
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺动态怎么看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 20:23
</pre>简单的读写 excel 用例<pre name="code" class="python">#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# @Date    : 2014-04-10 21:47:56# @Function: 指定选取三列然后挑选出同时满足>=1或者同时<=-1的 将其所有数据存入新的csv表格中 # @Author  : BeginManimport osimport stringimport xlrdimport xlwtdef get_data():    """获取excel数据源"""    #file = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\pytool\xlrd\initial_log_data.xls'     file = '/home/Svn_podm/zengjj/file.xlsx'    # 改成自己的路径    filepath = raw_input('please input the file name:')    is_valid = False    # 验证文件    try:        filepath = [file, filepath][filepath != '']    print filepath    # 判断给出的路径是不是xls格式        if os.path.isfile(filepath):            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)            if filename.split('.')[1] == 'xlsx':                is_valid = True                data = None    if is_valid:            data = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath)    except Exception, e:    print 'operation failed %s' %e    return None    return datadef handle_data():    """处理数据"""    data = get_data()        if data:        col_format = ['B', 'C', 'D']    # 指定的列        inp = raw_input('please input the choice three colume ,division by , : ')    try:            inp = inp.split(',')            col_format = [col_format,inp][len([i for i in inp if i in string.letters]) == 3]            col_format = [i.upper() for i in col_format]           # 转换成大写            table = data.sheet_by_index(0)                         # 选取第一个工作区            nrows = table.nrows                                    # 行数            ncols = table.ncols                                    # 列数            str_upcase = [i for i in string.uppercase]             # 所有大写字母            i_upcase = range(len(str_upcase))                      # 对应的数字            ncols_dir = dict(zip(str_upcase,i_upcase))             # 格式成字典            col_index = [ncols_dir.get(i) for i in col_format]     # 获取指定列所对应的索引            # 选取的三列是否同时满足 >=1或者同时<=-1            print 'checking:\n'            count = 0            result = []            for i in xrange(nrows):                cell_0 = table.cell(i,col_index[0]).value                cell_1 = table.cell(i,col_index[1]).value                cell_2 = table.cell(i,col_index[2]).value            if (cell_0>=1 and cell_1>=1 and cell_2>=1) or (cell_0<=-1 and cell_1<=-1 and cell_2<=-1):                    result.append(table.row_values(i))    # 将符合要求的一行添加进去                    count += 1            print 'all rows %s cols %s  satify %s' %(nrows, ncols, count)            print 'write data'            col_name = col_format[0]+col_format[1]+col_format[2]            if write_data(result, col_name):            print 'write success'    except Exception, e:            print 'operation failed %s' %e            return None    else:    print 'operation failed'    return Nonedef write_data(data, name):    """写入数据,data为符合条件的数据列表,name表示指定的哪三个列,以此命名"""    file = xlwt.Workbook()    table = file.add_sheet(name,cell_overwrite_ok=True)       l = 0   # 表示行    for line in data:        c = 0 # 表示一行下的列数    for col in line:            table.write(l,c,line[c])            c += 1        l += 1       defatul_f = os.getcwd()  # 默认路径    f = raw_input('choice the file to save:')    f_name = '/%s.xls' % name    filepath = [defatul_f+f_name, f+f_name][f != '']    file.save(filepath)    return Truedef main():    handle_data()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()

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