
来源:互联网 发布:docker安装ubuntu镜像 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 21:54
  1. 易百教程:通过一个实例,教会你从创建项目到部署全过程,初学者强烈推荐。
    特别注意:用JavaFX Scene Builder更改界面后一定记得项目右键Refresh(Eclipse)
  2. 官方教程1:
  3. 官方教程2:
  4. Using JavaFX UI Controls:This tutorial covers built-in JavaFX UI controls available in the JavaFX API.
  5. TableView和TreeView事件:JavaFX中的事件也不像Java或者Android里面用onItemClick之类的来执行某一项的点击。JavaFX中的控件的很多事件有着鲜明的特色,就是使用PropertyChangeListener来执行。
  6. JavaFX ListView:
  7. TableView with Different Context Menu:上下文菜单高级教程
  8. Display Popup with ProgressBar in JavaFX:弹出窗口显示进度条
  9. JavaFX DatePicker:比较详细的教程
  10. Deploying JavaFX Applications:部署JavaFX应用,有四种Execution Mode
Execution Mode Description 解释 相关教程 Run as a standalone program The application package is available on a local drive. Users launch it using a Java launcher, such as java -jar MyApp.jar, or by double-clicking the application JAR file. 即以.jar文件运行,需要电脑安装JRE,桌面级 Eclipse EE的Export功能可以导出Runnable JAR file Launched from a remote server using Web Start Users click a link in a web page to start the application from a remote web server. Once downloaded, a Web Start application can also be started from a desktop shortcut. 使用Web Start运行,浏览器级 Embedded into a web page JavaFX content is embedded in the web page and hosted on a remote web server. 嵌入到网页中运行,浏览器级 Launched as a self-contained application Application is installed on the local drive and runs as a standalone program using a private copy of Java and JavaFX runtimes. The application can be launched in the same way as other native applications for that operating system, for example using a desktop shortcut or menu entry. 生成可安装文件,如.exe .msi .img .rpm .deb等,桌面级 教程

9. 各种事件:

TreeItem.buildEventDispatchChain(EventDispatchChain tail);TreeItem.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {            @Override            public void handle(MouseEvent e) {                if (e.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY)          , e.getScreenX(), e.getScreenY());            }        });
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