
来源:互联网 发布:流星 网络骑士 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 20:07






bool ResTable_config::isBetterThan(const ResTable_config& o,        const ResTable_config* requested) const {        ..........       if (screenType || o.screenType) {            if (density != o.density) {                // Use the system default density (DENSITY_MEDIUM, 160dpi) if none specified.                const int thisDensity = density ? density : int(ResTable_config::DENSITY_MEDIUM);                const int otherDensity = o.density ? o.density : int(ResTable_config::DENSITY_MEDIUM);                // We always prefer DENSITY_ANY over scaling a density bucket.                if (thisDensity == ResTable_config::DENSITY_ANY) {                    return true;                } else if (otherDensity == ResTable_config::DENSITY_ANY) {                    return false;                }                int requestedDensity = requested->density;                if (requested->density == 0 ||                        requested->density == ResTable_config::DENSITY_ANY) {                    requestedDensity = ResTable_config::DENSITY_MEDIUM;                }                // DENSITY_ANY is now dealt with. We should look to                // pick a density bucket and potentially scale it.                // Any density is potentially useful                // because the system will scale it.  Scaling down                // is generally better than scaling up.                int h = thisDensity;                int l = otherDensity;                bool bImBigger = true;                if (l > h) {                    int t = h;                    h = l;                    l = t;                    bImBigger = false;                }                if (requestedDensity >= h) {                    // requested value higher than both l and h, give h                    return bImBigger;                }                if (l >= requestedDensity) {                    // requested value lower than both l and h, give l                    return !bImBigger;                }                // saying that scaling down is 2x better than up                if (((2 * l) - requestedDensity) * h > requestedDensity * requestedDensity) {                    return !bImBigger;                } else {                    return bImBigger;                }            }    .......}

总体来说走的就近原则,选择离当前密度最近的适配值。系统会便遍历整个values下对应的dimen值,选择一个可包含当前屏幕密度的最小区间,如果实在找不到这样的区间,如ldpi和hdpi进行了适配,但是手机是xxhdpi,那么此时就会选择离当前手机屏幕密度最近的端点进行适配,也就是(requestedDensity >= h)或者(l >= requestedDensity—)的情况。如果这样的区间存在,那么就执行 (((2 * l) - requestedDensity) * h > requestedDensity * requestedDensity) 的算法,这里requestedDensity就指的是需要适配手机屏幕密度。这里的l和h为其具体值(单位dpi,如240dpi)与系统默认密度160dpi的比值,也就是系统对dp转化为px的缩放比。

举个例子,就以开篇的那个问题为例,此时l = 0.75, h = 3.0,requestedDensity = 1.5, 那么可以计算得出((2 * l) - requestedDensity) * h < requestedDensity * requestedDensity),返回true,也就是返回了h,也就是xxhdpi的dimen值


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