Evaluate Video Quality

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店童装货源 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 13:03

How to evaluate video?
PSNR is easy to calculate:


SSIM is more relevant to eye visibility.

How to calculate them?

Using Evalvid.


Run in cmd or using batching processing.

psnr.exe 1920 1080 420 src.yuv des.yuv > psnr.txt

MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool


Source Code
From the code below, we can learn how to calculate ssim and psnr and some skills about VS.
Python Version will be displayed in next blog.

#include <math.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <time.h>#ifdef _WIN32  #include "stdint_w32.h"  #define alloca _alloca#else  #include <stdint.h>#endif/**************************************************************************** * structural similarity metric [from x264] ****************************************************************************/#define x264_alloca(x) (void*)(((intptr_t)alloca((x)+15)+15)&~15)#define XCHG(type,a,b) { type t = a; a = b; b = t; }#define X264_MIN(a,b) ( (a)<(b) ? (a) : (b) )static void ssim_4x4x2_core( const uint8_t *pix1, int stride1,                             const uint8_t *pix2, int stride2,                             int sums[2][4]){    int x, y, z;    for(z=0; z<2; z++)    {        uint32_t s1=0, s2=0, ss=0, s12=0;        for(y=0; y<4; y++)            for(x=0; x<4; x++)            {                int a = pix1[x+y*stride1];                int b = pix2[x+y*stride2];                s1  += a;                s2  += b;                ss  += a*a;                ss  += b*b;                s12 += a*b;            }        sums[z][0] = s1;        sums[z][1] = s2;        sums[z][2] = ss;        sums[z][3] = s12;        pix1 += 4;        pix2 += 4;    }}static float ssim_end1( int s1, int s2, int ss, int s12 ){    static const int ssim_c1 = (int)(.01*.01*255*255*64 + .5);    static const int ssim_c2 = (int)(.03*.03*255*255*64*63 + .5);    int vars = ss*64 - s1*s1 - s2*s2;    int covar = s12*64 - s1*s2;    return (float)(2*s1*s2 + ssim_c1) * (float)(2*covar + ssim_c2)\           / ((float)(s1*s1 + s2*s2 + ssim_c1) * (float)(vars + ssim_c2));}static float ssim_end4( int sum0[5][4], int sum1[5][4], int width ){    int i;    float ssim = 0.0;    for( i = 0; i < width; i++ )        ssim += ssim_end1( sum0[i][0] + sum0[i+1][0] + sum1[i][0] + sum1[i+1][0],                           sum0[i][1] + sum0[i+1][1] + sum1[i][1] + sum1[i+1][1],                           sum0[i][2] + sum0[i+1][2] + sum1[i][2] + sum1[i+1][2],                           sum0[i][3] + sum0[i+1][3] + sum1[i][3] + sum1[i+1][3] );    return ssim;}float x264_pixel_ssim_wxh(uint8_t *pix1, int stride1, uint8_t *pix2, int stride2, int width, int height ){    int x, y, z;    float ssim = 0.0;    int (*sum0)[4] = x264_alloca(4 * (width/4+3) * sizeof(int));    int (*sum1)[4] = x264_alloca(4 * (width/4+3) * sizeof(int));    width >>= 2;    height >>= 2;    z = 0;    for( y = 1; y < height; y++ )    {        for( ; z <= y; z++ )        {            XCHG( void*, sum0, sum1 );            for( x = 0; x < width; x+=2 )                ssim_4x4x2_core( &pix1[4*(x+z*stride1)], stride1, &pix2[4*(x+z*stride2)], stride2, &sum0[x] );        }        for( x = 0; x < width-1; x += 4 )            ssim += ssim_end4( sum0+x, sum1+x, X264_MIN(4,width-x-1) );    }    return ssim / ((width-1) * (height-1));}int main(int n, char *cl[]){  FILE *f1, *f2;  int ssim = 0, i, x, y, yuv, inc = 1, size = 0, N = 0, Y, F;  double yrmse, diff, mean = 0, stdv = 0, *ypsnr = 0;  unsigned char *b1, *b2;  clock_t t = clock();  if (n != 6 && n != 7) {    puts("psnr x y <YUV format> <src.yuv> <dst.yuv> [multiplex] [ssim]");    puts("  x\t\tframe width");    puts("  y\t\tframe height");    puts("  YUV format\t420, 422, etc.");    puts("  src.yuv\tsource video");    puts("  dst.yuv\tdistorted video");    puts("  [multiplex]\toptional");    puts("  [ssim]\toptional: calculate structural similarity instead of PSNR");    return EXIT_FAILURE;  }  if ((f1 = fopen(cl[4], "rb")) == 0) goto A;  if ((f2 = fopen(cl[5], "rb")) == 0) goto B;  if (!(x = strtoul(cl[1], 0, 10)) ||      !(y = strtoul(cl[2], 0, 10))) goto C;   if ((yuv = strtoul(cl[3], 0, 10)) > 444) goto D;  if (cl[6] && !strcmp(cl[6], "multiplex")) inc = 2;  if (cl[6] && !strcmp(cl[6], "ssim")) ssim = 1;  Y = x * y;  switch (yuv) {    case 400: F = Y; break;    case 422: F = Y * 2; break;    case 444: F = Y * 3; break;    default :    case 420: F = Y * 3 / 2; break;  }  if (!(b1 = malloc(F))) goto E;  if (!(b2 = malloc(F))) goto E;  for (;;) {    if (1 != fread(b1, F, 1, f1) || 1 != fread(b2, F, 1, f2)) break;    if (++N > size) {      size += 0xffff;      if (!(ypsnr = realloc(ypsnr, size * sizeof *ypsnr))) goto E;    }    if (ssim) {      mean += ypsnr[N - 1] = x264_pixel_ssim_wxh(b1, x, b2, x, x, y);    } else {      for (yrmse = 0, i = inc - 1; i < (inc == 1 ? Y : F); i += inc) {        diff = b1[i] - b2[i];        yrmse += diff * diff;      }      mean += ypsnr[N - 1] = yrmse ? 20 * (log10(255 / sqrt(yrmse / Y))) : 0;    }    printf("%.3f\n", ypsnr[N - 1]);  }  if (N) {    mean /= N;    for (stdv = 0, i = 0; i < N; i++) {      diff = ypsnr[i] - mean;      stdv += diff * diff;    }    stdv = sqrt(stdv / (N - 1));    free(ypsnr);  }    fclose(f1);    fclose(f2);    fprintf(stderr, "%s:\t%d frames (CPU: %lu s) mean: %.2f stdv: %.2f\n",    ssim ? "ssim" : "psnr", N, (unsigned long) ((clock() - t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC), mean, stdv);    return 0;    A: fprintf(stderr, " Error opening source video file.\n"); goto X;    B: fprintf(stderr, " Error opening decoded video file.\n"); goto X;    C: fprintf(stderr, " Invalid width or height.\n"); goto X;    D: fprintf(stderr, " Invalid YUV format.\n"); goto X;    E: fprintf(stderr, " Not enough memory.\n");    X: return EXIT_FAILURE;}

