avrisp mkii问题

来源:互联网 发布:赚流量的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 11:05

ide中using programmer就是使用isp下载器,但前提是你需要先有ide支持的下载器.

一般而言,arduino板的卖家都会把每块板的bootloader都烧好后再出售,这样买家直接收到板后就能够把自己在arduino IDE中编写的程序借助PC的USB口来下载到arduino单片机内。当然,下载bootloader是需要借助于外部下载器的,可支持的下载器不少,基中比较具有性价比的是usbtinyisp.

burn bootloader问题:http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=351276.msg2422759

1.avrispmkii 驱动安装问题:直接插入仿真器后,如果电脑上没有安装avrstudio的话,仿真器在设备管理器中是黄色的,没有驱动。安装avrstudio4,然后插入仿真器,选择自动安装驱动,可以解决此问题。

2. arduino ide不能够直接下载。

win7上 0023,1.0.5版本 下载均有问题。无奈之下换到xp。同样不能够下载。


回头再看,arduino ide直接操作仿真器还是有方法的。http://www.visualmicro.com/post/2014/01/17/AvrIsp-MkII-Usb-Driver-for-Arduino.aspx

AvrIsp MkII (and others) Usb Driver for Arduino

This document solves usb driver errors for the AVRMKII programmer. The error will be:- avrdude: usbdev_open()

Atmel changed the usb driver they install to Jungo which doesn't work with Arduino or Visual Micro

This document explains how to switch the driver to one that the Arduino tool chain will work with.

Tested on Xp, Win7 and Win8.1

1) We downloaded the latest release ( of libusb-win32 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/ but the latest release can be found here http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/

2) Unpack the libusb zip and run the inf-wizard.exe in the bin folder AS ADMINISTRATOR

3) Select the avrisp mkII from the list that appears when you run inf-wizard then click next through the wizard.

4) When prompted select a place on your pc to save the .inf file that the wizard will create. (If you loose the file in the future you can simply repeat the task)

5) When prompted click OK to install the driver.

If required you can run the Atmel Studio 6.1 Jungo driver install again and revert to Atmel Studio drivers with the avrispmkII. 

It is probably also possible to switch back to arduino/avrdude mode by reapplying the .inf created in step 6) via device manager

Sorry about the formatting of the following, it is my fault and caused by conversion from ms word. This update was submiited by Brian M. It explains how to make both the Arduino and Atmel Studio Native commands to work using the same usb driver

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