cocos 3.8.1 jsb chipmunk 在android 以及 ios上的区别

来源:互联网 发布:pid算法实例讲解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 06:51

不知为何,chipmunk的 native版本 在 ios及 android上的 表现会不一样.
我用的是 cocos3.8.1

这个函数 在 mac与 ios 的 native平台,调用了以后 没有任何效果.

/// Set a collision handler to be used whenever the two shapes with the given collision types collide./// You can pass null for any function you don't want to implement.Space.prototype.addCollisionHandler = function(a, b, begin, preSolve, postSolve, separate){    assertSpaceUnlocked(this);    // Remove any old function so the new one will get added.    this.removeCollisionHandler(a, b);    var handler = new CollisionHandler();    handler.a = a;    handler.b = b;    if(begin) handler.begin = begin;    if(preSolve) handler.preSolve = preSolve;    if(postSolve) handler.postSolve = postSolve;    if(separate) handler.separate = separate;    this.collisionHandlers[hashPair(a, b)] = handler;};

以下是我的碰撞检测函数.在 android及其它平台上,效果都是正常的.并且表现形式也一样.

        space.addCollisionHandler(1,    5,self._collisionWallBegin.bind(this),null,null,null);    _collisionWallBegin = function(arbiter, space){        //子弹与 墙碰撞        var self = this;        var shapes = arbiter.getShapes();        var collTypeA = shapes[0].collision_type;        var collTypeB = shapes[1].collision_type;        var p = arbiter.getPoint(0);        var notfire = false;        if(p.x-22>=cc.winSize.width || p.y>=350){            notfire = true;        }        if(!notfire){            //检查是什么类型子弹.别和墙碰撞            if(!shapes[0]._bulletsprite.isCollisionBottomWall()){                return false;            }        }        console.log( 'Collision Type A:' + collTypeA );        console.log( 'Collision Type B:' + collTypeB  + ' nofire:'+notfire + '  x:'+ p.x);        if(shapes[0]._bulletsprite.clearBulletPartial(notfire?0.1:0.03,notfire)){            return false;        }{            self._fightLogic.attackMiss(myconfig.controlconfig.collisiontype_wall);        });        return false;    }

这样的代码 在 mac 及 ios上 无法工作..视觉上的确已经发生了碰撞,但是这段碰撞检测代码根本就不调用


后来尝试添加了一下 默认的 碰撞检测
/// Set a default collision handler for this space./// The default collision handler is invoked for each colliding pair of shapes/// that isn't explicitly handled by a specific collision handler./// You can pass null for any function you don't want to implement.Space.prototype.setDefaultCollisionHandler = function(begin, preSolve, postSolve, separate){    assertSpaceUnlocked(this);    var handler = new CollisionHandler();    if(begin) handler.begin = begin;    if(preSolve) handler.preSolve = preSolve;    if(postSolve) handler.postSolve = postSolve;    if(separate) handler.separate = separate;    this.defaultHandler = handler;};

也就是调用这个函数添加默认碰撞检测., space){             //   console.log('default collision begin');                var self = this;                var shapes = arbiter.getShapes();                var collTypeA = shapes[0].collision_type;                var collTypeB = shapes[1].collision_type;},null,null,null);

结果很兴奋,这个检测函数可以工作了.(为什么兴奋?工作不是才是正常的么? :( 要是你也碰到这种奇葩问题 也会很兴奋的.)

既然可以检测碰撞了.那么 就可以解决问题了.

为了与 其它平台能用.就做了个以下的特殊处理.问题得以解决

        if(cc.sys.os == cc.sys.OS_OSX ||cc.sys.os == cc.sys.OS_IOS )        {//特殊处理            var collisions = {};   = function(typea,typeb,fun){                if(!collisions[typea]){                    collisions[typea] = {};                }                collisions[typea][typeb] = fun;            };  , space){             //   console.log('default collision begin');                var self = this;                var shapes = arbiter.getShapes();                var collTypeA = shapes[0].collision_type;                var collTypeB = shapes[1].collision_type;            //    console.log( 'Collision Type A:' + collTypeA );            //    console.log( 'Collision Type B:' + collTypeB );                var coll = collisions[collTypeA];                if(coll && coll[collTypeB]){                    return coll[collTypeB](arbiter,space);                    //特殊处理                }else if(collisions[collTypeB] && collisions[collTypeB][collTypeA]){                    //颠倒的.```                    var p = arbiter.getPoint(0);                    var myarb = {                        getShapes:function(){                            return [shapes[1],shapes[0]];                        },                        getPoint:function(x){                            return p;                        }                    };                    return collisions[collTypeB][collTypeA](myarb,space);                }            },null,null,null);        }


我后来想想 也有可能 我使用 addCollisionHandler 这个函数的 姿势不对?..希望有大牛帮忙解惑.

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