RedHat6.5 puppet配置(四)- 默认路径下的文件以及puppet命令解析

来源:互联网 发布:互动百科排名优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:54



[root@puppet-master ~]# find / -name puppet/etc/puppet  #puppet配置文件放置位置,默认配置下需要管理的模块也在该路径下的子目录modules下。/etc/rc.d/init.d/puppet #服务启动脚本/etc/logrotate.d/puppet #日志轮转配置文件,可以修改定制/etc/sysconfig/puppet   #配置puppet服务启动参数,如端口,日志路径等。/usr/bin/puppet #执行文件路径/usr/share/puppet #配置模板等文件/usr/share/puppet/ext/logcheck/puppet/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/rdoc/generators/template/puppet/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppetx/puppet/var/lock/subsys/puppet/var/log/puppet #日志文件路径/var/run/puppet #进程文件/var/lib/puppet #factor收集的信息会放置在这里


puppet help查看的到的命令,包含master,Agent端命令,以及一些辅助命令。

[root@puppet-master ~]# puppet helpUsage: puppet <subcommand> [options] <action> [options]Available subcommands:  agent             The puppet agent daemon #Agent 守护进程  apply             Apply Puppet manifests locally #执行本地配置  ca                Local Puppet Certificate Authority management. #管理本地认证证书  catalog           Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.  cert              Manage certificates and requests #认证签发相关  certificate       Provide access to the CA for certificate management.  certificate_request  Manage certificate requests.  certificate_revocation_list  Manage the list of revoked certificates.  config            Interact with Puppet^s settings.  describe          Display help about resource types  device            Manage remote network devices  doc               Generate Puppet documentation and references  facts             Retrieve and store facts.  file              Retrieve and store files in a filebucket  filebucket        Store and retrieve files in a filebucket  help              Display Puppet help.  inspect           Send an inspection report  instrumentation_data  Manage instrumentation listener accumulated data. DEPRECATED.  instrumentation_listener  Manage instrumentation listeners. DEPRECATED.  instrumentation_probe  Manage instrumentation probes. Deprecated  key               Create, save, and remove certificate keys.  kick              Remotely control puppet agent  man               Display Puppet manual pages.  master            The puppet master daemon  module            Creates, installs and searches for modules on the Puppet Forge.  node              View and manage node definitions.  parser            Interact directly with the parser.  plugin            Interact with the Puppet plugin system.  queue             Deprecated queuing daemon for asynchronous storeconfigs  report            Create, display, and submit reports.  resource          The resource abstraction layer shell  resource_type     View classes, defined resource types, and nodes from all manifests.  secret_agent      Mimics puppet agent.  status            View puppet server status.See ^puppet help <subcommand> <action>^ for help on a specific subcommand action.See ^puppet help <subcommand>^ for help on a specific subcommand.Puppet v3.8.4
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