
来源:互联网 发布:大数据的网络资源 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:40


class Example1 extends Thread {  public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {   Example1 thread = new Example1();   System.out.println( "Starting thread..." );   thread.start();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Interrupting thread..." );   thread.interrupt();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Stopping application..." );   System.exit( 0 );  }  public void run() {    while ( true ) {     System.out.println( "Thread is running..." );      long time = System.currentTimeMillis();      while ( System.currentTimeMillis()-time < 1000 ) {      }    }  }}


Starting thread...Thread is running...Thread is running...Thread is running...Interrupting thread...Thread is running...Thread is running...Thread is running...Stopping application...



class Example2 extends Thread {  volatile boolean stop = false;  public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {   Example2 thread = new Example2();   System.out.println( "Starting thread..." );   thread.start();   Thread.sleep(3000);   System.out.println( "Asking thread to stop..." );   thread.stop = true;   Thread.sleep(3000);   System.out.println( "Stopping application..." );   System.exit(0);  }  public void run() {    while (!stop) {     System.out.println( "Thread is running..." );      long time = System.currentTimeMillis();      while ( (System.currentTimeMillis()-time < 1000) && (!stop) ) {      }    }   System.out.println( "Thread exiting under request..." );  }}


Starting thread...Thread is running...Thread is running...Thread is running...Asking thread to stop...Thread exiting under request...Stopping application...


但是,如果线程由于等待某个事件被阻塞,阻塞的线程是无法检查共享变量,终止自己。这些场景会经常遇到,如Object.wait(),ServerSocket.accept()和 DatagramSocket.receive()等等。这些方法会一直阻塞线程,尽管使用超时机制,等待时间过期并不可行,所以必须使用提前退出阻塞状态的机制。

class Example3 extends Thread {  volatile boolean stop = false;  public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {   Example3 thread = new Example3();   System.out.println( "Starting thread..." );   thread.start();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Asking thread to stop..." );   thread.stop = true;   thread.interrupt();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Stopping application..." );   System.exit( 0 );  }  public void run() {    while (!stop ) {     System.out.println( "Thread running..." );      try {      Thread.sleep( 1000 );      } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {      System.out.println( "Thread interrupted..." );      }    }   System.out.println( "Thread exiting under request..." );  }}


Starting thread...Thread running...Thread running...Thread running...Asking thread to stop...Thread interrupted...Thread exiting under request...Stopping application...


class Example4 extends Thread {  public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {   Example4 thread = new Example4();   System.out.println( "Starting thread..." );   thread.start();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Interrupting thread..." );   thread.interrupt();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Stopping application..." );   System.exit( 0 );  }  public void run() {   ServerSocket socket;    try {      socket = new ServerSocket(7856);    } catch ( IOException e ) {     System.out.println( "Could not create the socket..." );      return;    }    while ( true ) {     System.out.println( "Waiting for connection..." );      try {       Socket sock = socket.accept();      } catch ( IOException e ) {      System.out.println( "accept() failed or interrupted..." );      }    }  }}


import java.net.*;import java.io.*;class Example5 extends Thread {  volatile boolean stop = false;  volatile ServerSocket socket;  public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {    Example5 thread = new Example5();   System.out.println( "Starting thread..." );   thread.start();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Asking thread to stop..." );   thread.stop = true;   thread.socket.close();   Thread.sleep( 3000 );   System.out.println( "Stopping application..." );   System.exit( 0 );  }  public void run() {    try {      socket = new ServerSocket(7856);    } catch ( IOException e ) {     System.out.println( "Could not create the socket..." );      return;    }    while ( !stop ) {     System.out.println( "Waiting for connection..." );      try {       Socket sock = socket.accept();      } catch ( IOException e ) {      System.out.println( "accept() failed or interrupted..." );      }    }   System.out.println( "Thread exiting under request..." );  }}


Starting thread...Waiting for connection...Asking thread to stop...accept() failed or interrupted...Thread exiting under request...Stopping application...

1. Adding Multithreading Capability to Your Java Applications
2. InterruptedException and interrupting threads explained

  1. InterruptedException的处理方式:
    - 吞并异常。只要你能确定InterruptedException不会再出现(Are you sure? Really?);
    - 设置中断标识位。这是你的代码不知道该怎么处理它,但是线程还在做其他的事情,该线程同样也会对InterruptedException感兴趣,Thread.currentThread().interrupt()
    - 传递异常。这是你的方法不知道该怎么处理,也许调用知道,这是最好的处理方式;
    - 处理异常。也许当前的线程想停止,当接收到InterruptedException。
    - 封装成其他异常。 ↩
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