
来源:互联网 发布:板式家具折单软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:12


import android.os.SystemProperties;import com.mediatek.common.storage.IStorageManagerEx;import com.mediatek.common.MediatekClassFactory;


//change start     public String getSizeString(String sizeNum, float fsizeMult) {        String sizeStr = "";        int index = sizeNum.indexOf("G");        if (Float.parseFloat(sizeNum.substring(0, index)) > 32) {            float fsize = Float.parseFloat(sizeNum.substring(0, index)) / fsizeMult;            if (String.valueOf(fsize).length() > 5) {                sizeStr = String.valueOf(fsize).substring(0, 5);            }            return sizeNum.replace(sizeNum.substring(0, index), sizeStr);        } else {            return sizeNum;        }       }    //change end    private void setSizeText(TextView textView, FileInfo fileInfo) {        if (fileInfo.isDirectory()) {            if (MountPointManager.getInstance().isMountPoint(fileInfo.getFileAbsolutePath())) {                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();                //change start                long freeSpace;                String freeSpaceString;                long totalSpace;                String totalSpaces;                float fsizeMult = Float.parseFloat(SystemProperties.get("ro.file.sizemult", "5.48"));                String status = fileInfo.getFileAbsolutePath();                //KK版本                IStorageManagerEx sm = MediatekClassFactory.createInstance(IStorageManagerEx.class);                boolean sdExist = sm.getSdSwapState();                //JB版本                //boolean sdExist = false;                   //sdExist = (Boolean)MediatekClassFactory.createInstance(IStorageManagerEx.class,                //          IStorageManagerEx.GET_SWAP_STATE);                  if (sdExist) {                    if (status.equals("/storage/sdcard1")) {                        freeSpace = (long)(fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace() * fsizeMult-(fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace()-fileInfo.getFile().getFreeSpace()));                        freeSpaceString = FileUtils.sizeToString(freeSpace);                        totalSpace = (long)(fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace() * fsizeMult);                        totalSpaces = FileUtils.sizeToString(totalSpace);                           freeSpaceString = getSizeString(freeSpaceString, fsizeMult);                        totalSpaces = getSizeString(totalSpaces, fsizeMult);                    } else {                        freeSpace = fileInfo.getFile().getFreeSpace();                        freeSpaceString = FileUtils.sizeToString(freeSpace);                        totalSpace = fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace();                        totalSpaces = FileUtils.sizeToString(totalSpace);                                   }                } else {                    if (status.equals("/storage/sdcard0")) {                        freeSpace = (long)(fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace() * fsizeMult-(fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace()-fileInfo.getFile().getFreeSpace()));                        freeSpaceString = FileUtils.sizeToString(freeSpace);                        totalSpace = (long)(fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace() * fsizeMult);                        totalSpaces = FileUtils.sizeToString(totalSpace);                           freeSpaceString = getSizeString(freeSpaceString, fsizeMult);                        totalSpaces = getSizeString(totalSpaces, fsizeMult);                    } else {                        freeSpace = fileInfo.getFile().getFreeSpace();                        freeSpaceString = FileUtils.sizeToString(freeSpace);                        totalSpace = fileInfo.getFile().getTotalSpace();                        totalSpaces = FileUtils.sizeToString(totalSpace);                                   }                               }                //change end                LogUtils.d(TAG, "setSizeText, file name = " + fileInfo.getFileName()                        + ",file path = " + fileInfo.getFileAbsolutePath());                LogUtils.d(TAG, "setSizeText, freeSpace = " + freeSpace + ",totalSpace = "                        + totalSpace);                sb.append(mResources.getString(R.string.free_space)).append(" ");                sb.append(freeSpaceString).append(" \n");                sb.append(mResources.getString(R.string.total_space)).append(" ");                sb.append(totalSpaces).append(" ");                textView.setText(sb.toString());                textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);            } else {                // it is a directory                textView.setVisibility(View.GONE);            }        } else {            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();            sb.append(mResources.getString(R.string.size)).append(" ");            sb.append(fileInfo.getFileSizeStr());            textView.setText(sb.toString());            textView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        }    }


