
来源:互联网 发布:啊哈算法 pdf 完整版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 08:00

/// @file exam_1_1.cpp/// @brief 用位域描述float和double值#include <windows.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stddef.h>#include <crtdbg.h>#include <conio.h>typedef struct _tag_bits_struct_float{    unsigned int data : 23;    unsigned int exp : 8;    unsigned int sign : 1;}TAG_BITS_STRUCT_FLOAT;typedef struct _tag_bits_struct_double{    /// 位域字段长度超过32Bits后, 必须要分成多段    /// data is 52    unsigned int dataL : 32;    unsigned int dataH : 20;    unsigned int exp : 11;    unsigned int sign : 1;}TAG_BITS_STRUCT_DOUBLE;void fnUseBitsStructShowFloat(float fIn);void fnUseBitsStructShowDouble(double dblIn);int main(int argc, char *argv[ ], char *envp[ ]){    fnUseBitsStructShowFloat(3.75f);    fnUseBitsStructShowDouble(3.75);        printf("END, press any key to quit\n");    getchar();        return 0;}void fnUseBitsStructShowFloat(float fIn){    TAG_BITS_STRUCT_FLOAT* pBitStructFloat = (TAG_BITS_STRUCT_FLOAT*)&fIn;    // 00 00 70 40 => low addr to high addr    /**    pBitStructFloat->sign  = 0x0    pBitStructFloat->exp  = 0x80    pBitStructFloat->data = 0x700000    */    printf("pBitStructFloat->sign  = 0x%.1x\n"            "pBitStructFloat->exp  = 0x%.2x\n"            "pBitStructFloat->data = 0x%.3x\n",         pBitStructFloat->sign,        pBitStructFloat->exp,        pBitStructFloat->data);}void fnUseBitsStructShowDouble(double dblIn){    TAG_BITS_STRUCT_DOUBLE* pBitStructDouble = (TAG_BITS_STRUCT_DOUBLE*)&dblIn;    // 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 40        /**    S = 0    double的E = 1023 + N    E = 1 + 1023 = 1024 = 10000000000B    D = 1110B = 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000B    */    /**    pBitStructDouble->sign  = 0x0    pBitStructDouble->exp  = 0x400    pBitStructDouble->dataH = 0xe0000    pBitStructDouble->dataL = 0x0    */    printf("pBitStructDouble->sign  = 0x%x\n"            "pBitStructDouble->exp  = 0x%x\n"            "pBitStructDouble->dataH = 0x%x\n"             "pBitStructDouble->dataL = 0x%x\n",         pBitStructDouble->sign,        pBitStructDouble->exp,        pBitStructDouble->dataH,        pBitStructDouble->dataL);}

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