webrtc(一) agc

来源:互联网 发布:iphone手机主题软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 14:19



  enum Mode {    // Adaptive mode intended for use if an analog volume control is available    // on the capture device. It will require the user to provide coupling    // between the OS mixer controls and AGC through the |stream_analog_level()|    // functions.    //      // It consists of an analog gain prescription for the audio device and a    // digital compression stage.    kAdaptiveAnalog,    // Adaptive mode intended for situations in which an analog volume control    // is unavailable. It operates in a similar fashion to the adaptive analog    // mode, but with scaling instead applied in the digital domain. As with    // the analog mode, it additionally uses a digital compression stage.    kAdaptiveDigital,    // Fixed mode which enables only the digital compression stage also used by    // the two adaptive modes.    //      // It is distinguished from the adaptive modes by considering only a    // short time-window of the input signal. It applies a fixed gain through    // most of the input level range, and compresses (gradually reduces gain    // with increasing level) the input signal at higher levels. This mode is    // preferred on embedded devices where the capture signal level is    // predictable, so that a known gain can be applied.    kFixedDigital  };
  1. kAdaptiveAnalog
    适合用desktop platforms,模拟信号可控音量
  2. kAdaptiveDigital
    适合用mobile device,没有音量控制
  3. kFixedDigital


以下摘自于 http://rg4.net/archives/797.html
AGC parameters:
1. Target level DBFS
According to the description of webrtc:
Change of this parameter will set the target peak |level| (or envelope) of the AGC in dBFs (decibels from digital full-scale).
The convention is to use positive values.
For instance, passing in a value of 3 corresponds to -3 dBFs, or a target level 3 dB below full-scale.

Value range: limited to [0, 31].

TODO(ajm): use a negative value here instead, if/when VoE will similarly update its interface.
2. Compression gain DB
Sets the maximum |gain| the digital compression stage may apply, in dB. A higher number corresponds to greater compression, while a value of 0 will leave the signal uncompressed.

Value range: limited to [0, 90]

3. Enable limiter or not
When enabled, the compression stage will hard limit the signal to the target level. Otherwise, the signal will be compressed but not limited above the target level.

4. Analog level limits
Sets the |minimum| and |maximum| analog levels of the audio capture device.
Must be set if and only if an analog mode is used.

Value range: limited to [0, 65535].

5. Stream saturated or not
Returns true if the AGC has detected a saturation event (period where the signal reaches digital full-scale) in the current frame and the analog level cannot be reduced.
This could be used as an indicator to reduce or disable analog mic gain at the audio HAL.
以上摘自于 http://rg4.net/archives/797.html



commit 99f8566524b3764bf84b7f4cbd8232bdf6c142a5Author: kjellander <kjellander@webrtc.org>Date:   Sun Nov 29 20:50:44 2015 -0800


int agcTest2(char *filename, char *outfilename, int mode){    //init agc    void *agcInst = WebRtcAgc_Create();    int minLevel = 0;    int maxLevel = 255;    int agcMode  = kAgcModeFixedDigital;    int fs       = 16000;    int status   = 0;     status = WebRtcAgc_Init(agcInst, minLevel, maxLevel, agcMode, fs);    if(status != 0)    {        printf("failed in WebRtcAgc_Init\n");        return -1;    }    WebRtcAgcConfig agcConfig;    agcConfig.compressionGaindB = 20;//在Fixed模式下,越大声音越大    agcConfig.limiterEnable = 1;    agcConfig.targetLevelDbfs = 3;   //dbfs表示相对于full scale的下降值,0表示full scale,越小声音越大    status = WebRtcAgc_set_config(agcInst, agcConfig);    if(status != 0)    {        printf("failed in WebRtcAgc_set_config\n");        return -1;    }    //alloc    FILE *infp=fopen(filename,"r");    int nBands = 1;    int frameSize = 160;//10ms对应于160个short    short **pData = (short**)malloc(nBands*sizeof(short*));    pData[0] = (short*)malloc(frameSize*sizeof(short));    short **pOutData = (short**)malloc(nBands*sizeof(short*));    pOutData[0] = (short*)malloc(frameSize*sizeof(short));    //process    FILE *outfp = fopen(outfilename,"w");    int len = frameSize;    int micLevelIn = 0;    int micLevelOut = 0;    while(len > 0)    {        memset(pData[0], 0, frameSize*sizeof(short));        len = fread(pData[0], sizeof(short), frameSize, infp);        int inMicLevel  = micLevelOut;        int outMicLevel = 0;        uint8_t saturationWarning;        status = WebRtcAgc_Process(agcInst, pData, nBands, frameSize, pOutData, inMicLevel, &outMicLevel, 0, &saturationWarning);        if (status != 0)        {            printf("failed in WebRtcAgc_Process\n");            return -1;        }        if (saturationWarning == 1)        {            printf("saturationWarning\n");        }        micLevelIn = outMicLevel;        //write file        len = fwrite(pOutData[0], sizeof(short), len, outfp);    }    fclose(infp);    fclose(outfp);    WebRtcAgc_Free(agcInst);    free(pData[0]);    free(pData);    free(pOutData[0]);    free(pOutData);




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