Another unnamed CacheManager already exists in the same VM.解决方法

来源:互联网 发布:怎么用java写服务器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 06:15
Caused by: net.sf.ehcache.CacheException: Another unnamed CacheManager already exists in the same VM. Please provide unique names for each CacheManager in the config or do one of following:
1. Use one of the CacheManager.create() static factory methods to reuse same CacheManager with same name or create one if necessary
2. Shutdown the earlier cacheManager before creating new one with same name.

错误提示很明显:Ehcache不允许创建同样名称的CacheManager对象。如果我们没有ehcache.xml中配置CacaheManager的名称,那么默认的名称是__DEFAULT__。解决方式是<ehcache name="">中配置CacheManager的名称,并确保唯一。这样如下代码就不会报错了



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