 private void measureApproximateStorage(IMediaContainerService imcs) {            /*final String path = mVolume != null ? mVolume.getPath()                    : Environment.getDataDirectory().getPath();*/            /**             * M: MTK add reserve data feature on sd share load, so on the sd share load             * when calculating the internal storage  total size and avail size, use the             * external storage path(such as /sdcard/emulated/0) instead of it.             */            final String path;            Intent intent = new Intent();            mStorageVolume = intent.getParcelableExtra(StorageVolume.EXTRA_STORAGE_VOLUME);            //change start              boolean sdExist = false;            IStorageManagerEx sm = MediatekClassFactory.createInstance(IStorageManagerEx.class);            if (FeatureOption.MTK_2SDCARD_SWAP && (mStorageVolume == null)) {               sdExist = sm.getSdSwapState(); //(Boolean)MediatekClassFactory.createInstance(IStorageManagerEx.class,                       //IStorageManagerEx.GET_SWAP_STATE);            }            //change end            if(mVolume != null) {                path = mVolume.getPath();            } else {                if(FeatureOption.MTK_SHARED_SDCARD) {                    path = Environment.getLegacyExternalStorageDirectory().getPath();                } else {                    path = Environment.getDataDirectory().getPath();                }            }                try {                final long[] stats = imcs.getFileSystemStats(path);                if(mVolume!=null && sdExist == true && mVolume.getPath().toString().equals ("/storage/sdcard1")&&!((SystemProperties.get("ro.sdcard.size")).equals("0")))                {                    Log.w(TAG, "ro.sdcard.size="+SystemProperties.get("ro.sdcard.size"));                    mTotalSize = sdcard_size*1048576;                    mAvailSize = sdcard_size*1048576-stats[0]+stats[1];                }                else if(mVolume!=null && sdExist == false && mVolume.getPath().toString().equals ("/storage/sdcard0")&&!((SystemProperties.get("ro.sdcard.size")).equals("0")))                {                    mTotalSize = sdcard_size*1048576;                    mAvailSize = sdcard_size*1048576-stats[0]+stats[1];                }                else if(path.toString().equals (Environment.getDataDirectory().getPath().toString())&&!((SystemProperties.get("ro.phone.size")).equals("0")))                {                    Log.w(TAG, "ro.phone.size="+SystemProperties.get("ro.phone.size"));                    mTotalSize = phone_size*1048576;                    mAvailSize = phone_size*1048576-stats[0]+stats[1];                                }    //change start              //MTK_SHARED_SDCARD的宏是否打开、是否插入sd卡、路径是否为/storage/sdcard1    //stats[0]:真实的总容量大小 stats[1]:真实的剩余总容量大小                else if(!(FeatureOption.MTK_SHARED_SDCARD) && sdExist == true && path.toString().equals ("/storage/sdcard1"))                {                       //1048576 = 1M; 8422162432L = 8G;                    long eight_G = 8422162432L;                    mTotalSize = eight_G*4-3865470566L+53687091L;                      mAvailSize = mTotalSize-(stats[0]-stats[1]);                                           }                          else if(!(FeatureOption.MTK_SHARED_SDCARD) && sdExist == false && path.toString().equals ("/storage/sdcard0"))               {                            //1048576 = 1M; 8422162432L = 8G;                    long eight_G = 8422162432L;                    mTotalSize = eight_G*4-3865470566L+53687091L;                    mAvailSize = mTotalSize-(stats[0]-stats[1]);                                        }    //change end                else if(FeatureOption.MTK_SHARED_SDCARD && sdExist == false && path.toString().equals ("/storage/sdcard0")&&!((SystemProperties.get("ro.phone.size")).equals("0")))                {                    Log.w("lhy", "ro.phone.size="+SystemProperties.get("ro.phone.size"));                    mTotalSize = phone_size*1048576;                    mAvailSize = phone_size*1048576-stats[0]+stats[1];                  }                               else                    {                        Log.w(TAG, "2 stats[0]="+stats[0]);                        mTotalSize = stats[0];                        mAvailSize = stats[1];                    }            } catch (Exception e) {                Log.w(TAG, "Problem in container service", e);            }            sendInternalApproximateUpdate();        }


public class StatFs {    private StructStatVfs mStat;    private String status;    /**     * Construct a new StatFs for looking at the stats of the filesystem at     * {@code path}. Upon construction, the stat of the file system will be     * performed, and the values retrieved available from the methods on this     * class.     *     * @param path path in the desired file system to stat.     */    public StatFs(String path) {        mStat = doStat(path);        status = path;    }    ......    /*@Deprecated    public int getBlockCount() {        return (int) mStat.f_blocks;    }*/    @Deprecated    //总量    public int getBlockCount() {        if (status.equals("/data")) {           // return (int) (mStat.f_blocks * 2.2); //2G            return (int) (mStat.f_blocks * 4.5); //4G        }        else        {            if (mStat.f_blocks < 1428256)            {                   //安兔兔显示作假                //1*1024 = 0.03125G;                //32*1024 = 1G;                return (int) (890*1024);  //27.8G            }            else{                return (int) mStat.f_blocks;            }        }    }    ......        /*@Deprecated        public int getAvailableBlocks() {            return (int) mStat.f_bavail;        }*/        @Deprecated        //剩余的        public int getAvailableBlocks() {            if (status.equals("/data")) {           // return (int) (mStat.f_bavail* 2.2); //2G                return (int) (mStat.f_bavail * 3.5); //4G            }            else            {                if (mStat.f_bavail < 1428256)                {                    return (int) (890*1024-(mStat.f_blocks-mStat.f_bavail)+48*1024);  //27.7G:剩余                }                else{                    return (int) mStat.f_bavail;                }            }        }
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