Redis: Jedis 源代码剖析1-链接建立和收发命令

来源:互联网 发布:蓝可儿事件 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 17:39

Jedis作为Redis  Java语言推荐的客户端被广泛使用。让我们一探Jedis源代码究竟。


 //创建Redis客户端 Jedis jedis = new Jedis(); //调用set 命令,返回状态标记 String code=jedis.set("s", "s"); System.out.println("code="+code); //调用get命令 String s =jedis.get("s"); System.out.println("s="+s);
Jedis jedis=new Jedis();主要是创建链接Redis服务器的客户端。



//Jedis客户端链接,使用原始socket进行链接public class Connection implements Closeable {    private static final byte[][] EMPTY_ARGS = new byte[0][];  //默认主机  private String host = Protocol.DEFAULT_HOST;  //默认端口  private int port = Protocol.DEFAULT_PORT;  //原始socket  private Socket socket;  //输入输出流  private RedisOutputStream outputStream;  private RedisInputStream inputStream;  private int connectionTimeout = Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;  private int soTimeout = Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;  private boolean broken = false;  public Connection() {  }}

由Connection的成员变量中可以看出来。Jedis使用了元素的JDK IO  Socket来处理网络通信的。

到此,Jedis 对象就创建处理啦。


在调用  String code=jedis.set("s", "s"); 命令的时候,才是真正创建链接的过程。

Client(BinaryClient).set(byte[], byte[])   方法参数就是把由String 字符串转换成字节数值。

并调用Client(Connection).sendCommand(ProtocolCommand, byte[]...) 方法来发送Redis命令。

  //每次发送命令前都判断是否链接,如果链接端口并且链接不上,则抛出异常  protected Connection sendCommand(final ProtocolCommand cmd, final byte[]... args) {    try {      connect();//每次发送Redis命令都会调用Connect()方法来链接Redis远程服务器      Protocol.sendCommand(outputStream, cmd, args); //操作socket 的输出流来发送命令      return this;    } catch (JedisConnectionException ex) {      /*       * When client send request which formed by invalid protocol, Redis send back error message       * before close connection. We try to read it to provide reason of failure.       */      try {        String errorMessage = Protocol.readErrorLineIfPossible(inputStream);        if (errorMessage != null && errorMessage.length() > 0) {          ex = new JedisConnectionException(errorMessage, ex.getCause());        }      } catch (Exception e) {        /*         * Catch any IOException or JedisConnectionException occurred from InputStream#read and just         * ignore. This approach is safe because reading error message is optional and connection         * will eventually be closed.         */      }      // Any other exceptions related to connection?      broken = true;      throw ex;    }  }

  //在发送命令之前连接redis服务器  public void connect() {    if (!isConnected()) {      try {    //创建新socket          socket = new Socket();        //设置socket参数        socket.setReuseAddress(true);        socket.setKeepAlive(true); // Will monitor the TCP connection is        // valid        socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); // Socket buffer Whetherclosed, to        // ensure timely delivery of data        socket.setSoLinger(true, 0); // Control calls close () method,        // the underlying socket is closed        // immediately        // <-@wjw_add        //设置链接超时时间        socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), connectionTimeout);        //设置读取超时时间        socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout);        //获取socket原始输入输出流        outputStream = new RedisOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());        inputStream = new RedisInputStream(socket.getInputStream());      } catch (IOException ex) {        broken = true;        throw new JedisConnectionException(ex);      }    }  }


  @Override  public void connect() {    if (!isConnected()) {      super.connect();      if (password != null) {        auth(password);        getStatusCodeReply();      }      if (db > 0) {        select(Long.valueOf(db).intValue());        getStatusCodeReply();      }    }  }


  /**  对于Value值存在最大范围上线。   * Set the string value as value of the key. The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1   * GB).   * <p>   * Time complexity: O(1)   * @param key   * @param value   * @return Status code reply   */  @Override  public String set(final String key, String value) {    checkIsInMultiOrPipeline();    client.set(key, value);    return client.getStatusCodeReply();  }


  public String getStatusCodeReply() {    flush();    final byte[] resp = (byte[]) readProtocolWithCheckingBroken();    if (null == resp) {      return null;    } else {      return SafeEncoder.encode(resp);    }  }

读取数据流最终通过SocketInputStream 类来读取。


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