
来源:互联网 发布:中国学术论文数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 15:37

开发人员可能听到过"bad smell"这个词,这个词用在软件编码中是什么意思呢? 代码还有smell吗?当然没有,正如计算机病毒,bug等词一样,这只是个形象的说法。这个词在这里的意思是代码实现了需求,但是代码却不精炼,冗余,结构混乱,难读懂,难维护,难扩展等等。与之相对应的一个词是"refactor",即代码重构。我们在看些外国人写的程序时可以发现,他们的代码里一般会定义大量的类、接口、方法,类与类,类与接口之间很多是继承和实现的关系,方法的代码行数很少,超过20行代码的方法不多,看他们的代码感觉最多的就是方法之间的调来调去,不像我们的代码,一个方法下来几十上百甚至两三百行都是最基本的语句构成,很少调用自己的方法。两相比较,可以看出,前者在结构上更清晰,通过类视图就可看出设计意图,并且总的代码量不会高于后者,而后者代码量庞大,代码冗余现象严重,结构不清晰,很难维护,如要修改某个错误,可能涉及到要修改的代码点很多,这样后来的维护者就很头疼了。造成这种状况的原因有这样一些:














The 7 stages of refactoring

You have wanted to fix that module for ages. Just one look at it and you cringe. The documentation, the weird naming of functions, classes that are just plain weird. The module hobbeles along, but it is just plain dirty. The real programmer in you cringe, and when there finally is some time to refactor the module, you jump at it.

Step 1 - Desperation 
So you start to have a real good look at what you need to. Fix a class here, rename a few functions there, tear out a few functions here. Simple, right? Well, what at first glance seemed like a simple fix, a few tweaks, now envisions itself as a  monster of badly written code, ambigous comments and weird datastructures. You find members that are (seemingly) never used, functions that do the exact opposite of what they are named, etc. You cannot envision how anyone would be able to finish this is in 5 days (the time you have allocated).

Step 2 - Fixing it one line at a time
You acknowledge that this beast cannot be tackled in a single go, so you start with a part of the module and start with the small things - renaming functions, moving code blocks, create constants. You know that if nothing else you will at least not make the code worse.

Step 3 - Desperation (again)
But then, you hit a brick wall. You see the flaw in trying to reach a local minima, and see what you should do is a total rewrite. You do not have time for that, however, so you make a partial rewrite, by trying to reuse as much as you can from the old code. It will not be perfect, but you will at least try.

Step 4 - Optimism
You pound at the problem for a few days, slowly making progress and improving your code. You see how the code should be, the way the classes are bolted together. Yes, you are a few days overtime on your allotted time, but it is worth it.

Step 5 - Scram
You have used way too much time on this by now, and you feel more and more embarrassed for every standup. What should have been a simple refactoring turned into a total rewrite. And just because you wanted the code to be perfect. So you do some shortcuts, skimp on some documentation here, write it fast and dirty there. It will not be perfect, but it will do. You run the tests, and of course they all fail, but you do some quickfixes, and in the end it works fairly well. You pat yourself on the chest and do the commit.

Step 6 - Fixin time
Your rewrite was not perfect. Although it did pass its tests, they were too narrow and did not cover all the edge cases. So during a few weeks after the rewrite you apply more and more quickfixes, making the design more inelegant for each fix. It is no longer as perfect as you wanted it, but at least it is better.

Step 7 - Enlightenment
6 months passes, and you get another bugfix on the module. It has somehow gotten less pretty by the month. You see the inconsistencies and problems with the design that did not show up when you first had a look at it. And you see that what it replaced might not have been that bad in the first place, it did cover some cases that your code had not thought about. Someone on your team pushes for this to be rewritten, and you step back and let him - hoping that he too will in a few months will be enlightened.

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