Standard of Video Evaluation


Conclusion of Evaluation Method
PeakSignal to Noise Ratio(PSNR)
Ref to my ex-blog.
noise quality measure (NQM) index
Ref:N. Damera-Venkata, T.D. Kite, W.S. Geisler, B.L. Evans, and A.C.Bovik, “Image quality assessment based on a degradation model,” IEEE Trans. IP,vol. 9, pp. 636-650, 2000.
universal quality index (UQI)
Ref:Z. Wang and A.C. Bovik, “A universal image quality index,” IEEE SignalProcess. Lett., vol. 9, pp. 81-84, 2002.
structural similarity (SSIM) index
Ref:Z. Wang, A.C. Bovik, H.R. Sheikh, and E.P. Simoncelli,”Image qualityassessment: from error visibility to structural similarity,” IEEE Trans. IP,vol. 13, pp. 600-612, 2004.
multi-scaleSSIM (MS-SSIM) index
Ref:Z. Wang, E.P. Simoncelli, and A.C. Bovik, “Multi-scale structuralsimilarity for image quality assessment,” ACSSC’03, pp. 1398-1402, 2003.
information fidelity criterion (IFC) index
Ref:H.R. Sheikh, A.C. Bovik, and G. de Veciana, “An information fidelitycriterion for image quality assessment using natural scene statistics,” IEEETrans. IP, vol. 14, pp. 2117-2128, 2005.
visual information fidelity (VIF) index
Ref:H.R. Sheikh and A.C. Bovik, “Image information and visual quality,”IEEE Trans. IP, vol. 15, pp. 430-444, 2006.
visual signal to noise ratio (VSNR) index
Ref:D.M. Chandler and S.S. Hemami, “VSNR: a wavelet-based visualsignal-to-noise ratio for natural images,” IEEE Trans. IP, vol. 16, pp.2284-2298, 2007.
information content weighted SSIM (IW-SSIM) index
Ref:Z. Wang and Q. Li, “Information content weighting for perceptualimage quality assessment,” IEEE Trans. IP, vol. 20,
pp. 1185-1198, 2011.
Riesz transforms based feature similarity (RFSIM) index
Ref:L. Zhang, L. Zhang, and X. Mou, “RFSIM: a feature based imagequality assessment metric using Riesz transforms,” ICIP’10, pp. 321-324, 2010.
feature similarity (FSIM) index
Ref:L. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Mou, and D. Zhang, “FSIM: a feature similarityindex for image quality assessment,” IEEE Trans. IP, vol. 20, pp. 2378-2386,2011.

All of the method above comes from ——


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