications being run by high-value customers, are given precedence over requests from less important applications.
  • Autoscaling Guidance. It may be possible to scale the size of the pool of consumer processes handling a queue depending on the length of the queue. This strategy can help to improve performance, especially for pools handling high priority messages.
  • The article Priority Queue Pattern on the Cloud Design Pattern website.
  • The article Enterprise Integration Patterns with Service Bus on Abhishek Lal’s blog.

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