Chromium Weekly 3

来源:互联网 发布:天津城建大学学校域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 02:30


1.Binding team 2015

* more conformant with the spec (Capabilities)
* easier to use (Internal productivity)
* faster (Performance)

* More conformant with the spec
* Support more IDL features
* Make existing Blink IDLs more conformant

Define good dependency rules among the components

Fig.1.1 The current architecture

Make it much easier and faster to implement chrome/content/ ⇔ Blink interactions

Fig.1.2 The proposed architecture

Reduce the binding overhead

  • Reduce # of CPU instructions in the binding code
  • Remove TryCatch blocks
  • Remove redundant branch conditions

This document proposes a way to re-architect Blink directories and their dependencies after the repository merge and the core-modules componentization. The goal of the re-architecture is to remove unnecessary layering abstractions between Chromium and Blink and make the interaction simpler and faster.

Fig.2.1 The current architecture

Fig.2.2 The proposed architecture

public/web/ contains WebXXX classes exposed from Blink to content/.

public/delegate/ contains WebXXX classes exposed from content/ to Blink.




1.Scheduling JS Timer Execution

Reduce Jank, input latency and queueing durations by allowing the scheduler to defer javascript timer execution.

Input tasks and (sometimes) compositor tasks are on the critical path for smoothness.
Javascript supports several APIs (setTimeout and setInterval) collectively known as DOMTimers. While these can block the main thread for an arbitrary length of time, this document is focused on fixing problems cause by tasks running at unfortunate times.

对用户输入的响应速度,事关感受上的流畅性。这篇主要就是把Input tasks和Compositor tasks优先级提高,JS Timer放入单独的队列,并对其优先级降低。尽量放在Idle时间来执行它。这个优化主要是针对移动端的。


1. Defining a new attribute for Script tags in chrome

1) src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/
==> added newAttr;

2) src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/HTMLScriptElement.idl
==> added a new field in the HTMLScriptElement interface as below
attribute DOMString new;

2.Tracking slimming paint performance

I’m going to continue manually running cluster telemetry runs on the top 10k pages every morning.

3.Scheduling JS Timer Execution

The chromium side of the Workers needs to live in content/child which isn’t allowed to include files from content/renderer (the reverse is allowed).

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